Kapanlagi.com - Ulil albab may be a term that is not unfamiliar to some Muslims. This term often appears and is mentioned in religious teachings and even in the verses of the Qur'an. Having a noble meaning, many also use the term ulil albab as a name. In general, the meaning of ulil albab is a person who is intelligent.
Understanding the meaning of ulil albab is quite important. Because ulil albab is not just a term for someone who can think. The term ulil albab has a broader meaning than that. In fact, by learning and understanding the meaning of ulil albab, a Muslim can also increase their faith in Allah SWT.
To understand the meaning of ulil albab as a person who is intelligent and believes in Allah SWT, please read the following review that has been summarized by kapanlagi.com from various sources.
1. The Meaning of Ulil Albab

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As mentioned earlier, the general meaning of ulil albab is someone who is able to use their common sense. In a broader sense, ulil albab refers to someone who always uses their common sense to have faith in Allah SWT. With the intellect they possess, a person's knowledge will increase, as well as their faith in Allah SWT.
In other words, someone who is classified as ulil albab will use their intellect to interpret the greatness of Allah SWT. Therefore, in any situation or condition, that person's thoughts will always be directed towards Allah SWT.
Although associated with thoughts and common sense, a true ulil albab will also not always rely on their conscience. This is because the relationship between intellect and conscience is what makes the faith of an ulil albab perfect.
The explanation of the meaning of ulil albab is a person with a mind, thoughts, and heart that are always directed towards Allah SWT, as stated in a portion of Surah Ali Imran, verses 190-191. The meaning of the verses is as follows.
"Indeed, in the creation of the heavens and the earth and the alternation of the night and the day are signs for those of understanding. [Such as] those who remember Allah while standing or sitting or [lying] on their sides and give thought to the creation of the heavens and the earth, [saying], 'Our Lord, You did not create this aimlessly; exalted are You [above such a thing]; then protect us from the punishment of the Fire.'" (Quran, Ali Imran: 190-191)
2. Characteristics of People Belonging to Ulil Albab

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After understanding that the meaning of ulil albab is someone with the special qualities of intellect and heart as mentioned above, we can agree that becoming ulil albab is not an easy task. Only people with pure intellect and heart can become ulil albab. Identifying whether someone belongs to ulil albab is also a difficult task. This is because not everyone shows what is in their mind and heart.
However, in various sources, a person belonging to ulil albab is believed to exhibit several characteristics. The characteristics of ulil albab are as follows:
1) A person belonging to ulil albab will always be able to learn lessons or wisdom from an event or experience.
2) A person belonging to ulil albab always receives guidance from Allah SWT, including in distinguishing between good and bad.
3) A person belonging to ulil albab is diligent and persistent in learning and seeking knowledge.
4) A person belonging to ulil albab is never hesitant to share their knowledge.
5) A person belonging to ulil albab always expresses gratitude for what they have in their life.
6) A person belonging to ulil albab always has a critical attitude in their words and actions.
7) A person belonging to ulil albab is only afraid of Allah SWT.
8) A person belonging to ulil albab always remembers Allah SWT in any condition.
3. The Virtue of Being Ulil Albab

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Interpreting the meaning of ulil albab is an encouragement for every Muslim. This is because an ulil albab is believed to receive a number of virtues in their life. Those who become ulil albab are believed to have sharp intuition to think and receive guidance from Allah SWT.
As for the virtues of an ulil albab, they are explained in Surah Al-Baqarah verse 269, which roughly translates as follows:
"Allah grants al-hikmah (deep understanding of the Qur'an and Sunnah) to whom He wills. And whoever is granted al-hikmah, he has truly been granted abundant grace. And it is only the people of understanding who can take lessons (ulil albab)." (QS. Al-Baqarah: 269).
That is an explanation of the meaning of ulil albab, which is a person with the special ability of intellect and heart to believe in Allah SWT. May it be beneficial and increase your faith as a Muslim. Ameen.
Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.