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Appearing Together with Rizky Febian, Ira Khayz Learns a Lot

Appearing Together with Rizky Febian, Ira Khayz Learns a Lot Ira Khayz © Santoso - Newcomer singer Ira Khayz feels proud to be a guest star at the Super VIP Music Festival. Moreover, at the event, Ira entertained the audience virtually with Rizky Febian who was also a guest star.

This opportunity makes her grateful. Ira, who sang 4 songs at the event, gained a lot of new lessons and experiences. Especially when seeing how experienced Rizky Febian performed.

"I was really nervous. I was so excited to be performing with Rizky Febian. He is really far above me, so it motivates me too. Being here for me is an achievement and also a chance to learn to be more professional," she said when met in Gandaria, South Jakarta, on Wednesday (23/2).

1. Ira Khayz's Figure

The name Ira Khayz itself may still be unfamiliar to music lovers in the country. Because indeed, this woman who has been singing since the age of 3 is still new and will release her debut single in early March.

"My single is titled 'Bukan Cinta' (Not Love). It will be available on all digital platforms. The song is mellow and hopefully can represent the feelings of many people. It's also a personal experience. Because when I sing, I prefer to get the feel from personal experience," she continued.

2. VIP Music Festival

As information, the Super VIP Music Festival itself has taken place in November last year. Many musicians and singers have performed at the event from various genres. Starting from pop, dangdut, rock, and many more.

The Super VIP Music Festival is regularly held twice a week with a total duration of 6 hours. For those who want to watch, you can stand by every Wednesday and Friday from 19:30 to 22:30 WIB on Bigo Live.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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