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10 Meanings of Dreaming about Thieves that Often Cause Anxiety, Can Be a Good or Bad Sign

10 Meanings of Dreaming about Thieves that Often Cause Anxiety, Can Be a Good or Bad Sign Illustration of the Meaning of Dreaming about Thieves that Often Cause Anxiety (credit: unsplash) - Javanese primbon discusses the meaning of dreams that are often experienced by many people. Among the many types of dreams, dreaming about thieves is one of the most intriguing. It is proven that many people eventually seek to find out the meaning of dreaming about thieves in primbon. According to Javanese primbon, dreaming about thieves is often considered to have its own meaning.

In the belief of traditional Javanese society, dreaming about thieves is often interpreted as a warning or a sign related to potential dangers in the future. It is understandable, as the presence of a thief is considered a symbol of security and protection.

However, the meaning of dreaming about thieves in primbon does not always mean something bad. There are several dreams about thieves that are believed to bring good signs. Curious about the explanation of Javanese primbon regarding the meaning of dreaming about thieves? Just read the following review.

1. Meaning of Dream of a Thief Entering the House

According to Primbon, every dream about theft has its own meaning. However, as mentioned earlier in society, dreaming of a thief entering the house is often interpreted as a sign of something bad happening. But apparently, according to Javanese Primbon, the meaning of dreaming of a thief entering the house is actually the opposite.

Dreaming of a house being invaded by a thief is believed to be a good sign. This dream can be a signal that your family will receive a large amount of fortune. So don't immediately panic and worry.

2. Meaning of Dream of a Known Thief

In dreams, anything is possible. You may dream of catching a thief red-handed who turns out to be someone you know. Now if you dream something like this, you don't need to worry too much. Because according to Primbon, this dream is interpreted as a good sign. This dream indicates that you will gain knowledge, advice, or benefits from the person who appears as the thief in the dream.

3. Meaning of Dream Seeing a Thief Trying to Kill Someone

Dreaming of seeing a thief is already tense. Moreover, if you see a thief trying to kill someone. Having such a dream can definitely make you feel double nervous.

This dream is interpreted as related to self-confidence issues. This dream can be a sign that the dreamer has many desires in life. Unfortunately, they are not too confident and always feel afraid of failure.

4. Meaning of Dream Catching a Thief

If the dreams about thieves above make you nervous, then dreaming of catching a thief can actually give a feeling of relief. Yes, who wouldn't feel relieved and proud if they dream of catching a thief. Well, the meaning of this dream of a thief is also a good sign related to your current career or job.

Because, in that dream, the figure of the thief can be a manifestation of your career journey. Successfully catching a thief in a dream means you will have a brilliant career. Specifically, this is realized in the form of promotion or salary increase.

5. Meaning of Dreaming of a Neighbor's House Thief

Dreaming of witnessing a thief in a neighbor's house may feel a little strange and odd. So, what does this dream mean when it appears during sleep?

Unfortunately, dreaming of a thief in a neighbor's house can be a sign of something negative. According to Primbon (Javanese divination), this dream can be a symbol that you cannot maintain good relationships with people around you, such as your partner, family, friends, or neighbors. So, this dream can be a warning for you to self-evaluate, in order to restore harmonious relationships with people around you.

6. Meaning of Dreaming of a Chicken Thief

Chickens are often targeted by thieves as pets. In villages, chicken theft used to happen quite frequently. Dreaming of a chicken thief is actually considered good in Javanese divination. This dream is believed to be a sign that the dreamer will meet an ideal partner. Not only that, dreaming of a chicken thief can also be related to positive things in work, such as salary increase or promotion.

7. Meaning of Dreaming of Stolen Motorcycle

Motorcycle is one of the main vehicles for many people. With a motorcycle, mobility can be more practical, easy, and fast. The high buying and selling price of motorcycles also makes this vehicle a frequent target for thieves.

Now, if you dream of your motorcycle being stolen, then you should be cautious. According to the meaning of dreaming in Primbon, dreaming of a stolen motorcycle can be a bad sign. This dream can be a sign that you will lose your fortune in the near future.

8. Meaning of Dreaming of Stolen Money

Among many valuable items, cash is one of the main targets for thieves. Experiencing a theft of money can be terrifying. Especially if the money is the savings from hard work that has been accumulated for a long time.

However, if you dream of a theft of money, you don't need to worry excessively. According to Primbon maling, this dream actually has a quite good meaning. Furthermore, the meaning of this dream according to Javanese Primbon is that you will become a source of happiness or fortune for the people around you.

9. Meaning of Dreaming about Stealing Jewelry

In addition to cash, jewelry is also a valuable item that is often targeted by thieves. It is proven that many people have experienced jewelry theft. Just like money, jewelry is also often collected little by little and stored as a future investment. Therefore, jewelry theft is equally as sad as losing money.

According to Javanese astrology, dreaming about stealing jewelry can be a sign that you will receive unexpected fortune and success.

10. Meaning of Dreaming about Stealing Clothes

Stealing clothes is indeed rare. However, there are still thieves who choose to steal clothes, whether from stores or even from clotheslines. That's why dreaming about stealing clothes may also be something you experience while sleeping. Although it sounds strange, this dream cannot be ignored.

In Javanese astrology, dreaming about stealing clothes is believed to be a sign that the person experiencing it will lose their current job. In addition, some also believe that dreaming about stealing clothes is a sign of serious problems in your relationship with your partner.

Those are some explanations of the meaning of dreams about stealing in Javanese astrology. Hopefully, they will be useful and can answer your curiosity all this time.



Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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