Kapanlagi.com - One of the biggest rock music festivals in Southeast Asia, JogjaROCKarta Festival (JRF) #4, was held at Kridosono Stadium, Yogyakarta, on Sunday (1/3). Despite the rain, the event organized by Rajawali Indonesia remained crowded with visitors.
Jakarta-based band Kelompok Penerbang Roket kicks off JRF #4 with the song Anjing Jalanan. The song successfully heats up and ignites the enthusiasm of the audience in the midst of medium-intensity rain. Wearing raincoats, the audience starts moving towards the stage.
1. Don't Want the Audience's Spirit to Decrease

© KapanLagi.com/Matias Purwanto
Not wanting to let the audience's spirit decrease, Target Operasi becomes the next ammunition from the band led by John Paul Patton (bass, lead vocals), Rey Marshall (guitar, back vocals), and I Gusi Vinranta (drums, back vocals). Then Berita Angkasa resounded after that.
"Good afternoon Jogja, good afternoon Jogjarockarta. We are very happy to be here, especially with the legends," said Patton from the stage.
"Thank you Rajawali Indonesia, CEO Mr. Anas, Sultan Hamengkubuwono X, Mr. Ganjar Pranowo, and of course all of you who have come in the rain," continued Patton.
2. End the Performance with the Song Mati Muda
After that, Dikejar Setan, which is their new song, becomes the next ammunition. Combined with the song Mati Muda, Kelompok Penerbang Roket ended their performance at JogjaROCKarta #4.
Actually, Kelompok Penerbang Roket was not the first band to perform. Unfortunately, due to unfavorable weather conditions, Death Vomit had to cancel their performance. Other bands such as Navicula, Gos Bless, and Powerslaves also performed at this event. In addition to The Hu, an international band, two supergroup legendary bands, Scorpions and Whitesnake, became the main menu at JRF #4.
Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.