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Release of the Song 'Untuk Indonesiaku', God Bless Influenced by Slipknot Sound

Release of the Song 'Untuk Indonesiaku', God Bless Influenced by Slipknot Sound God Bless © Santoso - The music group God Bless continues to present their latest works in the Indonesian music industry. The latest one is their band, consisting of Ahmad Albar, Ian Antono, Donny Fattah, Abadi Soesman, and Fajar Satritama, who have just released their latest single titled Untuk Indonesiaku.

The song Untuk Indonesiaku is very special to God Bless. This is because it is the last work of God Bless' friend, Areng Widodo, who passed away in 2019. What's interesting about this single is that God Bless is slightly influenced by the sound of the band Slipknot.

"There was a shadow at that time, there were several marching songs by Slipknot, I forgot which album it was, it was like that. Finally, I took several snare takes to get that nuance," said Fajar, the drummer of God Bless during a virtual press conference on Tuesday (18/8/2020).

1. No Constraints

Working on the song Untuk Indonesiaku, the band that was formed in 1973 went smoothly, without any constraints. Even though it was done during the COVID-19 pandemic. God Bless guitarist, Ian Antono, admitted that he had stopped playing the guitar at the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic.

"During the recording, we had practiced several times, so my fingers were already a bit tired, and the song is not difficult, just playing with feelings. So it's not that difficult," said Ian Antono.

2. Released on Independence Day

The song Untuk Indonesiaku was released coinciding with the celebration of Indonesia's 75th Independence Day. This song can also be heard through various digital platforms starting from August 17, 2020. What is clear is that this single contains a testimony of love for the homeland from the perspective of an artist.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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