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25 Names of Prophets and Messengers with Their Important Stories Known to Muslims

25 Names of Prophets and Messengers with Their Important Stories Known to Muslims Names of prophets (credit: - As Muslims, believing in the names of prophets and messengers is important to do. Because faith in prophets and messengers is one of the fourth pillars of faith. In addition, the prophets and messengers also have various stories and miracles that Muslims can take lessons from for a good life.

There are many names of prophets in Islam, with the number reaching hundreds of thousands, even countless. However, out of the many names of prophets, there are only 25 names of prophets and messengers that Muslims must believe in and know. Prophets and messengers themselves have differences based on their understanding and duties.

Where the understanding of a prophet is a person who receives revelation from Allah SWT for himself and is not obliged to convey it to his people. Meanwhile, Rasul comes from the word risala which means conveying. From this meaning, a messenger is a person who is given revelation and trust from Allah SWT and is obliged to convey it to his people.

Among the names of prophets and messengers, there are various story histories with wisdom that Muslims can learn from. In addition, there are some names that have the title of ulul azmi with an incredibly admirable firmness of heart. To understand the names of prophets and messengers along with their stories is important to increase love, compassion, and piety towards Islam, which is a religion of mercy for all.

As for the names of prophets and messengers that you must believe in and know, they are mentioned in the following points. Here are the names of prophets along with their stories from which you can gain wisdom.





1. List of Names of Prophets and Messengers

Before knowing the names of prophets and messengers that are obligatory for Muslims, you need to understand the list of names of prophets and messengers from the first prophet to the last prophet. The list of names of prophets is as follows:

1. Prophet Adam (AS).

2. Prophet Idris (AS).

3. Prophet Noah (AS).

4. Prophet Hud (AS).

5. Prophet Saleh (AS).

6. Prophet Ibrahim (AS).

7. Prophet Lut (AS).

8. Prophet Ismail (AS).

9. Prophet Ishaq (AS).

10. Prophet Yaqub (AS).

11. Prophet Yusuf (AS).

12. Prophet Ayyub (AS).

13. Prophet Syu'aib (AS).

14. Prophet Musa (AS).

15. Prophet Harun (AS).

16. Prophet Zulkifli (AS).

17. Prophet Daud (AS).

18. Prophet Sulaiman (AS).

19. Prophet Ilyas (AS).

20. Prophet Ilyasa (AS).

21. Prophet Yunus (AS).

22. Prophet Zakaria (AS).

23. Prophet Yahya (AS).

24. Prophet Isa (AS).

25. Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).





2. The Story of Prophet Adam AS to Prophet Saleh AS. Along with his story

The stories of prophets and messengers have been quite familiar since childhood. Following the stories of prophets and messengers is also important so that Muslims can gain wisdom from them. The following are the important stories of prophets and messengers that Muslims should know.

1. Prophet Adam (AS):

Prophet Adam was the first human and messenger sent by Allah to the world. The story of Prophet Adam is well-known among Muslims and is mentioned in the Quran. Prophet Adam used to live in paradise but had to descend to the earth as a caliph. Because Prophet Adam (AS) violated Allah's prohibition to not eat the fruit of Khuldi. However, due to the persuasion of Satan, Prophet Adam (AS) and Eve finally violated the prohibition and were descended to earth as the first humans.

2. Prophet Idris (AS):

Prophet Idris is the sixth descendant of Prophet Adam (AS). He is the son of Qabil and Iqlima. Prophet Idris became the first descendant of Prophet Adam (AS) who was appointed by Allah as a prophet. However, the story of Prophet Idris is known to have several skills in various sciences such as astronomy, mathematics, and literacy.

3. Prophet Nuh (AS):

The story of Prophet Nuh (AS) is certainly very familiar with various wisdoms that can be learned. Prophet Nuh is known as a very patient prophet who received miracles from Allah SWT. Some of the miracles of Prophet Nuh (AS) include building a large ark to save his people from the flood.

4. Prophet Hud (AS):

Prophet Hud (AS). In the will of Allah SWT to invite the Aad people, the oldest tribe after Prophet Nuh As. This tribe did not know Allah SWT as the creator of the universe. They worshiped and believed in idols as their gods. But Prophet Hud As. again invited the Aad people to stop worshiping idols and to believe in Allah SWT.

