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52 Short Islamic Life Wisdom Quotes, Teach Wisdom in Life

52 Short Islamic Life Wisdom Quotes, Teach Wisdom in Life Illustration (credit: freepik) - Human life does not always go smoothly according to plan. Sometimes, various problems and obstacles come one after another. In order to survive and continue living, we must be able to respond to every problem wisely. One way to live and act wisely is by learning from Islamic life wisdom.

As we know, Islam is a religion that emphasizes good character and teachings of goodness. Being wise in facing problems is also one of the things taught and exemplified. That is why Islamic life wisdom can be the right way to find ways to become wise.

Summarized from and, here are some meaningful and wise Islamic life wisdom that teach wisdom.


1. Short Islamic Life Quotes

Wise words always hold deep meanings, even in short sentences. Although short, these wise words also contain valuable life lessons. Here are some short but meaningful Islamic life quotes.

1. "Think positively, no matter how hard your life is." (Ali bin Abi Thalib)

2. "Verily, with hardship, there is ease." (Quran, Al Insyirah: 5)

3. "The richest person is the one who accepts Allah's distribution (fate) with a happy heart." (Ali bin Husein)

4. "A sincere heart guides the world and the hereafter to help you."

5. "So what if our lives are not perfect? This is not paradise." (Nourman Ali Khan)

6. "Worldly wealth, if not guided by religion, will make you lose direction."

7. "Sincerity is the key to obtaining wealth in this world and in the hereafter."

8. "The effort to seek wealth should not be defeated by the effort to seek Allah's pleasure."

9. "Whoever does good, even as small as an atom's weight, will see its reward." (Quran, Az-Zalzalah: 7)

10. "There is no way to be sincere except by always getting closer to Allah."

11. "Ask for halal wealth so that your life is blessed."

12. "Allah's sustenance that is poured out is abundant and countless."


2. Islamic Wise Words to Calm the Heart

Reading wise words can bring peace to the heart and soul. A gloomy heart can become happier by reading these positive energy words. Here are Islamic wise words that can calm the heart and soul.

13. "Do not be sad. Indeed, help will come with patience." (HR.Ahmad)

14. "Do not explain yourself to anyone, because those who like you don't need it. And those who hate you won't believe it." (Ali bin Abi Thalib)

15. "Do not feel weak and do not be sad, for you are at the highest level if you believe." (QS.Ali Imran: 139)

16. "Giving that is not given sincerely will only block the flow of sustenance."

17. "If your heart is sincere, there will be no more suffering that will hurt you."

18. "Allah does not look at your physical appearance and wealth, but He looks at your heart and deeds."

19. "A greedy heart will never feel satisfied no matter how much wealth it collects."

20. "Patience is of two kinds: patience over something you don't want and patience in restraining yourself from something you desire." (Ali bin Abi Thalib)

21. "Do not grieve, whatever you lose will come back in another form." (Jalaludin Rumi)

22. "Do not be too hard on yourself, for the final result of all matters in this world has been determined by Allah. If something is destined to be away from you, then it will never come to you. But if it is destined to be with you, then you cannot run away from it." (Umar bin Khattab)

23. "The heart becomes restless and anxious when we are accustomed to speculating about life's problems." (Aa Gym)

24. "Whoever does not appreciate the little, will not be able to appreciate the much." (HR.Ahmad)

25. "My sins burden me. But when I measure them with Your mercy, O Allah, Your forgiveness is greater." (Imam Syafii)

26. "Allah's sustenance comes to anyone who seeks it with the intention of seeking halal sustenance."


3. Islamic Wise Words Full of Meaning

As mentioned earlier, wise words are not just ordinary sentences. They also hold deep meanings and valuable life lessons. Here are some meaningful Islamic life wisdom.

27. "It may be that you dislike something which is good for you, and it may be that you like something which is bad for you. Allah knows, while you do not know." (QS.Al-Baqarah 216)

28. "Cleanse your wealth with zakat and charity so that it will not become a barrier for you."

29. "This world is like a shadow. If you try to catch it, it will run away. But if you turn your back on it, it has no choice but to follow you." (Ibnu Qayyim Al Jauziyyah)

30. "Wealth that is not blessed will bring various calamities and sufferings."

31. "Verily, if you are grateful, I will surely increase you in favor, but if you deny, indeed, My punishment is severe." (QS. Ibrahim: 7)

32. "The person who faces the heaviest trials is the prophet, then those below his rank and so on." (HR.Tirmidzi)

33. "Wealth without blessings is like drinking seawater, it will never quench your thirst."

34. "Death does not wait until you become better. Be a good person and wait for death." (Habib Ali Zainal Abidin)

35. "Life is only two days. One day is in your favor and the other day is against you. So, when it is in your favor, do not be proud and hasty; and when it is against you, be patient. Because both are tests for you." (Ali bin Abi Thalib)

36. "Allah is pleased with people who strive for lawful sustenance, even though there is a lot of unlawful wealth around them."

37. "Most of us do not appreciate what we already have, but regret what we have not achieved."

38. "If Allah gives you a piece of bread, be grateful for it, because Allah does not make you beg to others to get it."

39. "Patience is crowned with faith. A person who loses patience is like someone without faith. The Prophet said that Allah does not give faith to someone who is hot-tempered."

40. "Every new breath that Allah allows you to take is not only a blessing, but also a responsibility."


4. Islamic Wise Words to Boost the Spirit of Life

Wise words are often used as a guide for some people in their daily lives. It is reasonable, because these words have the power to revive spirit and motivation within oneself. Here are some Islamic wise words that can boost motivation and spirit in life.

41. "Allah does not burden a person beyond his capacity." (QS.Al-Baqarah: 286)

42. "Indeed, Allah will not change the condition of a people until they change what is in themselves." (QS.Ar Rad: 11)

43. "But whoever is patient and forgives - indeed, that is of the matters [requiring] determination." (QS.Asy-Syuura: 43)

44. "Be enthusiastic about things that are beneficial for you. Seek help from Allah, do not weaken." (HR. Muslim)

45. "Complaining will only make our lives more stressed, while being grateful will always lead us to the path of ease."

46. "Do your worldly affairs as if you will live forever. And perform your hereafter affairs as if you will die tomorrow."

47. "A person will never run out of sustenance as long as they are willing to seek it with good intention and determination."

48. "Wake up in the morning to seek sustenance and your needs. Indeed, there is blessings and luck in the morning." (Narrated by At-Thabrani and Al-Bazzar)

49. "Be grateful if Allah gives you a test in life, because by doing so, Allah gives you the opportunity to become a better human being."

50. "Make use of five things before five things come; your youth before your old age, your health before your sickness, your abundance before your poverty, your free time before your busy time, your life before your death."

51. "And whoever fears Allah, He will make for him a way out." (Q.S At-Talaq: 4)

52. "He is the one who gives life and causes death, and to Him you will be returned." (Q.S Yunus: 56)

Those are among the 52 wise Islamic life quotes that are meaningful. Hopefully, they are beneficial and can inspire!



Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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