Kapanlagi.com - As someone who is learning English, expanding vocabulary is important. To form sentences, you must have vocabulary in the form of adjectives, nouns, and verbs. Now, to make learning easier, here are some vocabulary along with English to Indonesian translations.
If you have mastered vocabulary from Indonesian to English, it doesn't hurt to find out about English to Indonesian translations. Learning a foreign language does require diligence and perseverance. You will succeed quickly if you also apply it in everyday life.
For those of you who want to have a wide range of vocabulary, just take a look at a number of adjectives, nouns, and verbs along with their English to Indonesian translations below.
1. Meanings in Indonesian for English Adjectives
Illustration (Credit: Pixabay)
For those of you who are looking for adjectives and their English meanings in Indonesian, just check out the following vocabulary list.
1.Adorable = Menarik
2.Arrogant = Sombong
3.Amazing = Menakjubkan
4.Angry = Marah
5.Blissful = Bahagia
6.Beautiful = Cantik
7. Best = Terbaik
8.Big = Besar
9.Busy = Sibuk
10.Cute = Imut
11.Chubby = Tembem
12.Cool = Keren
13.Dangerous = Berbahaya
14. Warm = Hangat
71.Wise = Bijaksana
72.Young = Muda
73.Yummy = Lezat
Dark = Gelap
15.Dead = Mati
16.Deep = Dalam
17.Delicious = Lezat
18.Easy = Mudah
19.Expensive = Mahal
20.Fair = Adil
21. Friendly = Ramah
22.Famous = Terkenal
23.Good = Baik
24.Green = Hijau
25.General = Umum
26.Greedy = Serakah
27.Gorgeous = Cantik
28. Impolite = Tidak Sopan
29.Important = Penting
30.Incredible = Luar Biasa
31.Juicy = Berair
32.Jolly = Riang
33.Joyful = Gembira
34.Kindly = Penyayang / murah hati
35. Kooky = strange
36.Knobby = Protruding
37.Lazy = Lazy
38.Loyal = Faithful
39.Large = Big
40.Magnificent = beautiful
41.Majestic = grand
42. Major = Main
43.Marvelous = Amazing
44.Normal = Normal
45.Naughty = Naughty
46.Nervous = Nervous
47.Obedient = Obedient
48.Ordinary = Ordinary
49. Offensive = Impolite
50.Optimistic = Optimistic
51.Powerful = Powerful
52.Pointless = Meaningless
53.Perfect = Perfect
54.Peaceful = Peaceful
55.Quick = Quick
56. Quiet = Quiet
57.Quaint = Strange
58.Responsible = Responsible
59.Rebel = Rebel
60.Ready = Ready
61.Stupid = Stupid
62.Shy = Shy
63. Spoiled = Spoiled
64.Sincere = Sincere
65.Tall = Tall
66.Threatening = Threatening
67.Useful = Useful
68.Vengeful = Vengeful
69.Vicious = Fierce
2. English to Indonesian Noun Translation
Illustration (Credit: Pixabay)
For those of you who want to expand your vocabulary, please take a look at the list of nouns along with their English meanings in Indonesian below.
