Kapanlagi.com - Ghosting has become a term that is often mentioned among young people lately. Not only young people, people from various age backgrounds also seem to be familiar with this slang term. This can be proven by the number of people looking for information about the meaning of ghosting in slang language.
Just like other slang words, the word ghosting is becoming more popular and is being used more frequently. The word ghosting is commonly used to describe someone who suddenly disappears without any news. Therefore, ghosting is often seen as a phenomenon in romantic relationships. More precisely, it is used to describe someone who suddenly disappears during the courtship period.
Considering that ghosting has become a popular slang term lately, it is important for us to understand the true meaning of ghosting. Well, to get a deeper understanding of the meaning of ghosting in slang language, you can read the following explanation.
1. The Origin of the Viral Term Ghosting

The beginning of the viral term ghosting (credit: unsplash)
As mentioned earlier, the term ghosting in slang language is closely related to romantic relationships. The term ghosting went viral some time ago. The trigger was the end of the romantic relationship between Kaesang Pangarep and his ex-girlfriend, Felicia Tissue. The relationship that had been established for years ended abruptly after Kaesang was said to have disappeared without giving any news.
From that moment, the term ghosting became viral and was increasingly used on social media. Netizens started using the term ghosting to refer to similar phenomena. Whether in a dating relationship or just in the early stages of getting to know each other.
2. The Meaning of Ghosting in Slang Language

Meaning of ghosting in slang language (credit: unsplash)
Since it went viral and became popular, the term ghosting has become slang language among young people. This term is often used in daily life, not only by young people. Moreover, the meaning of ghosting in slang language related to romantic problems has also become more widespread. Many people who do online business also use the term ghosting to refer to potential buyers who disappear suddenly.
Nevertheless, the meaning of ghosting in slang language still remains closely associated with romantic relationship issues. At first glance, the phenomenon of ghosting seems no different from the term Pemberi Harapan Palsu (False Hope Giver) or PHP in Indonesian slang. The difference is that ghosting is more about the attitude or behavior of someone who suddenly disappears. As a result, there is no longer any communication.
This means that ghosting is done consciously. Therefore, only the person who does the ghosting knows the reason. Meanwhile, the other party who becomes the victim of ghosting usually does not know the reason why they are being ghosted. That is why ghosting only leaves behind deep sadness and heartache.
3. Signs of Ghosting

Signs of ghosting (credit: unsplash)
The phenomenon of ghosting indeed happens to anyone, especially couples who have not deeply known each other. Therefore, besides understanding the meaning of ghosting in slang language, it is also important to know the signs of ghosting. So, those of you who may be in the early stages of getting to know someone should be more cautious. Here are some signs of a relationship that is at risk of experiencing ghosting.
1) Someone who used to be close suddenly feels distant.
2) Someone who used to be close suddenly seems to not give any updates or respond and doesn't reply to your messages for a long time.
3) There is a noticeable change in communication with your partner or crush.
4. Negative Effects of Ghosting

Impact of ghosting (credit: unsplash)
In building a relationship, ghosting is indeed something that should be avoided. This is because, as explained earlier, the meaning of ghosting in slang language, this phenomenon will only bring negative effects to the sustainability of the relationship. Moreover, not only for the relationship, the negative effects of ghosting can also affect a person's mental condition.
For a clearer understanding, here are some negative effects of ghosting.
1) Causing feelings of hurt, heartbreak, and disappointment.
2) Feeling unappreciated and ignored.
3) Causing depression or stress.
4) Feeling unloved.
5) Triggering feelings of sadness.
6) Making oneself feel less confident and even belittling oneself.
5. Tips for Dealing with the Phenomenon of Ghosting

Tips for dealing with ghosting (credit: unsplash)
Ghosting may indeed end a relationship and have an impact on someone's mental condition. However, ghosting is not the end of everything. Everyone who experiences ghosting must be able to bounce back and move on. Although, of course, it may not be easy to do so. Here are some tips to be able to quickly move on after experiencing ghosting.
1) Move on by stopping to find out the latest news on their social media account.
2) Accept the reality and the situation with a big heart or sincerely, even though it sometimes takes time.
3) Occupy yourself with positive activities and make your heart calm.
4) Get rid of the feeling of guilt when being ghosted.
5) Pour out your feelings to someone you trust to release emotions because you have been ghosted.
6) Keep thinking positively and convince yourself that everything will be fine even without them.
6. Other Slang Words Related to Romance

Other slang words (credit: unsplash)
Ghosting is not the only popular slang word among young people. Besides ghosting, there are other slang words that are closely related to romantic relationships. Therefore, knowing the meaning of each term is just as important as knowing the meaning of ghosting in slang. Here are some other slang words that are closely related to romantic relationships.
1) Baper: Bring Feelings
2) Bucin: Love Slave
3) FWB: Friend With Benefits
4) Halu: Hallucination
5) Pelakor: Woman who steals someone else's man
6) Petrus: Keep pursuing someone
7) PHP: False Hope Giver
8) TTM: Friends But Intimate
Those are some explanations related to the meaning of ghosting in slang that are currently popular. Hopefully, it will be useful and make you more careful in building relationships!
Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.