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14 Easy and Delicious Grilled Chicken Recipes, Perfect for Iftar Menu

14 Easy and Delicious Grilled Chicken Recipes, Perfect for Iftar Menu Illustration (Credit: Freepik) - Grilled chicken is certainly not unfamiliar to you. Various variations of fried chicken, whether it's a typical dish from a certain region or a new creation sold in many restaurants. Because there are so many variations, everyone certainly has their own preferences for the type of grilled chicken seasoning.

You also probably have a favorite seasoning when you want to buy it. Even during Ramadan, there are usually many stalls selling grilled chicken in the evening market as an iftar menu. However, have you ever thought of cooking grilled chicken with your favorite seasoning at home as an iftar menu?

If so, but you are still unsure because you don't know the recipe, don't worry. Here is a recipe for grilled chicken from several regions and various creative seasonings that you can follow when you want to cook iftar menu.


1. Spiced-Kurma Grilled Chicken

This grilled chicken seems to have a special Ramadan spice creation, which is kurma. Kurma is usually included in the iftar menu because it is one of the recommendations or sunnah. So, what if kurma is combined with grilled chicken as an iftar menu? Let's try it out.


-750 gr chicken (upper thigh/lower thigh)

-200 gr kurma

-2 tbsp sweet soy sauce

-1 tbsp soy sauce

-2 tbsp curly red chili (sliced 1 cm)

-3 tbsp cooking oil, for sautéing

-100 ml water for marinating


-2 tbsp shallots, diced small

-1 tbsp garlic, finely chopped

-1/2 tsp ground pepper

-1 tsp ground coriander

-1/2 tsp ground cumin

-1 tsp ground ginger

-1 tbsp salt

-1 tbsp tamarind water


1. Grill the chicken in a non-stick pan (without oil) until the chicken's oil/fat drips;

2. Heat 3 tbsp cooking oil, add shallots, garlic, and ginger, sauté until fragrant;

3. Add dried red chili; pepper; coriander; cumin and water, sauté again.

4. Add the grilled chicken, kurma, and tamarind water, reduce the heat. Cook for a while to let the spices absorb into the chicken and kurma, then remove from heat.

5. Serve hot with pineapple salsa.


2. Sweet Soy Grilled Chicken

Here is the recipe for sweet soy grilled chicken for iftar menu, please try.


- 700 grams of chicken, cut as desired

- 5-6 tablespoons of sweet soy sauce

- 1 tablespoon of butter

- 1 tablespoon of grated brown sugar

- 1 tablespoon of tamarind water

- Sufficient amount of water/coconut water

- Salt, pepper, and mushroom broth to taste

- 2 bay leaves

- 1 stalk of crushed lemongrass

- 1 segment of crushed galangal

- 4 torn kaffir lime leaves

Ground spices:

- 3 roasted candlenuts

- 1 teaspoon of roasted coriander

- a little ginger and turmeric

- 8 shallots

- 5 cloves of garlic

How to make:

- Clean the chicken, squeeze lime juice and set aside.

- Sauté the ground spices and additional spices with oil and a little butter until fragrant and fully cooked, and oil is released.

- Add brown sugar, sweet soy sauce, and tamarind water, stir briefly.

- Add the chicken and cook until firm and change color.

- Add water until the chicken is slightly submerged, add salt, pepper, and mushroom broth to taste.

- Cook over medium to low heat with the lid on until the spices are absorbed and the water reduces.

- Remove the chicken, then grill over charcoal while brushing with the remaining seasoning mixed with a little butter.

- Serve with raw vegetables and chili sauce according to taste.



3. Grilled Padang Chicken

Here is the recipe for grilled Padang chicken for iftar that you can try.