74.Airplane = Pesawat Terbang
75.Airport = Bandara
76.Animal = Hewan
77.Answer =Jawaban
78.Ball = Bola
79.Banana = Pisang
80. Bed = Tempat Tidur
81.Bird = Burung
82.Cat = Kucing
83.Chicken = Ayam
84.Child = Anak
85.Country = Negara
86.Cow = Sapi
87. Day = Hari
88.Desk = Meja Tulis
89.Device = Alat
90.Education = Pendidikan
91.Engine = Mesin
92.Entertainment = Hiburan
93.Family = Keluarga
94. Farmer = Petani
95.Father = Ayah
96.Kite = Layang-Layang
97.Knowledge = Pengetahuan
98.Lake = Danau
99.Lamp = Lampu
100.Language = Bahasa
101. Month = Bulan
102.Morning = Pagi
103.Mother = Ibu
104.Movie = Film
105.Nature = Alam
106.News = Berita
107.Newspaper = Koran
108. Ocean = Lautan
109.Office = Kantor
110.Paper = Kertas
111.Passenger = Penumpang
112.Pleasure = Kesenangan
113.Rabbit = Kelinci
114.River = Sungai
115. Station = Stasiun
116.Sugar = Gula
117.Summer = Musim Panas
118.Table = Meja
119.Tiger = Harimau
120.Tree = Pohon
121.Underwear = Pakaian Dalam
122. Vegetable = Sayur
123.Village = Desa
124.Warning = Peringatan
125.Weather = Cuaca
126.Week = Minggu
127.Year = Tahun
3. English to Indonesian Verb Translation
Illustration (Credit: Pixabay)
Verbs in English can undergo changes according to the time zone used in the sentence. Starting from the present, past, and future, they have different verb forms. Here are examples of verbs along with their English to Indonesian meanings that you can learn.
128.Accept, Accepted, Accepted, Accepting: Menerima
129.Add, Added, Added, Adding: Menambahkan
130.Believe, Believed, Believed, Believing: Percaya
131.bring, brought, brought, bringing: Meminjam
132. Care, Cared, Cared, Caring: Care
133.Come ,Came, Came, Coming: Come
134.Decide, Decided, Decided, Deciding: Decide
135.Draw, Drew, Drew, Drawing: Draw
136.Drink, Drunk, Drunk, Drinking: Drink
137.Eat, ate, eaten, eating: Eat
138.Enjoy, Enjoyed, Enjoyed ,Enjoying: Enjoy
139. End, Ended ,Ended, Ending: End
140.Feel, Felt, Felt: Feel
141.Find, Found, Found: Find
142.Go, Went, Gone, Going: Go
143.Guide, Guided, Guided, Guiding: Guide
144.Get, Got, Got, Getting: Get
145.Harm, Harmed, Harmed, Harming: Harm
146. Hang, Hung, Hung, Hanging: Hang
147.Invite, Invited, Invited, Inviting: Invite
148.Ignore, Ignored, Ignored, Ignoring: Ignore
149.Join, Joined, Joined, Joining: Join
150.Keep, Kep,t Kept, Keeping: Keep
151.Know, Knew, Knew, Knowing: Know
152.Kick, Kicked, Kicked, Kicking: Kick
153. Laugh, Laughed, Laughed, Laughing: Laugh
154.Lay, Laid, Laid, Laying: Lay
155.Leave, Left, Left, Leaving: Leave
156.Make, Made, Made, Making: Make
157.Meet, Met, Met, Meeting: Meet
158.Note, Noted, Noted, Noting: Note
159.Notice, Noticed, Noticed, Noticing: Notice
160. Observe, Observed, Observed, Observing: Observe
161.Pay ,Paid, Paid, Paying: Pay
162.Put, Put, Put, Putting: Put
163.Qualify, Qualified, Qualified, Qualifying: Qualify
164.Quit, Quit, Quit, Quitting: Quit
165.Read, Read, Read, Reading: Read
166.Receive, Raced, Raced ,Racing: Race
167. Sweep ,Swept, Swept, Sweeping: Sweep
168.Swim, Swam, Swum, Swimming: Swim
169.Take, Took ,Taken, Taking: Take
170.Talk, Talked ,Talked, Talking: Talk
171.Use, Used, Used, Using: Use
172.Vanish, Vanished, Vanished, Vanishing: Vanish
173.Worry, Worried ,Worried, Worrying: Worry
174. Work, Worked, Worked, Working: Bekerja
175.Yell, Yelled, Yelled, Yelling: Berteriak
176.Yawn, Yawned, Yawned, Yawning: Menguap
177.Zoom, Zoomed, Zoomed, Zooming: Memperbesar
Those are some examples of adjectives, nouns, and verbs along with their meanings in English to Indonesian that you can memorize to expand your vocabulary.
Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.