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3 Ways to Make Stir-Fried Squid with Practical and Simple Ingredients

3 Ways to Make Stir-Fried Squid with Practical and Simple Ingredients How to make stir-fried squid (credit: Pixabay) - Squid is a seafood that is loved by many people. Not only adults but also children love it. However, many people think that cooking squid is difficult, but don't worry because you can practice how to make sauteed squid easily.

For those of you who want to cook squid but in a practical and simple way, there are many ways KLovers.

This time there are several ways to make sauteed squid using simple ingredients, which are definitely delicious and healthy. Reported from various sources, here is a practical and simple way to make sauteed squid.




1. Javanese Sour Sauteed Squid

For those of you who love squid but don't like sour taste, don't worry KLovers because this one way to make squid is savory and delicious. Using tamarind is also to reduce the excessive use of salt in the dish.

For those of you who are curious, let's take a look at how to make it.

The ingredients needed:

- 500 grams of fresh squid

- Tamarind as needed

- 5 bay leaves

- 200 ml of water

- 2 tablespoons of cooking oil

- Sugar as needed

- Salt as needed

How to make it:

- Clean the squid thoroughly

- Then put all the ingredients such as squid, tamarind, bay leaves, and water into a non-stick pan and boil it.

- After boiling, add a little sugar and salt according to your taste.

- Let all the ingredients cook until the water in the pan dries up.

- Finally, after drying, add 2 tablespoons of cooking oil and stir.

- Done, Javanese sour sauteed squid is ready to be served.

That's how to make easy and practical Javanese sour sauteed squid. The above method is very suitable for those of you who are busy and don't have time to do many things in the kitchen.

2. Sautéed Squid with Green Chili

Next is sautéed squid with green chili, the practical way to sauté squid with green chili is to simply cut all the ingredients KLovers. curious about how to make it? let's find out.

Ingredients needed:

- 500 grams fresh squid

- 1 ounce green chili (or according to taste)

- 3 cloves of shallots

- 3 cloves of garlic

- 1 tomato

- Sufficient oil

- Sufficient sugar

- Sufficient salt

How to make it:

- Clean the squid thoroughly

- Cut all the ingredients such as garlic, shallots, and green chili thinly

- You can also add bird's eye chili if you want to experience an extraordinary spicy sensation.

- Then cut the tomato into 4 parts only.

- After cutting all the ingredients, you can directly sauté all the ingredients together except for the squid.

- Once the ingredients release a delicious aroma, you can add the squid into it.

- Don't forget to add sufficient sugar and salt KLovers.

- Finally, when the squid is cooked, you can remove it from the heat and serve.

That's how to make sautéed squid with green chili, easy and practical. The above method is very suitable for those of you who are busy but still want to be creative in cooking.

3. Sautéed Squid with Stink Beans

And lastly, sautéed squid with stink beans, the difference from the above two methods is that this sautéed squid must use ground spices, so that we will get a thick color and flavor. Curious about how to make it? Let's find out.

Ingredients needed:

- 500 grams of fresh squid

- 3 whole stink beans

- 3 cloves of garlic

- 4 shallots

- 1 tomato

- Red chili according to taste

- Sugar to taste

- Salt to taste

How to make it:

- Clean the squid thoroughly.

- Clean the stink beans and thinly slice them.

- Grind all the ingredients such as shallots, garlic, tomato, and red chili.

- After grinding, sauté the spices until they turn brown. Once the spices are brown, you can add the squid and stir until well mixed.

- When the squid starts to cook, you can add the stink beans and stir again until well mixed.

- Let it sit for a while until the stink beans become slightly tender, and when they are tender, you can remove from heat.

- Done, sautéed squid with stink beans is ready to be served.

That's how to make easy and practical sautéed squid with stink beans. You can do this method when you have a day off at home and want to have a meal with your family. This method is also suitable for those who love stink beans.

These three methods of making easy and practical sautéed squid. All the methods above do not use difficult ingredients and do not require much time to cook. Hopefully, the above methods can be a reference for those of you who want to try to be creative with squid dishes. Enjoy trying it out.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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