- 1 chicken, cut into 4 pieces

- 1 teaspoon lime juice

- 4 cloves of garlic, thinly sliced

- 6 shallots, thinly sliced

- 2 stalks of lemongrass, take the white part, crushed

- 600 ml thin coconut milk (from squeezed thick coconut milk)

- 1 teaspoon salt

- 1/2 teaspoon sugar

- 3 pieces of tamarind

- 200 ml thick coconut milk from 1 coconut

- 2 tablespoons oil for sautéing

Ground spices:

- 3 cm ginger

- 6 curly red chili peppers

- 5 large red chili peppers

- 5 roasted candlenuts

- 3 cm turmeric, roasted

- 1/4 teaspoon ground pepper


- Marinate the chicken with lime juice and salt. Let it sit for 15 minutes.

- Heat the oil. Sauté the ground spices, garlic, shallots, and lemongrass until fragrant. Add the chicken. Cook until it changes color.

- Add the thin coconut milk, salt, sugar, and tamarind. Cook until boiling. Pour in the thick coconut milk. Stir slowly until cooked and absorbed. Remove from heat.

- Then grill the chicken while basting it with the spices until cooked, serve with the remaining spices.


4. Spicy Sweet Grilled Chicken

Just follow the recipe for spicy sweet grilled chicken for breaking the fast below.


- 750 gr chicken, cut as desired

- 600 ml coconut water

- 2 stalks lemongrass, bruised

- 1 piece galangal, bruised

- 3 cm ginger, bruised

- 3 tamarind seeds

- 3 tbsp sweet soy sauce

- 2 tbsp brown sugar

- Salt, sugar, and powdered broth to taste

Ground spices:

- 11 shallots

- 5 cloves of garlic

- 5 large red chilies

- 17 bird's eye chilies (as desired)

- 3 candlenuts

- 2 tsp coriander


- Sauté the ground spices until fragrant and cooked. Add lemongrass, galangal, ginger, and tamarind.

- Add coconut water, brown sugar, salt, sugar, and powdered broth. After boiling, taste the seasoning.

- Add the chicken and cook until the spices are absorbed and the coconut water reduces.

- Once cooked, remove from heat.

- Grill the chicken while basting it with the remaining marinade. Flip the chicken back and forth until it turns golden brown.

- Spicy sweet grilled chicken is ready to be served with fresh vegetables and sambal.


5. Grilled Chicken with Rujak Seasoning

Grilled chicken with rujak seasoning is an interesting menu for iftar that you can cook yourself, here is the recipe.

- 1 kg chicken, cut according to preference, cleaned

- 2 tbsp tamarind water

- 2 tbsp grated brown sugar

- 2 bay leaves and salam leaves

- 1 stalk lemongrass, bruised

- 500 ml coconut milk

- 1 tbsp salt

Ground spices:

- 5 large red chilies, deseeded

- 5 bird's eye chilies (optional)

- 4 cloves of garlic

- 7 shallots

- 3 candlenuts

- 1 tsp coriander

- 3 cm ginger

- 3 cm young galangal

- 1/2 tsp pepper


- Blend the spices with a blender (add a little oil) and sauté with bay leaves, salam leaves, and lemongrass until fragrant.

- Add coconut milk, salt, grated brown sugar, tamarind water, mix well, and add the chicken.

- Then marinate the chicken until the coconut milk reduces.

- Grill the chicken on a non-stick pan, flip it over, remove from heat, and serve.


6. Grilled Chicken Kalasan

Here is the recipe for Grilled Chicken Kalasan that you can try as an iftar menu.


- 1300 grams of chicken, cut as desired.

- 1 stalk of lemongrass, crushed

- Galangal, crushed

- 3 bay leaves

- 500 ml coconut milk

- 1.5 tablespoons of brown sugar

- Salt/powdered broth to taste

- Sweet soy sauce to taste

Ground spices:

- 8 shallots

- 6 cloves of garlic

- 1/2 teaspoon cumin

- 1 teaspoon coriander

- 1/2 teaspoon pepper

- 4 candlenuts

- 2 teaspoons of salt

How to make:

- Marinate the meat with lime juice and salt, let it sit for at least 15 minutes, then rinse again.

- Sauté the ground spices, lemongrass, galangal, and bay leaves until fragrant and cooked through.

