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Being Productive During the Covid-19 Pandemic, Suara Kayu Duo Group Releases New Single Titled '24 Hours'

Being Productive During the Covid-19 Pandemic, Suara Kayu Duo Group Releases New Single Titled '24 Hours' Suara Kayu (Credit: Special) - The Suara Kayu duo group has been truly productive during the Covid-19 pandemic. After releasing the song Kaktus (Sibling Without Status) last March, now the group consisting of Dewangga Elsandro and Ingrid Tamara has released a new single titled 24 Hours.

It didn't take long to complete the song 24 Hours. Ingrid Tamara said that working on the song 24 Hours was relatively short, especially the music arrangement process.

1. Quite Short

"The 24-hour song arrangement process is considered quite short. During the recording day, we thought from the beginning to the end of a full ukulele that leads because of the impression of a wooden lullaby. The rest is just about the chords, mood, and selection of supporting instruments," said Inggrid, on Saturday (24/4/2021).

The 24-hour song tells the story of the happy feelings of lovers who want to spend time with each other. This song gives the characteristic of Suara Kayu with its unique lyrics and provides a deeper emotional side of them, and it is beautifully packaged.

2. Lyrics Story

"The main point is how to make this song a simple lullaby, even though the lyrics tell a story. Our impression of the 24-hour song, hopefully this song can represent the longing for him/her, wanting to spend all the time together," said Inggrid.

"When making and singing this song, we can feel the moment and smile to ourselves. Hopefully, all Suara Kayu friends can feel the same thing," concluded Ingrid.

3. Remember Mother's Message

The pandemic should not be a barrier for anyone to continue being productive. In addition, always remember to #RememberMother'sMessage. Wear a mask, wash your hands regularly, limit mobility, avoid crowds, and maintain distance. Hopefully KLovers stay healthy always!


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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