5. Prophet Saleh As:

Prophet Saleh As. had a miracle in the form of a female camel that came out of a rock as a provision in preaching. Prophet Saleh As. ranked fifth after Prophet Hud As. who was sent to the Thamud people.





3. The Story of Prophet Ibrahim AS to Prophet Yusuf AS.

The next story about the names of prophets and messengers, you can take lessons from their life journey based on the narration of the life of Prophet Ibrahim As. to Prophet Yaqub As. The story is as follows:

6. Prophet Ibrahim As:

The most popular story of Prophet Ibrahim is the granting of a miracle from Allah SWT to build the Kaaba, which is now the qibla for Muslims worldwide. In addition, Prophet Ibrahim is also included in the ulul azmi. Furthermore, Prophet Ibrahim also had a blessing from Allah SWT, which was being saved from the fire that burned Prophet Ibrahim when he faced the followers of King Namrud.

7. Prophet Lut As:

Prophet Lut As. Sent by Allah to rectify the people of Sodom and Gomorrah who had deviant sexual behavior. These people were known to engage in deviant acts, namely homosexuality.

8. Prophet Ismail (AS):

Prophet Ismail was the son of Prophet Ibrahim (AS) and he himself became a prophet. In his story, Prophet Ismail had a miracle, which was the emergence of Zam Zam water by the stomping of his feet when he was still a child. Until now, Zam Zam water continues to flow and brings blessings to the people of Mecca. In addition, the most popular story of Prophet Ismail is the recognition of the Eid al-Adha, which is a form of Prophet Ibrahim's sacrifice in obedience to Allah's command.

9. Prophet Ishaq (AS):

Prophet Ishaq, known as the brother of Prophet Ismail (AS), but from a different mother. Prophet Ishaq was also assigned to uphold the religion of Islam and the truth along with Prophet Ibrahim (AS) and Prophet Ismail (AS).

10. Prophet Yaqub:

Prophet Yaqub was the son of Prophet Ishaq and he himself became a prophet. Prophet Yaqub (AS). It is the ancestor of the Children of Israel who is known as someone who has extraordinary faith and character.

11. Prophet Yusuf As:

Prophet Yusuf As. is the son of Prophet Yaqub As. Prophet Yusuf As. has a miracle, which is the ability to interpret dreams. Besides that, Prophet Yusuf As. was once abandoned by his brothers and experienced a life full of obstacles. Prophet Yusuf As. is also known as a Prophet who has a handsome appearance.





4. The Story of Prophet Ayub AS to Prophet Yunus AS.

The next story is about Prophet Ayus As. until Prophet Yunus As. which is also full of wisdom. The story is as follows.

12. Prophet Ayub As:

Prophet Ayub As. is the son of Prophet Yaqub As. Prophet Ayub is known as a patient Prophet who is full of goodness and very wealthy. However, the most popular story of Prophet Ayub is his patience that was tested through skin disease and various other trials. Because of his illness, Prophet Job had to be willing to lose his wealth and beloved wife.

13.Prophet Shuaib:

Prophet Shuaib was sent by Allah SWT to the people of Midian to return to faith and worship Allah SWT. The people of Midian, however, rejected the invitation of Prophet Shuaib. They received punishment from Allah in the form of scorching heat and black clouds that destroyed the people of Midian.

14.Prophet Moses:

Prophet Moses is famous for his miracles, such as turning a staff into a snake and parting the Red Sea. His most popular story is related to the Pharaoh. In addition, Prophet Moses was assigned to free the Children of Israel from the slavery of the Pharaoh's rule.

15.Prophet Aaron:

Prophet Aaron was the brother of Prophet Moses who assisted in preaching to remind the Pharaoh to return to the right path. Prophet Aaron had an extraordinary ability to speak.

16.Prophet Ezekiel:

Prophet Ezekiel was the sixteenth prophet who, in some narrations, is mentioned as one of the sons of Prophet Job. He is famous for his miracles, such as turning a staff into a snake and parting the Red Sea. His most popular story is related to the Pharaoh. In addition, Prophet Moses was assigned to free the Children of Israel from the slavery of the Pharaoh's rule.

