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37 Words of Wisdom in Living Life, Meaningful and Make the Heart More Peaceful

37 Words of Wisdom in Living Life, Meaningful and Make the Heart More Peaceful Illustration (credit: freepik) - In living life in this world, humans are often faced with various trials. Sometimes, trials arise one after another, testing strength and endurance. For those who are strong, trials will be seen as valuable life lessons. Because, those who are strong understand well that there is wisdom behind adversity. That is at least reflected in words of wisdom.

Basically, not everyone can derive wisdom from a calamity. To be able to reach that point, it requires perseverance and sincerity in facing the existing adversity. Words of wisdom can open someone's eyes to act sincerely and steadfastly in interpreting every event in life.

Summarized from various sources, here are words of wisdom that can awaken us to the value of this life.


1. Words of Wisdom in Living Life

Human life is often likened to a spinning wheel. Difficult and happy situations often arise alternately. Various events that occur always bring hidden wisdom or valuable lessons. To be able to glean that wisdom, we must be able to interpret life. Here are some words of wisdom that can open our eyes to better interpret life.

1. "Life is a series of lessons that must be experienced to be understood."

2. "Struggle is not a process of suffering towards a goal, but a process of preparing oneself to achieve the goal."

3. "Struggle is something needed in life. If God lets life go on without obstacles and struggles, it might cripple us, because we will always be arrogant with all the ease, until finally we fall and lose."

4. "Pain in struggle is only temporary, but if we give up, that pain will last forever."

5. "When you do something and fail, you gain wisdom. If you don't do anything, it means you lose to fear."

6. "Wealth is not measured by the amount of possessions, but wealth is a heart that always feels content."

7. "Many people do not act because they are afraid of failure, even though not acting is a clear failure that has already happened."

8. "The pleasure of health will be felt if we have been sick. The pleasure of wealth will be felt if we have experienced difficulties, and the pleasure of life will be felt if we have experienced calamities. Disaster is the beginning of the pleasure of life. The happiness of life lies in the sweetness of faith and making Allah the purpose of life."

9. "No matter how difficult the problems we face today, they are not something to be avoided, but to be solved."

10. When there is a great challenge in a struggle, it means that the awaited success is also greater."

11. "Think positively, no matter how hard your life is." - Ali bin Abi Thalib


2. Meaningful Words of Wisdom

Extracting wisdom from an event is not an easy thing. Besides a sincere heart, an open mind is also needed to digest every profound meaning behind an event. Here are some words of wisdom written with such deep meaning.

12. "Remain dignified. Not arrogant and not conceited. Even though sometimes one must be disappointed, because they are being educated to become extraordinary."

13. "It is not patience if it still has limits, and it is not sincerity if it still feels pain."

14. "Problems are a gift where we can gain wisdom and provide inspiration to act."

15. "Do not grieve, whatever is lost from you will come back in another form." - Jalaludin Rumi

16. "Thoughts will only become great and can live among us if fought with total sacrifice." - Abu Rusyidan

17. "Good things come to those who wait. But better things come to those who move to get them."

18. "Good things come to those who wait. But better things come to those who move to get them."

19. "If the heart has been given completely surrendered, then what remains is only destiny at the end of the story."

20. "Every struggle will surely have challenges. If you are not brave enough to face challenges, don't fight. But living alone is also a struggle." - Abdurrahman Navis

21. "So what if our lives are not perfect? This is not paradise." - Nourman Ali Khan

22. "Live like a tree with abundant fruit: live by the roadside and be thrown stones by people, but respond with fruit." - Abu Bakar Sibli

23. "Make use of five things before five things come: your youth before old age, your health before sickness, your abundance before poverty, your free time before busy time, your life before death."

3. Islamic Words of Wisdom

Islam is one of the religions that strongly encourages its followers to always be patient in life. Islam also emphasizes that there is always wisdom behind every event and trial that occurs. Here are some Islamic wisdom quotes.

24. "Calamities that bring you back to Allah are better than blessings that make you forget Allah."

25. "Allah does not look at your appearance and wealth, but He looks at your heart and deeds." - Prophet Muhammad SAW

26. "Whatever happens in your day, believe that everything is Allah's will and plan for your happiness."

27. "The wisdom of God in creating the world is to reveal everything that is in His knowledge." - Jalaluddin Rumi

28. "Be grateful for the limitations you have because they give you the opportunity to improve yourself."

29. "Do not worry about what we don't have, but worry about the heart when not sincerely grateful for every gift from Him."

30. "Reflect on yourself, the past, the present, and the future. Because the most valuable knowledge is self-knowledge. Whoever succeeds in knowing their own nature, has the potential to know the nature of their Lord." - M. Quraish Shihab

31. "The only reason we exist in this world is to bear witness to the oneness of Allah." - Buya Hamka

32. "Live as you please, but remember, that you will die. And love whoever you like, but remember, you will part with them. And do as you wish, but remember, you will surely receive the consequences later." - Imam Ghazali

33. "Do your worldly affairs as if you will live forever. And perform your hereafter affairs as if you will die tomorrow."

34. "God gave me this Parkinson's syndrome to show that I am not the Greatest. Only He (God) is." - Muhammad Ali

35. "There are two types of patience: being patient with something you do not want and being patient in abstaining from something you desire." - Ali bin Abi Thalib

36. My sins burden me. But when I measure them with Your mercy, O Allah, Your forgiveness is greater." - Imam Syafii

37. "Whatever you spend for your family will be a source of reward from Allah. Even a morsel of food that you feed to your wife." - Prophet Muhammad SAW

Those are among the 37 pearls of wisdom that are full of meaning. Hopefully, they are beneficial and can inspire us to live a more meaningful life!



Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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