Kapanlagi.com - Ambiguity is a word that is often used in everyday life. Ambiguity can be used in both formal and non-formal expressions. Although it is frequently used, do you know the actual meaning of ambiguity?
The meaning of ambiguity refers to ambiguity or a word that has more than one meaning. The use of ambiguity is not only limited to unclear sentence expressions, but also refers to a word. Yup! Sometimes a word has two different meanings, depending on where the word is used and intended.
For KLovers who want to understand the meaning of ambiguity more deeply, here is the meaning of ambiguity along with its types and characteristics that you can understand. Let's check it out, KLovers.
1. Ambiguity is

Illustration (credit: Pixabay)
Ambiguity is often used in everyday conversations, but do you know the true meaning of ambiguity? Ambiguity is a word or sentence that has multiple meanings. This word ambiguity sometimes makes the sentence or text uncertain, blurry, unclear, and the like.
The meaning of ambiguity is a linguistic term that has more than one interpretation, so it feels like having two meanings. Linguistically, ambiguity comes from the word ambiguitas which is the English language equivalent of ambiguity. Ambiguity itself is a construction or expression that can be interpreted in more than one way.
Ambiguity is also called vagueness or doubt. The meaning of ambiguity is an idea or situation that can be understood in more than one way. This extends to ambiguous sentences (which can mean one thing or another).
2. Types of Ambiguity

Illustration (credit: Pixabay)
Besides knowing about ambiguous meanings, you also need to know what types of ambiguities exist. Turns out, this expression has its own types, KLovers. And here are some types of ambiguities that you need to know:
1. Phonetic ambiguity is a sound of language that is pronounced. This type of ambiguity occurs when a word or sentence is pronounced too quickly, resulting in doubt about its meaning. For example:
- Beruang: Beruang can mean having a lot of money or the name of an animal.
- Salam: The word salam can mean a greeting or a spice name.
- Hak: Hak has two meanings, which are ownership and a part of a woman's shoe.
- Bunga: Bunga can mean a plant or a reward used in the use of money or capital in a bank.
2. Grammatical ambiguity or grammatical errors occur during the process of formation at the linguistic level, and there are still types of grammatical ambiguities. Here are the types and examples:
- Morphology: morphemes and words. This type of ambiguity results in a change in meaning. An example of morphological ambiguity is a hitter, which can have multiple meanings, such as a person who hits or a tool for hitting.
- Syntax: phrases, clauses, and sentences. In terms of syntax, ambiguity arises in phrases, clauses, and sentences. Each word that forms a phrase is clear. But in combining them, it can have more than one interpretation. An example of ambiguity in syntax is the phrase 'orang tua', which can mean 'old person' or 'parents'.
3. And the last one is Lexical Ambiguity, the types of ambiguity at the lexical level can include polysemy, unclear boundaries of meaning for a word, and the use of language styles. Every word or phrase in a language sometimes has more than one meaning. Therefore, listeners or readers often make mistakes in interpreting its meaning.
Ambiguities like this cause the meaning of a sentence to be different depending on the given sentence context. Lexical ambiguity is often used to create word games. Examples of lexical ambiguity such as polysemy are dilarang = not halal, suci = not allowed to be made carelessly, sama sekali tidak = really not allowed, and many more.
3. Characteristics of Ambiguity

Illustration (credit: Pixabay)
Not only knowing the meaning of ambiguity, you also need to know the characteristics of ambiguity itself. Well, to understand whether a sentence is ambiguous or not, you need to know the characteristics of ambiguity itself. And here are the characteristics of ambiguity:
1. The first characteristic is that the use of words has multiple meanings or more than one.
2. Furthermore, the ambiguous nature confuses readers because it is not easily understood.
3. Then ambiguity also has unclear meanings.
4. And finally, ambiguity can cause doubt or misunderstanding for readers or listeners.
That is the meaning of ambiguity that you can learn and understand. Not only knowing the meaning of ambiguity, there are also types of ambiguity and characteristics of ambiguity that you can understand.
Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.