Kapanlagi.com - Introverted personality is often considered as a shy or quiet type. However, in fact, introversion is different from shyness. Because an introvert tends to prefer spending time alone rather than being in a crowd.
The meaning of introversion is included in the personality types that we know in the world of psychology. In a social environment, you may have encountered an introvert, an extrovert, or an ambivert. Each personality type has its own characteristics as well as strengths and weaknesses.
One of the most prominent characteristics of introverted personality type is the tendency to prefer working alone or independently. In addition, when in a crowd, their energy tends to be easily drained. This is what often makes an introvert considered as quiet, shy, or even arrogant.
But what is the actual meaning of introversion? To find out more about the meaning of introversion, it is important for you to read the following review. This information has been compiled by kapanlagi.com from various sources about the meaning of introversion.
1. Meaning of Introvert

(credit: unsplash.com)
There are several popular personality types that you know. Among them are introverted, extroverted, or ambivert personality types. These personality types have their own characteristics that can indicate their attitudes, actions, thoughts, feelings, or relationships with their social environment.
However, this time we will discuss the introverted personality type. The meaning of introvert in the psychological world is related to a person's personality. Meanwhile, referring to the Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia (Indonesian Dictionary), the meaning of introvert taken from that word means tending to behave (act, act) according to one's own thoughts without caring about others.
There is also the meaning of introvert in KBBI (Indonesian Dictionary) taken from the word introver, which means having a tendency to keep one's own feelings and thoughts and not expressing them to others. This meaning of introvert can also mean being more closed-off.
Meanwhile, in the psychological world, the meaning of introvert is a personality type that is very different or even opposite to the extroverted personality. The meaning of introvert includes a personality type that tends to prefer being alone to gather its energy. Because, when someone with an introverted personality is in a location involving many people, their energy tends to be easily drained. The meaning of introvert can be seen from its origin, which is Introvert, meaning from within or internal self. That is the meaning of introvert that you need to know to understand more about introverted personality.
2. Meaning of Introvert and Its Characteristics

(credit: unsplash.com)
After understanding the meaning of introvert, there are also easy characteristics that you can recognize from this personality type. The characteristics of introverted personality can be seen from various perspectives. Starting from how they behave, act, think, or socialize. Sometimes this personality type is often considered similar to being shy. However, it should be known that an introvert is not necessarily shy, they just tend to try to conserve their energy which is drained a lot when in a crowd. The characteristics of introverted personality can be observed through the following review. Here is a complete review of the characteristics of introverted personality as reported by liputan6.com.
- Introverted personality tends to prefer working alone or independently.
- Introverted personality is known as a thinker because they use more of the brain's planning, problem-solving, and remembering functions.
- Introverted personality tends to drain a lot of energy when socializing, which is why they sometimes appear so quiet.
- Introverted personality tends to socialize with their closest people who make them comfortable.
- Introverts prefer to be straightforward and avoid small talk.
- Introverts tend to prefer writing their thoughts in words rather than speaking.
- Introverts are known as loyal and trustworthy personalities.
- Introverts tend to be more meticulous and organized.
- More reserved.
- Introverted personality tends to prefer engaging in conversations with smaller groups or having one-on-one conversations with close and trusted individuals.
3. Meaning of Introvert and Its Personality Types

(credit: unsplash.com)
The meaning of introvert is known as a personality type that prefers to be alone and is known to be independent. In addition, after you understand the meaning of personality along with its characteristics, there are several types of introverted personalities that you need to know. The types of introverted personalities can be seen through the following reviews.
1. Anxious Introvert (Introvert Due to Anxiety)
This type of introverted personality tends to prefer to be alone. This is because when introverted personality types meet many people, especially new people, they will feel awkward or embarrassed. This is what causes anxiety for someone who has the type of anxious introvert.
2. Social Introvert (Social Introvert)
This type of introverted personality also prefers their own time.
3. Thinking Introvert (Thinking Introvert)
This type of introverted personality is known as a thinker. It is even known that this introverted type spends most of their time thinking about anything that comes to their mind, whether it's daydreaming or imagining.
4. Restrained Introvert (Restrained Introvert)
This type of introverted personality tends to be more cautious in their behavior or decision making. They are known to be more careful in deciding something. The meaning of introvert with this type tends to choose to socialize with small groups rather than involving many people. It's no wonder that this type of personality also spends more time at home.
3. Thinking Introvert (Thinking Introvert)
This type of introverted personality is known as a thinker. It is even known that this introverted type spends most of their time thinking about anything that comes to their mind, whether it's daydreaming or imagining.
4. Restrained Introvert (Restrained Introvert)
This type of introverted personality tends to be more cautious in their behavior or decision making. They are known to be more careful in deciding something. This means that everything is thoroughly and carefully considered beforehand.
That is the meaning of introvert and this type of personality that you need to know. From the explanation above, it can certainly help you recognize the introverted personality type and its characteristics.
4. Advantages and Disadvantages of Introverted Personality

(credit: unsplash.com)
After understanding the meaning of introvert along with other explanations, it is important to know the advantages and disadvantages of this personality. Every personality type, including introverts, has its own strengths and weaknesses. Here are some of the advantages and disadvantages of introverts.
1. Introvert Advantages
- They have creative and imaginative ideas.
- They have unique and even innovative ideas.
- They are good listeners.
- They are easily trusted and loyal.
- They are more meticulous and observant.
- They act cautiously and do not rush in taking actions or making decisions.
- They have a calm nature, making it easier for them to achieve their dreams.
- They are independent and do not rely on others.
- They are more sensitive and caring, thus maintaining long-lasting relationships with others.
2. Introvert Disadvantages
- They are easily affected by emotions.
- They are often seen as anti-social, arrogant, or even selfish.
- They often struggle to express their feelings and keep them to themselves.
- They easily give in to avoid conflicts.
That is the meaning of introvert along with its characteristics, disadvantages, advantages, and types. By understanding the meaning of introvert, it can help you recognize this personality type.
Source: Liputan6.com and other sources
Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.