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Bass G, Starting From a Dream of Becoming a Football Player and Drifting into Music

Bass G, Starting From a Dream of Becoming a Football Player and Drifting into Music © Special - Surely there are many people who have dreams in their childhood, then drift when they start their career in the world. The same goes for what Sebastian Geraldo Bhaskara Putra Sibbald or commonly known as Bass G experienced by music enthusiasts and other vocal artists.

Because, Bass G really dreamed of stepping on the competitive sports stage as a football player. But it was his skill in playing the saxophone that brought him to stages in various countries outside of Indonesia.

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Yes, Bass G then formed a duo with his brother, G&B (Gadiz V and Bass G) in 2003. Since then, they have transformed into a duo that plays saxophone and bass music in a fun and enjoyable way. A year later, G&B released their first album, EXCOTIC SAXES.

Without taking long, the music presented by G&B successfully caught the attention of jazz music enthusiasts. In their second album, SAX CHEMISTRY, they collaborated directly with Tompi on 2 tracks. This was followed by their third full release, which then featured the name of the late Glenn Fredly.

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Slowly, Bass G began to taste various prestigious stages with the duo that he initiated with his brother. Starting from Friday Jazz Night, Jazz Goes To Campus, Java Jazz, to stages in countries like Singapore, Shanghai, Kuala Lumpur, and others. This does not include festivals like Kuala Lumpur Jazz Festival 2007, Orbit Room, Toronto Canada.

With its young age, Bass G has successfully made a name for itself in various collaborations with renowned jazz musicians such as Bubi Chen, Benny Likumahuwa, Indra Lesmana, Ron Davis, Timothy O'Dwyer, and Rit Xu. So, Bass G and duo G&B are one of our recommendations, especially if you are a jazz music enthusiast.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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