Kapanlagi.com - The meaning of Syukron is "thank you". This word is commonly spoken when someone receives kindness from others. Muslims in Indonesia often use this term to express gratitude for the kindness they receive.
Although it is often only spoken as "syukron", there are also many variations that are commonly used. For example, "Syukron Jazilan" or "Syukron kastiron". The meaning of syukron jazilan and syukron kastiron themselves is thank you very much.
Expressing gratitude is often done by Muslims because it was also exemplified by the Prophet Muhammad. Anyone who treats others well, he says: "Jazaakallah Khairan" (may Allah reward you with goodness), and he praises them as high as possible. (Hadith Tirmidhi).
Now, for those of you who have actually heard this term often but don't know the meaning of syukron, let's directly read the explanation along with its virtues below.
1. Meaning of Syukron

Illustration (Credit: Unsplash)
The literal meaning of Syukron is "thank you". This word is Arabic for syakaro - yaskuru - syukron. As its meaning suggests, syukron is often used as one of the words to express gratitude.
Sometimes, syukron is also combined with other words, usually with "kastiron". Kastiron itself means many, so when combined, the meaning of syukron kastiron is thank you very much. This expression is used to express gratitude for someone's favor or kindness.
In addition to the above combinations, there are other words that are often used sequentially with the word syukron. To be clearer, consider the following meanings of syukron with other combinations.
- Syukron jazilan: Thank you very much.
- Syukron ala: Thank you for his kindness.
- Syukron ala du'aiki: Thank you for your prayer (for women).
- Syukron ala du'aiha: Thank you for her prayer (for women).
- Syukron yaa habibati: Thank you, my love (for men).
- Syukron laki: Thank you for you (for women).
- Syukron Laka: Thank you for you (for men).
- Syukron ala du'ai'ihi: Thank you for his prayer (for men).
- Syukron yaa habibi: Thank you, my love (for women).
- Syukron ala du'aika: Thank you for your prayer (for men).
2. The Usage and Virtue of Saying Syukron

Illustration (Credit: Unsplash)
The meaning of 'syukron' and its use as a thank you has been mentioned above. Thank you, besides being a response to someone's kindness, can also be a reminder for humans to always be grateful. By doing so, you can avoid ingratitude.
It is also written in the following hadith of the Prophet Muhammad:
"Whoever receives a kindness from someone, let him repay it. If you cannot find something to repay it, it is better for him to praise that person, because if he praises him, then he has thanked him. If he hides it, it means that he denies his kindness. Someone who is adorned with (kindness) that he does not possess, is as if he is wearing two pieces of false clothing." (HR.Tirmidzi)
In addition, there is another hadith that says:
"Whoever does not show gratitude to people. He is ungrateful to Allah." (HR.Ahmad)
The above hadith means that:
- Humans should be someone who is grateful.
- All blessings come from Allah SWT and humans who do good are as intermediaries in delivering goodness.
- Anyone who does not know how to be grateful to people who have done good to him, then he will also find it difficult to be grateful to Allah.
- Allah SWT will not accept the gratitude of a servant until he does good by being grateful to the person who has done good to him.
By understanding the above hadith, you as humans can realize that blessings from Allah SWT are given through various intermediaries including humans. Allah will accept the gratitude of someone who has been grateful to the intermediary who has given him goodness.
3. Response When Hearing the Word Syukron

Illustration (Credit: Unsplash)
Just like the word "you're welcome" that is said after someone says thank you, there is also a response when you hear the word syukron, which is afwan. The meaning of Syukron is thank you, while afwan is sorry. Although it doesn't literally mean "you're welcome," afwan can be used as a response to the expression syukron in social relationships.
You can also use this word to show humility as someone who receives thanks. You should know that there are other things you can do besides saying syukron and responding with afwan. As humans, you are encouraged to pray for each other, some ways you can do it include:
- Praying for that person.
- Responding with kindness to that person.
- Praising that person with the praise of Subhanaullah.
- Saying Jazakallah khairan to that person.
Well, KLovers, that's an explanation of the meaning of syukron along with the procedures for responding and praying for someone who has done good to you. Always remember the virtue of reciprocating the kindness of others so that Allah SWT also accepts the gratitude you feel.
Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.