Kapanlagi.com - With their creativity, young people often create new and unique vocabulary. This new vocabulary is then known as slang language. Among the many slang words of today's young people, the word 'jamet' is one that attracts attention. Because, until now, many people still do not know the true meaning of 'jamet'.
However, the word 'jamet' has become a common and popular term. It is not only used by young people, but also by older people. Generally, the word 'jamet' is used to label someone with certain characteristics. Sometimes, the word 'jamet' is also used as a joke or teasing among young people. Then, what is the meaning of jamet actually?
Although it has become a popular term, many people still do not know that jamet is a combination of two words. For those of you who are curious about the meaning of jamet, read the following review that has been summarized by kapanlagi.com from various sources.
1. What is the Meaning of Jamet

(credit: unsplash)
The term 'jamet' is commonly used to describe someone with a metal style. To understand the meaning of 'jamet', first you need to know how this slang word originated. As mentioned earlier, 'jamet' is a combination of two words, namely 'Jawa' (Javanese) and 'Metal'. However, the origin of this word is considered quite sensitive as it involves ethnic identity.
Therefore, another assumption about the origin of the word 'jamet' emerged. This other assumption considers 'jamet' as a combination of the words 'jajal' (try) and 'metal'. The meaning of 'jamet' as a combination of 'jajal' and 'metal' is considered safer as it does not touch on sensitive issues. Moreover, this interpretation is also considered suitable and in line with the characteristics of someone labeled as 'jamet'.
2. Origin of the Viral Word 'Jamet'
Jamet is actually not a new slang word that has recently emerged. This word has been around for quite a long time, but it has only become viral and popular recently. To better understand the true meaning of jamet, it is important to know how this slang word originated and became so popular and viral.
The word jamet spread widely through social media. The trigger was a viral TikTok video featuring a young man dressed in metal clothing doing the 'badinding' dance. Netizens then labeled the young man in the video as a jamet. Since then, the word jamet has become synonymous with people who act cool with a metal style, just like the young man whose video went viral on TikTok.
3. Other Slang Words Derived from the Combination of Two Words

(credit: unsplash)
Besides the meaning of jamet, there are actually many slang words that have developed in society. Therefore, we also need to know the meaning of these slang words so as not to be left behind. Among the slang words among young people, some of them are also formed from a combination of two words. What are these slang words? Here are some of them.
1. Bucin: Bucin is an abbreviation of the term "budak cinta" (love slave). This slang abbreviation is used to refer to a man or woman who is crazy in love, where that person is willing to do anything for the person they love.
2. Gaje: Abbreviation for gak jelas. This word is used when someone does not understand or cannot grasp the meaning of others.
3.Gercep: Abbreviation for gerakan cepat. This abbreviation is a suggestion to do something faster than usual.
4.Halu: This word is a shortening of halusinasi, which describes someone with high imagination.
5.Japri: This slang abbreviation is often heard. Japri itself can be interpreted as a personal channel or private network.
6. Komuk: A slang abbreviation referring to facial condition.
7.Mager: Mager is a slang abbreviation for the phrase malas gerak. This word is more often used to express laziness.
8.Mantul: This word is a slang abbreviation for the phrase mantap betul. This word is often used as an appreciation, like a compliment.
9.Pansos: Pansos is a slang abbreviation and a shortening of panjat sosial. Pansos refers to people who seek attention from many people, especially on social media.
4. Popular Slang Words Today
Besides slang words formed from the process of combining two words, there are still various slang words with unique patterns. Starting from words that are read in reverse, words that are read in truncated form, words that come from English, and many more. What's clear is that these words are also popular compared to the meaning of 'jamet'.
For more details, here is a list of other popular slang words currently.
1) Slang Vocabulary from Reversed Words:
1.Kuy: Yuk. The reverse reading of 'yuk' as an invitation word.
2.Ngab: Bang.
3.Sabi: Bisa.
4. Takis: Sikat.
2) Slang Vocabulary from Truncated Words
1.Cans: Cantik
2.Gans: Ganteng
3.Gils: Gila
4.Goks: Gokil
5.Ntaps: Mantap
6.Leh uga: Boleh juga
3) Slang Vocabulary from Abbreviations in English
1. AKA: abbreviation of 'As Known As', meaning also known as or alias.
2.Anw: abbreviation of 'Anyway', meaning by the way.
3.BTW: abbreviation of 'By The Way'. The slang term BTW has the same meaning as the term 'by the way'.
4.CMIIW: abbreviation of 'Correct Me If I'm Wrong' slang in English that is often used on social media platforms. This abbreviation means 'correct me if I'm wrong'.
5.COD: abbreviation of 'Cash On Delivery', which means 'pay on delivery' in Indonesian.
6. FYI: abbreviation for 'For Your Information'. This abbreviation is commonly used on social media to provide additional information.
7.Kepo: abbreviation for 'Knowing Every Particular Object'. This abbreviation refers to someone who is curious about everything.
8.LOL: abbreviation for 'Laugh Out Loud', this abbreviation means someone is laughing hysterically.
9.OOTD: abbreviation for 'Outfit of The Day'. This abbreviation is commonly used in social media captions for a full-body photo showing the outfit worn that day.
10. PAP: abbreviation for 'Post a Picture'. It means posting or sending a photo on social media.
11.TFL: abbreviation for 'Thanks For Like'. This expression shows gratitude for receiving a 'like' on their post or social media content.
12.TGIF: abbreviation for 'Thanks God it's Friday', it means looking forward to the weekend.
Those are some explanations of what 'jamet' actually means. Hopefully, it is useful and can answer your curiosity!
Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.