Kapanlagi.com - Sunlight in the morning is very good for the body's health. Not only for adults and the elderly, it turns out that the benefits of morning sun are also very good for babies. In fact, this is highly recommended for their health. Morning sunlight has long been believed to reduce the risk of jaundice in newborn babies.
Sunlight does have very good content for the body. The content is vitamin D which is needed to carry out metabolic functions, calcium, immune system, and transmit muscle work with nerves. So it's no wonder that the benefits of morning sun are very numerous for body health.
But what are the benefits of morning sun for baby's health? Is it not dangerous? As reported from various sources, let's check it out KLovers.
1. Increasing Serotonin Levels
Illustration (credit: Freepik)
The first benefit of sunlight is to increase serotonin levels in children. The role of serotonin hormone is very important for the human body because it is beneficial in managing mood, including preventing depression. In addition, serotonin hormone actually acts as a messenger of signals between nerve tissues.
So besides affecting mood, serotonin hormone also plays a role in various other bodily functions, such as digestion, blood clotting, bone formation, and sexual function. If the serotonin level in a baby's body decreases, it can have an impact on the baby's development and digestion.
Morning sunlight is able to increase serotonin levels in babies when they are exposed to it. So this sunlight can provide a feeling of happiness to the baby, as well as promote good body development and digestion.
2. Boosting Body Immunity
The benefits of morning sunlight for babies are that it can boost their body immunity. Immunity or immune system is indeed very important for babies, especially for newborns. Because the immune system is crucial in helping babies adapt to various diseases in this world.
By sunbathing, babies will receive vitamin D intake and help improve their nervous system. As a result, the baby's immunity also improves, making their body stronger.
Not only that, sunbathing in the morning sun also helps the body regulate melatonin production. This level can lower melatonin levels, allowing the baby to have good energy levels. The more regularly the baby is sunbathed, the higher their energy levels.
3. Achieving Better Sleep
Illustration (credit: Freepik)
Apparently, sunbathing can make babies sleep more soundly, KLovers. The benefits of morning sunlight are also due to the hormone melatonin, which affects the baby's sleep process. Sunlight will help the body regulate melatonin production.
And this level can improve the baby's sleep pattern and is very important for the first year. So, don't underestimate sunbathing under the sunlight, KLovers, apparently this is very good for babies.
4. Preventing Jaundice
It is no longer strange that the benefits of morning sunlight can prevent jaundice in babies, especially newborns. Because newborn babies are at risk of developing jaundice, as bilirubin levels begin to rise on days 3 to 5 and decrease when the baby is 7 to 10 days old.
Jaundice can also occur due to uncontrolled liver function in babies. However, you can overcome this by sunbathing in the morning sun. Morning sunlight can help break down bilirubin in the baby's blood, so the levels decrease and return to normal.
In addition, morning light also contains blue light spectrum that can reduce excessive bilirubin levels in the body. So, jaundice in children can be well managed and safe.
5. Improving Bone and Teeth
Illustration (credit: Freepik)
And the last benefit of morning sunlight is that it can improve bone and teeth in children. Bone and teeth growth in children is indeed very important from birth to their growth period. Because the lack of nutrition in bones and teeth can make their condition weak and brittle.
The vitamin D content contained in sunlight can help calcium be easily absorbed into the blood. So that the vitamin will merge with bones and teeth, and make these body parts stronger. Not only that, sunbathing can also prevent bone disorders such as rickets, which is a disorder where bones cannot support the weight of the body in the future.
6. Is Sunbathing Dangerous for Babies?
There are still many questions in the minds of mothers, is sunbathing safe for babies? And the fact is that it is very safe and good for babies. Doctors also recommend parents to sunbathe their babies in the morning because the benefits of morning sunlight are very good for baby's skin.
You should pay attention to the appropriate time to sunbathe your baby under the sunlight. And the recommended time is from 07:30-08:30 in the morning. That's because if the time exceeds 08:30, the baby can be exposed to ultraviolet rays which are not good for skin health.
7. Things to Consider
Illustration (credit: Freepik)
In addition, you must also pay attention to things before sunbathing your baby under the morning sunlight, KLovers. And here are some things that you need to pay attention to:
- Premature baby
Premature babies need a stable environmental temperature by being placed in an incubator for several days. Meanwhile, sunlight and the environment outside the house can change its temperature. However, when you have returned home from the hospital, you can already sunbathe your baby. This is because sunlight is actually very good for reducing the level of bilirubin in the blood.
- Sunbathe naked
To ensure that the baby gets sunlight evenly, it is best to sunbathe the baby naked. You can sunbathe the baby by turning their body over, so that the back and back of the body also get sunlight.
- Avoid direct contact with the eyes
For newborn babies, do not let their eyes come into direct contact with the sun, KLovers. You can expose the baby's entire body to the morning sunlight, but not their eyes. The high intensity of sunlight is not good for the eyes. You can cover the baby's eyes using special eye covers that are now widely sold in the market.
Those are some benefits of sunlight for the baby's body that must be known. Utilizing natural conditions is very good for children's growth, because it is very safe to do. Good luck, KLovers.
Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.