Kapanlagi.com - The pillars of Islam first is the Shahada. The Shahada is the main foundation that underlies the other four pillars of Islam. Meanwhile, the meaning of the Shahada is a form of testimony of a Muslim to the Oneness of Allah and the Prophethood of Muhammad SAW as the messenger of Allah.
Practicing and implementing Islamic teachings certainly need to be done by a Muslim. Before that, a Muslim also needs to know the meaning and significance of every Islamic teaching, the pillars of Islam, the pillars of Iman, or other forms of worship.
Meanwhile, this time we will discuss the meaning of the Shahada which can mean a form of recognition of monotheism and prophethood. In addition, there is also the meaning of the Shahada which has a meaning of oath, pledge, and promise of a Muslim to the Oneness and Prophethood of Muhammad SAW.
For further discussion about the meaning of the Shahada, you can read through the article below. Here is the meaning of the Shahada and its recitation that has been summarized by kapanlagi.com from various sources.
1. Reading Two Sentences of the Shahada

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There are five pillars of Islam that Muslims need to know. One of them is reciting the two sentences of the Shahada, which is the first pillar of Islam. The recitation of these two sentences of the Shahada has a very important meaning and significance for Muslims to know. The meaning of the Shahada is to acknowledge that Allah SWT is the only God worthy of worship, and that Prophet Muhammad PBUH is the Messenger of Allah. Before understanding the true meaning and significance of the Shahada, there is also a recitation of the two sentences of the Shahada that you need to know. So, here is the recitation of the two sentences of the Shahada.
1. 'Ashadu 'an la ilaha illa -llah.
2. Wa 'ashadu 'anna mu?ammadan rasulu -llah.
Those are the recitation of the two sentences of the Shahada, which is the first pillar of Islam. The recitation of these two sentences of the Shahada is a form of testimony, acknowledgement, promise, pledge, and oath about the oneness of God and the prophethood.
2. Meaning of Syahadat

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The recitation of the two sentences of syahadat above has the meaning and significance of a Muslim's acknowledgement of the oneness of Allah SWT as the only God and the prophethood of Prophet Muhammad SAW. The syahadat consists of two sentences. The meaning of syahadat in each sentence contains different meanings and significances.
However, fundamentally both are forms of testimony, acknowledgement, oath, promise, or declaration of the oneness of Allah and the prophethood. Meanwhile, the meaning of syahadat from the recitation of the two sentences of syahadat above can be understood through the following explanation. Here is the meaning of syahadat, which is the first pillar of Islam.
1. I bear witness that there is no God worthy of worship except Allah.
2. And I bear witness that Muhammad is the messenger of Allah.
3. Meaning of Syahadat and Its Significance

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The meaning of the previous syahadat can be seen that the two syahadat sentences contain the meaning of the Oneness of Allah SWT and the Prophethood of Prophet Muhammad. After knowing the meaning of syahadat as described above, here is the meaning of the reading of the two syahadat sentences. The meaning of the two syahadat sentences are as follows.
In the reading of the first sentence of syahadat, it contains the meaning of monotheism. Tauhid is the basic teaching about the Oneness of Allah. The meaning of syahadat is to acknowledge, believe, testify, promise, vow, swear that there is no God worthy of worship or devotion except Allah SWT. From this monotheism, Muslims acknowledge, believe and testify that Allah is one, meaning there is no creature or object in the world and its contents that can match the Power of Allah. One application of the meaning of syahadat and its meaning is the reading of Laa Illaha Illallah (There is no God but Allah). In the meantime, the meaning of syahadat and its meaning in the second reading is to acknowledge the Prophethood of Prophet Muhammad SAW. The meaning of the second syahadat reading is to testify, acknowledge and believe that Prophet Muhammad is the messenger of Allah. Because of that, the teachings conveyed by Prophet Muhammad SAW come from Allah. As a Muslim, it is necessary to believe in every teaching conveyed by Prophet Muhammad as the Messenger of Allah. Based on the explanation of the meaning of syahadat and its meaning above, it can be understood that the reading of the two syahadat sentences becomes the main pillar of Islam. Therefore, by understanding the meaning of syahadat and its meaning, it can enhance faith as well as in practicing the Islamic religion. That is the meaning of syahadat and its meaning that you need to know.
4. Meaning of Syahadat and Its Virtues

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Reading the two sentences of the shahada is not only one of the requirements to become a Muslim. But there are also several virtues of reading the shahada. The virtue of the shahada contains extraordinary privileges. Whereas the meaning of the shahada has been explained previously as a form of believing and acknowledging the Oneness of Allah and the Prophethood of Prophet Muhammad (SAW).
1. Obtaining the Assurance of Entering Paradise
There is a hadith that explains the virtue of the shahada. The following is the wording of the hadith:
"Whoever's last words before death are laa ilaaha illallah, then he will enter paradise." (HR.Abu Daud)
2. Including the Key to the Door of Paradise
Not only obtaining the assurance of entering paradise, but the virtue of the shahada is also one of the keys to the door of paradise. The following is the wording of the hadith:
I bear witness that there is no deity worthy of worship except Allah alone, without any partners, and that Muhammad is His servant and messenger, and I bear witness that Isa is the servant of Allah and the son of His servant, and His word conveyed to Maryam and His Spirit, and I also bear witness that paradise is true and hellfire is true", then Allah will definitely admit him into paradise through any of the eight gates of paradise that he wishes." (HR.Muslim)
3. Recitation of Dhikr to Increase Piety
Another virtue of the shahada is that it is included as a recitation of dhikr that can be practiced to increase piety. In addition, the shahada is also mentioned as the most important recitation of dhikr that can be practiced by Muslims. Furthermore, by practicing and applying the recitation of the shahada, it can also have good value and can become one of the doors for a Muslim to enter paradise.
5. Things that Invalidate the Shahada

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In addition, the two sentences of the shahada can be recited once in a lifetime, which is the beginning of someone embracing the Islamic religion. However, there are several things that Muslims need to pay attention to. Because there are several matters that can invalidate the shahada. The following is an explanation of the things that invalidate the shahada that you can read through the following explanation.
- Believing and denying that there is a god other than Allah SWT.
- Denying and not upholding the law of Allah SWT.
- Believing that there is something worthy of worship other than Allah.
- Having hatred towards the Islamic religion, including the Messenger of Allah SWT.
- Committing shirk and polytheism.
- Insulting the names and attributes of Allah.
- Denying the teachings brought by the Prophet Muhammad and his companions.
Those are some things that can invalidate the shahada. However, in fact, there are still various types and forms of matters that can invalidate the shahada. In addition, hopefully the explanation of the meaning of the shahada above can help you understand the meaning of the two sentences of the shahada.
Source: liputan6.com, and other sources.
Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.