- Add the chicken, stir until it changes color, then add sweet soy sauce.

- Add coconut milk, brown sugar, powdered broth, reduce the heat, and cook until the coconut milk reduces, don't forget to taste.

- Then grill the meat over charcoal fire. While grilling, brush it with the remaining spices. Serve with fresh vegetables and shrimp paste chili sauce/chili sauce.


7. Ayam Bakar Taliwang


- 1 free-range chicken

- 2 tbsp sliced brown sugar

- 2 tbsp soy sauce

- 4 lime leaves

- Salt to taste

- Powdered sugar to taste

Ground spices:

- 10 shallots

- 5 cloves of garlic

- 5 candlenuts

- 10 curly chilies

- Chili pepper according to taste

- 1 tsp shrimp paste

- 2 slices of lesser galangal

- 2 tomatoes


- Sauté the ground spices until cooked

- Then add enough water

- Then add the chicken and all the ingredients

- Marinate the chicken until cooked and the spices are absorbed

- After cooked, grill the chicken briefly, do not burn it

- Serve.


8. Ayam Bakar Rica-rica


- 1 medium-sized broiler chicken

- Juice of 2 limes

- 2 tsp salt

- 4 tbsp oil for sautéing


- 9 shallots

- 22 curly red chilies

- 2 large red chilies, deseeded

- 5 cm ginger

- 2 tsp salt

- 3 stalks of lemongrass, bruised

- 200 ml water


- Clean the chicken, cut into four pieces. Rub with lime juice and salt.

- Let it sit for 20 minutes, then grill until the meat is firm and the skin is dry.

- Remove, pound until bruised and pierce with a fork. Grill again briefly.

- Heat the oil, sauté the ground spices and lemongrass until fragrant and cooked. Add water and let it boil.

- Add the grilled chicken. Cover the pan, cook until the spices are absorbed by the chicken. Remove.

- Then grill again while basting with the remaining spices until the chicken is cooked.



9. Grilled Chicken Pontianak


- Several pieces of chicken

- 3 tablespoons of cooking oil

- 200 ml of water

Ground spices:

- 4 cloves of garlic

- 2 cm of turmeric

- 4 candlenuts

- 2 cm of ginger

- 7 shallots

- 1 teaspoon of tamarind

- 2 tablespoons of brown sugar

- 1 teaspoon of salt

- Seasoning (optional)


- Heat the oil and sauté the ground spices until fragrant.

- Add the chicken and stir until it changes color. Pour in the water and cook until the spices are absorbed.

- Then grill the chicken over charcoal while basting it with the remaining spices until fragrant, or bake the chicken in an oven at 180°C while basting it with the remaining spices until golden brown.

- Remove from heat and serve.


10. Smashed Grilled Chicken

Marinade ingredients:

- 1.5 kg chicken

- Galangal, bruised

- 1 finger-length ginger, bruised

- 2 lemongrass stalks, bruised

- 5 bay leaves

- 8 kaffir lime leaves, remove the stems

- Salt, sugar, and pepper to taste

- Sufficient amount of water.

Glaze ingredients:

- 1 cm ginger

- 3 shallots

- 1 clove of garlic

- A pinch of salt

- 3 tbsp sweet soy sauce

- 1 tbsp honey

- 1 tbsp butter

Sambal ingredients:

- 1 red tomato

- 3 shallots

- 1 clove of garlic

- Some red bird's eye chilies

- Some shrimp paste

- Sufficient amount of palm sugar and salt


- Clean the chicken and cut it into pieces. Squeeze lime juice over it, let it sit for 15 minutes, then rinse.

- Mix the chicken with all the marinade ingredients, add salt, sugar, and pepper.

- Adjust the amount of water until the chicken is fully submerged. Boil the chicken until cooked and the liquid has reduced. Let it cool. Then take the chicken pieces to be grilled.

- Grind garlic, shallots, ginger, and a pinch of salt. Sauté the ground spices with butter until fragrant.

