Kapanlagi.com - Arti maybe in English-Indonesian translation dictionary is included as an adverb. However, the meaning of maybe can also differ if the word is written separately. Regardless of the spelling, the meaning of maybe remains the same, which is to indicate something that is not yet certain to happen.
There are many different adverbs, verbs, or adjectives in English that you need to know. Because by understanding the types of English words, it can make it easier for you to arrange and use them. Meanwhile, maybe is included as an adverb, and it can also be an original verb and modal auxiliary.
The meaning of maybe in the English dictionary is actually used to express something that is not yet known for sure. The meaning of maybe can also mean that you only have a belief of no more than 60 percent. If calculated in percentage, the range is around 40 to 60 percent only.
So, it still requires consideration before you are truly sure that it will happen, its certainty, or its credibility. As for the explanation of the meaning of maybe in the Indonesian translation of the English dictionary, you can read it through the review below. Here's a summary from various sources about the meaning of maybe.
1. Meaning of Maybe in English Dictionary

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Understanding various meanings of words in English is certainly important to do when you are learning this international language. One of them is the word maybe which is often used to indicate the possibility of something that may or may not happen. Yes, the meaning of maybe in the Indonesian English translation dictionary has several meanings.
The word maybe is often used in popular language today. That's why the word maybe is easily found on social media or daily conversations of the young generation nowadays. Actually, there are two words maybe that you can find in English.
The first word maybe, if written together, belongs to the type of adverb. Second, there is the word maybe, if written separately, namely May Be, which belongs to the original verb and modal auxiliary.
Meanwhile, if translated into Indonesian, the meaning of maybe is an adverb. While the meaning of maybe in English is known as an adverb. The meaning of maybe in the English dictionary can mean maybe, perhaps, times, may, might, approximately, may also, perhaps, hopefully, hopefully, or if maybe. Those are some meanings of maybe that you need to know to understand the actual meaning of the word.
2. Meaning of Maybe and Its Synonyms

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After knowing the meaning of maybe, which is a type of adverb, there are several synonyms of maybe that you need to know. By understanding the meaning of maybe and its synonyms, it can make it easier for you to recognize the usage of the synonyms of maybe. The meaning of maybe and its synonyms can be found in the following discussion.
1. Can be: Able to
2. Perhaps: Maybe
3. Feasible: Possible to do
4. Could be: Could happen
5. Perchance: Perhaps
6. Conceivably: According to the mind
7. Credible: Trustworthy
8. As it may be: As it might happen
Those are some meanings of maybe and its synonyms. Looking at the meaning of maybe above, you can observe that the meaning of maybe and its synonyms have similar words.
3. Meaning of Maybe and Its Antonyms

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After knowing the meaning of maybe in the English translation dictionary as well as its synonyms, there are also its antonyms. As known, an antonym is the opposite, contradiction, opposite word, or contrast of a word. In short, an antonym is a word that has the opposite meaning. Like the word maybe has antonyms. Some antonyms of the word maybe are surely, which means certain. Where the meaning of the word surely is certainly opposite to maybe, which still has possibilities or something that is not certain, not sure, or not definite.
There are also other antonyms of maybe, namely definitely. Definitely means of course. From the meaning of definitely, it can be seen that something is already certain, confident, and believed. So there are no more considerations like in the word maybe. That is the meaning of maybe and its antonyms that you need to know.
4. Meaning of Maybe and Examples in Sentences

(credit: unsplash.com)
Meanwhile, there are several examples of the word maybe to further facilitate your understanding of the meaning of maybe. The meaning of maybe and examples in sentences can be seen through the review below.
1. Maybe Ben would like to go home. (Mungkin Ben ingin pulang)
2. I can help you, maybe, with something? (Aku bisa membantumu, mungkin dengan sesuatu?)
3. Maybe I'd stop by your house tomorrow. (Mungkin aku akan mampir ke rumahmu besok)
4. Maybe Susan said something. (Mungkin Susan mengatakan sesuatu)
5. That is maybe a motorcycle. (Itu mungkin sebuah motor)
6. Her pen is maybe there. (Mungkin pena miliknya ada di sana)
7. Maybe she's having a bad day after her teacher called her. (Mungkin dia mengalami hari yang buruk setelah gurunya menelponnya)
That's an explanation of the meaning of maybe in the English dictionary along with synonyms, antonyms, and examples in sentences. By understanding the meaning of maybe, it can help you know the true meaning of the word maybe. Thus, it can assist you in using the word maybe in conversations using the English language.
Source: fabelia.com, ef.co.id
Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.