Kapanlagi.com - The meaning of expectation is hope, desire, or aspiration. The emergence of expectations in a person can be influenced by various factors. The resulting impact can also be different.
For example, someone's expectation grows because they see the achievements that others have on social media. A person's emotions are easily influenced by other people's happiness. However, the meaning of expectation will be in vain if it only stops at the word "want."
You need to take real action to make it happen. You also need to know that expectations not matching reality may not necessarily bring harm. To be more confident and ready to make it happen, you need to pay attention to the explanation of the meaning of expectation below.
1. Meaning of Expectation

Illustration (Credit: Pixabay)
The meaning of expectation according to the Great Indonesian Dictionary (KBBI) is hope. Hope is something that is reasonable for everyone to have in their lives. Sometimes, that hope becomes a strength for someone to continue working hard to make it come true.
However, there are people who have high expectations but do not make maximum efforts to achieve them. Such situations are what then lead to the term "expectations not matching reality". Of course, there are many factors that cause hopes to fail to be realized, but at least you have tried.
The meaning of expectation itself can also shift due to the many complaints about its inconsistency with reality. Expectations become something that seems very far and unattainable. However, if we look at its original meaning, which is 'expectation' which means 'to assume' or 'to hope', then everyone has the right to do it.
Referring to another opinion, the meaning of expectation according to Boeree (2005) is the hope of pleasure that is not constant, which arises from the idea of something in the future. Some of these pleasures are realized through actions, but some are not. Furthermore, according to Fleming and Levie (1981), expectation is a desire, aspiration, or hope for something. These desires will be achieved through real behavior and actions.
2. Examples of Expectations in Life

Illustration (Credit: Pixabay)
After understanding the meaning of expectations above, you might be analyzing examples of expectations in your own life. Yes, there are many examples of expectations and it is normal because humans have various desires to be realized. Expectations can arise from various fields, including:
- Interpersonal Relationships
An example of interpersonal expectations is a love story between one person and the person they like. In their heart, they want to make them their partner. However, they themselves never really know if the person they love will actually become their partner in the future?
- Economic Field
Examples of economic expectations can be seen in various predictions of production growth, unemployment rates, and inflation in the future. The government usually has such targets, but they may not be realized in the future.
Even though plans have been made, it will be in vain if they are not fulfilled. Not to mention if there are external factors that hinder and cannot be overcome.
- Work Field
Examples of expectations in the work field can be found in the relationship between employees and the company. Companies certainly hope to recruit employees who have high quality. Meanwhile, employees also hope to receive a large salary.
Unfortunately, they will not really know whether the expectations of both parties will be achieved or not. It is possible that only one party will be able to realize their expectations or even none at all.
3. Positive and Negative Effects of Expectations

Illustration (Credit: Pixabay)
The meaning of expectations may vary for each individual. It can also result in different impacts. The possible impacts that may occur due to having expectations include:
- Heartache
Expectations are considered a source of heartache. Of course, the expectations referred to are those that do not match reality. Therefore, it is best not to have expectations that are too high because it can have a negative impact on psychological conditions.
Extreme cases, this impact can make someone depressed or even commit suicide. Therefore, it is important for everyone to control themselves in order to remain wise even when facing disappointing realities.
- Source of Motivation
Although it has the potential to bring deep disappointment, having expectations is not something wrong. Especially if you are able to commit to a plan to realize it, it will actually turn into a source of motivation. You can start with a target that is not too high, but gradually increase it.
Every time hope arises, balance it with real action to make it happen, and once again, be prepared to accept disappointment in the future. Positive impact does not always come from success. In fact, failure can give you strength as long as you can see the lessons in it.
- Emotional Management
Emotional management is an important aspect related to expectations, whether they will be realized in the future or not. You can start managing your emotions by getting used to being ready to receive any news.
If the news is good, you don't have to be explosive in expressing happiness. On the other hand, if it is bad news, you also don't need to be too sad, let alone be gloomy for a long time. This is indeed not an easy thing to do.
However, by realizing that this can be managed, it will somewhat determine the negative or positive impact you will get.
KLovers, that is an explanation of the meaning of expectations along with examples and their impact in everyday life that you can learn.
Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.