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Lyrics and Meaning of the Song Tersenyumlah - Opick, A Positive Message for Living Life

Lyrics and Meaning of the Song Tersenyumlah - Opick, A Positive Message for Living Life Lyrics and Meaning of the Song Tersenyumlah - Opick (credit: instagram/opick_tomboati) -

There is much music that has the power to touch the heart and provide spirit, the song Tersenyumlah by Opick is one example. This song contains a deep message about resilience, sincerity, and gratitude in living life. With meaningful lyrics, this song invites its listeners to keep smiling even when facing various trials.

The song Tersenyumlah by Opick illustrates that everything in this world is temporary. Sadness, difficulties, and suffering will pass, like rain replacing a long drought or the sun dispelling the darkness of night. Opick conveys that with a grateful heart, one will find true peace and happiness.

For those of you who want to feel tranquility through this song, understanding its lyrics can be a first step. Here are the complete lyrics of the song Tersenyumlah by Opick that are full of meaning and inspiration.

1. Lyrics of the Song Tersenyumlah - Opick

Like rain wetting the earth
Erasing the long drought
Like the sun rising in the east
Darkness is crushed by light
Like sorrow that will surely pass
Like night will go away
Like your tears that will surely stop
Smile, don’t give up

No life is eternal anymore
The feeling of love, sorrow, happiness
All because of His love
Tears of laughter, happiness

Smile, oh soul
Joy and sorrow are a blessing
Find the beauty of feeling in the soul
A grateful heart will find happiness

Smile, oh soul
Joy and sorrow are a blessing
Find the beauty of feeling in the soul
A grateful heart will find happiness

Like rain wetting the earth
Erasing the long drought
Like the sun rising in the east
Darkness is crushed by light
Like sorrow that will surely pass
Like night will go away
Like your tears that will surely stop
Smile, don’t give up

Smile, oh soul
Joy and sorrow are a blessing
Find the beauty of feeling in the soul
A grateful heart will find happiness

Smile, oh soul
Joy and sorrow are a blessing
Find the beauty of feeling in the soul
A grateful heart will find happiness

A grateful heart will find happiness
Smile, oh soul
Joy and sorrow are a blessing
Find the beauty of feeling in the soul
A grateful heart will find happiness

Smile, don’t give up
Be grateful you found happiness
Smile, don’t give up
Be grateful you found happiness
Be grateful you will be happy

2. Meaning of the Song Tersenyumlah - Opick

The meaning of the song Tersenyumlah by Opick teaches about resilience and gratitude in facing life. The lyrics depict that all sadness and trials are only temporary, like rain that washes away drought or night that will surely be replaced by morning. The main message of this song is that we should not dwell in sorrow, because every test will pass and bring wisdom behind it.

Opick also emphasizes that joy and sorrow are parts of life given by God as a form of His love. With a grateful heart, one can find true happiness, not from worldly things alone, but from inner peace. This song invites us to see everything from a more positive perspective.

In the end, the song Tersenyumlah reminds us that the key to happiness is accepting every situation sincerely and being grateful. When we are able to see the beauty in every experience, whether joy or sorrow, our hearts will be calmer and at peace. By smiling and staying enthusiastic, we can face life better.

That is the review of the lyrics and interpretation of the meaning of the song Tersenyumlah by Opick that carries a positive message. Find reviews of other interesting song lyrics and meanings at If not now, when?


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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