15.Prophet Aaron:

Prophet Aaron was the brother of Prophet Moses who assisted in preaching to remind the Pharaoh to return to the right path. Prophet Aaron had an extraordinary ability to speak.

16.Prophet Ezekiel:

Prophet Ezekiel was the sixteenth prophet who, in some narrations, is mentioned as one of the sons of Prophet Job. Nabi Zulkifli is known as a patient person and never breaks a promise.

17. Prophet David:

Prophet David received one of the miracles in the form of the Zabur book, could communicate with birds, had a beautiful voice, and could soften iron with his hands. Prophet David is known as a very wise leader. His name has been mentioned in the Quran 16 times.

18. Prophet Solomon:

Prophet Solomon. Also known as the eighteenth prophet who had the miracle of being able to speak with animals. His story is very popular among Muslims and is found in the Quran, namely Surah An-Naml verses 18-19.

19. Prophet Elijah:

Prophet Elijah. He was sent by Allah SWT to the people of Bani Israil to return to believing in Allah SWT and to follow the right path. Because the people of Bani Israil previously worshipped idols known as Baal.

20. Prophet Elisha:

Prophet Elisha. He was sent by Allah SWT to establish the religion of Islam among the people of Bani Israil and the Amorites. Prophet Elisha is also an adopted son who was taken in by Prophet Elijah. Surah An-Naml verses 18-19.

19. Prophet Elijah:

Prophet Elijah. He was sent by Allah SWT to the people of Bani Israil to return to believing in Allah SWT and to follow the right path. Because the people of Bani Israil previously worshipped idols known as Baal.

20. Prophet Elisha:

Prophet Elisha. He was sent by Allah SWT to establish the religion of Islam among the people of Bani Israil and the Amorites. Prophet Elisha is also an adopted son who was taken in by Prophet Elijah. Prophet Ilyasa had a high level of patience and was given the miracle of being able to resurrect the dead.

21. Prophet Yunus As:

Prophet Yunus is known as a Prophet sent by Allah to establish the Islamic religion among the Asyyira people. The Asyyira people were idol worshippers. However, there is a popular incident in the story of Prophet Yunus As, which is being saved when swallowed by a whale.





5. The Names of Prophet Zakaria AS to Prophet Muhammad SAW

The names of the next prophets and messengers are the stories of Prophet Zakaria AS to Prophet Muhammad SAW. The following are their stories:

22. Prophet Zakaria AS:

Prophet Zakaria AS is a descendant of Prophet Daud AS and Prophet Sulaiman AS. Prophet Zakaria was sent by Allah SWT to the Children of Israel. Prophet Zakaria became the 22nd prophet that Muslims must know.

23. Prophet Yahya AS:

Prophet Yahya AS. is the son of Prophet Zakaria and is known as a leader with integrity and principles. In addition, Prophet Yahya AS. is also known as someone who is gentle and highly respects his parents.

24. Prophet Isa AS:

Prophet Isa has the miracle of being born from a pure woman named Maryam. In addition, Prophet Isa AS. was also given the miracle of the Injil, which is now the book of the Christian community. Prophet Isa also had other miracles, such as being able to shape a bird from clay and bring it to life, heal the blind, heal skin diseases, and resurrect the dead.

25. Prophet Muhammad SAW:

Prophet Muhammad SAW is the last and final prophet with the miracle of the holy book, Al Quran. The holy book, Al Quran, is the perfecting book of the previous books that were revealed by Allah SWT. In addition, it is obligatory for Muslims to believe in and emulate Prophet Muhammad. Prophet Muhammad is also known as someone who is very humble, full of goodness, and belongs to the ulul azmi category.





6. Names of Ulul Azmi Prophets

After knowing the names of the prophets and messengers along with their stories. There are several names of prophets that are included in ulul azmi. Ulul azmi itself is a prophet who has an extraordinary level of patience and perseverance in carrying out his duties as a prophet and messenger. The names of the prophets included in ulul azmi are as follows:

1. Prophet Nuh As

2. Prophet Ibrahim As.

3. Prophet Musa As.

4. Prophet Isa As.

5. Prophet Muhammad SAW.

Those are the 25 names of prophets and messengers with their important stories that Muslims should know.







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