Bring the 'Cinta Fitri' Soundtrack, Tissa Biani Appears Elegant in the MV 'Atas Nama Cinta' Directed by Anggy Umbara
Tissa Biani / Photo Credit: MD Music Indonesia - In the early 2000s, the soap opera Cinta Fitri was so booming that it was aired for 7 seasons. This time, MD Pictures collaborated with WeTV Indonesia to present a remake of the popular soap opera in a modern version. Not playing around, the famous director, Anggy Umbara, was appointed to direct this WeTV Original series.
Not inferior to the original version, this new version of Cinta Fitri is also starred by a number of famous actors and actresses, such as Tissa Biani, Rizky Nazar, Omar Daniel, Josephine Firmstone, and Gemi Nastiti. Tissa can be said to be one of the central figures in this project. Besides playing the main character Fitri, she also performed the main soundtrack titled Atas Nama Cinta by Melly Goeslaw, which was previously popularized by Rossa. This soundtrack was made in collaboration with MD Music Indonesia.
Several well-known musicians were also involved in the making of this soundtrack, such as Pika Iskandar, Pungky Purnanto, and many others. The song's atmosphere is transformed into a Modern-Pop style, giving a fresh impression to the listeners.
“In my opinion, the current version is more suitable for the Z generation because of its more contemporary arrangement,” Tissa said about the single Atas Nama Cinta that she performed in a press release received by
1. Chemistry Tissa Biani and Rizky Nazar
Photo Credit: MD Music Indonesia
Being involved as the main cast and also contributing to the soundtrack of the series Cinta Fitri certainly makes Tissa feel very proud. For her, this is a challenge in itself to be able to bring something new.
"My hope is that this series and its soundtrack can be liked and entertain many people," she said.
The music video for Atas Nama Cinta has also been officially released on the MD Music Youtube channel. Rizky Nazar, who is Tissa's co-star in the series Cinta Fitri, is also involved as a model in the music video. Their chemistry is seen as amazing in the MV, which is also directed by Anggy Umbara.
Curious about the latest version of Atas Nama Cinta performed by Tissa Biani? Watch the music video below.
2. MV 'Atas Nama Cinta'
Video by: MD Music
Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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