Kapanlagi.com - When applying for a job, applicants will be asked to include various documents such as cover letters, CVs, photocopies of identity cards, and so on. In addition to these documents, companies often ask applicants to include a yellow card or AK-1. Therefore, knowing how to make a yellow card is important. Because, this card cannot be made by oneself like a job application letter or CV.
For those who are unfamiliar, a yellow card is a card that indicates someone is looking for a job. Making a yellow card can be done for free at the Manpower Office (Disnaker) in each district or city. In the yellow card, it will contain various job seeker information such as NIK, personal identity, educational background, and so on.
There are two ways to make a yellow card, namely by coming directly to the Disnaker domicile or online. Both methods are basically equally easy and practical to do. For more details, you can check out the following guide on how to make a yellow card or AK-1.
1. Requirements for Making Yellow Card

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Before knowing how to make a yellow card, it is important to know the requirements first. Although it can be processed for free, there are still several requirements for making a yellow card. Moreover, in the process of making a yellow card, it involves government agencies, in this case, Disnaker. The following are some requirements for making a yellow card.
1) Photocopy of legalized last diploma. It is also recommended to bring the original diploma for precaution.
2) Photocopy of ID Card/Driver's License. Also bring the original ID Card for precaution.
3) Photocopy of birth certificate.
4) Photocopy of Family Card (KK).
5) Two colored passport-sized photos measuring 3x4 with a red background.
2. How to Make a Yellow Card Directly

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As mentioned earlier, there are two ways to make a yellow card. One of them is directly by visiting Disnaker located in each regency or city. Of course, when visiting Disnaker, the yellow card applicant must ensure that the requirements they bring are complete. For more details, here are the steps to make a yellow card directly.
1) Come to the local Disnaker office.
2) Visit the yellow card making or AK-1 section. If you have difficulty finding it, you can ask the Disnaker officer.
3) Submit the required documents.
4) Next, you will be asked to wait during the yellow card printing process.
5) After that, you will be called to pick up the printed yellow card.
6) The final process is the legalization of the yellow card. In this process, you will be asked by the officer to go to the legalization section for legalization.
3. How to Make a Yellow Card Online

(credit: unsplash)
In addition to coming directly to the local Disnaker office, you can also try to make a yellow card online. This method is suitable for those of you who are lazy and want to do it more practically. Here's how to make a yellow card online.
1) Visit the official website of the Manpower Office, which is http://infokerja.naker.go.id
2) After successfully accessing the Manpower Office website, you can choose the "Register" menu.
3) Fill in the required data. There will be approximately five columns that need to be filled in when registering to make a yellow card online, namely registering as who, user ID, email, telephone number, and password.
4) After filling in the above data, you will be asked to fill in other data related to your account, personal information, occupation, skills, and education.
5) If the account is ready, make sure you have uploaded an official photo with a size of 3x4.
6) Follow every instruction and guideline provided and fill in all the required data. Once done, click the "Save" button.
7) After clicking the "Save" button, your data will be automatically stored in the Disnaker database.
8) Next, you just need to go to the local Disnaker office to collect the completed and legalized yellow card.
9) Don't forget to make copies as needed for legalization at the Disnaker office at once.
4. How to Extend Yellow Card

(credit: unsplash)
It should be known that the yellow card or AK-1 has an expiration date. If after 2 years the yellow card holder still hasn't found a job, then the card owner can extend it. Therefore, in addition to how to make a yellow card, how to extend it is also important to understand.
Extending the yellow card is very easy, the card holder only needs to bring several documents as requirements to Disnaker. In addition, the yellow card holder does not need to bother coming to Disnaker to register first. Because, the yellow card is national, so the extension process can be done at any Disnaker.
So, what are the requirements needed to extend the yellow card? Here are some of them.
1) Copy of the old yellow card (to be extended)
2) Copy of ID card
3) Copy of the last legalized diploma
4) 2 recent colored passport-sized photos (3x4 cm)
Those are some reviews on how to make a yellow card that every job seeker needs to know. Hopefully it is useful and good luck!
Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.