- Turn off the heat, add sweet soy sauce and honey, mix well. Coat the chicken pieces with this mixture, let it marinate for about 15 minutes, then grill.

- While grilling, make the sambal. Sauté tomato, shallots, chilies, and shrimp paste until wilted. Then grind them, don't forget to add palm sugar and salt. Separate

- Lift the chicken and serve with sambal.


11. Spiced Grilled Chicken


- 500 grams of chicken

- 2 bay leaves

- 3 salam leaves

- 1 tablespoon of brown sugar

- 1 tablespoon of sweet soy sauce

- 1 tablespoon of tamarind water

- sugar, salt, pepper, and powdered broth as needed

Ground spices:

- 3 cloves of garlic

- 6 shallots

- 2 large red chilies

- 10 bird's eye chilies (according to taste)

- 2 lemongrass stalks

- 3 candlenuts

- 1 teaspoon of coriander

- 3 cm of ginger

- 3 cm of turmeric

- 5 cm of galangal

- 3 cm of lesser galangal

- 1/4 teaspoon of nutmeg powder


- Sauté the ground spices with bay leaves and salam leaves until fragrant.

- Add the chicken and enough water.

- Season with brown sugar, tamarind water, sweet soy sauce, sugar, salt, pepper, and powdered broth. Cook until the chicken is tender and the sauce reduces.

- Prepare a frying pan or grill, grill the chicken while basting it with the remaining spices until cooked.

- The remaining spices can be sautéed with a little oil until dry, if desired.

- Serve with tamarind soup and side dishes.


12. Grilled Bacem Chicken


- Chicken thighs, cleaned

- Tempeh

- 500 ml of coconut water

- 5 cloves of crushed shallots

- 3 cloves of crushed garlic

- 4 bay leaves

- Crushed galangal

- 1 tablespoon of coriander powder

- Salt and pepper to taste

- 100 grams of brown sugar

- Butter for basting


- Boil the chicken briefly over high heat, then discard the first broth to remove blood and impurities.

- Add 500 ml of coconut water and other ingredients, marinate the chicken and tempeh until the liquid evaporates and the seasoning is absorbed.

- Then save a little marinade and mix it with butter for basting when grilling.

- Grill the chicken and tempeh on a non-stick pan, occasionally baste with the basting sauce.

- Grilled chicken is ready to be served with your favorite sambal.


13. Teflon Grilled Chicken


- 1 chicken, cut into pieces

- 1 stalk lemongrass, bruised

- 3 bay leaves

- 3 kaffir lime leaves

- 200 ml water

- Sweet soy sauce, to taste

- Salt and powdered broth, to taste

Ground spices:

- 6 shallots

- 5 garlic cloves

- 50 gr red curly chili peppers

- 1 finger-sized ginger

- 1 finger-sized galangal

- 1 finger-sized turmeric

- 1 candlenut

- 1 tsp coriander


- Clean the chicken thoroughly and set aside. Sauté the ground spices until fragrant, then add the bay leaves, kaffir lime leaves, and lemongrass. Add the chicken.

- Add water, let it boil and reduce slightly.

- Add salt, powdered broth, and sweet soy sauce. Taste and stir until the liquid reduces.

- Heat a non-stick pan. Grill the chicken, flipping it until cooked.

- Remove from heat and serve.


14. Grilled Chicken Solo


- 2 chickens, cut into 4 pieces

- 4 tbsp sweet soy sauce

- 1 tbsp grated palm sugar

- Coconut water for marinating the chicken

- 1/2 tsp turmeric powder

Spice paste:

- 8 shallots

- 5 cloves of garlic

- 2 candle nuts

- Salt to taste


- Grind the spice paste, then rub it onto the chicken pieces.

- Let it marinate for 20 minutes to allow the flavors to penetrate the meat.

- Mix all the ingredients and marinate until cooked and the liquid has reduced. Taste test.

- Grill the chicken, turning it over.

- Serve with fried onions and sambal according to taste.

Those are several easy and delicious grilled chicken recipes that you can follow to cook for iftar menu.



Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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