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40 Javanese Proverbs About Life and Their Meanings, Full of Inspiration and Good Advice

40 Javanese Proverbs About Life and Their Meanings, Full of Inspiration and Good Advice Illustration (Credit: Freepik) - Javanese Proverbs about life and their meanings are one form of advice delivered in a beautiful way. Besides being beautiful, the advice in it is wise and potential to be used as guidance in life. Therefore, such advice is popularly shared on various social media platforms.

Its concise and meaningful language is also the key to Javanese proverbs about life and their meanings. By understanding them, you can make those proverbs as materials for contemplation and self-reflection. If you can understand them seriously, you can even become a wise person according to the contents within.

Now, so that you won't be curious about all the positive effects mentioned above, let's directly explore Javanese proverbs about life and their meanings as compiled from various sources below.


1. Javanese Proverbs About Life and Their Meanings About Life

There are many formulas that you can observe in living life. One of them can be found in the Javanese proverbs about life and their meanings as follows.

1. Urip iku urup

(Life should be lit or beneficial to others around us)

2. Cuplak andheng-andheng, yen ora pernah panggonane bakal disingkirake.

(Those who cause harm will have all their goodness erased.)

3. Sak apik-apike wong yen awehi pitulung kanthi cara dedemitan.

(The best person is the one who helps secretly.)

4. Cekelana impenanmu, amarga yen impen mati, urip iku kaya manuk sing swiwine rusak, mula ora bisa mabur.

(Hold on to your dreams. A dead dream is like a bird with broken wings that cannot fly.)

5. If life is still filled with the desire for pleasure, the name of a noble life will be increasingly difficult to find.

6. Beautify the world, eliminate anger and all the vices that destroy the world, with love for the universe.

7. (If you already have it, be grateful. If it hasn't come yet, wait. If it has left, forget it. If it's lost, let it go.)

8. Life keeps moving, along with time. Your actions can determine your fate.

9. Strive without needing to bring a crowd. Win without hurting others. Be strong without using force. Be wealthy without attachment.

(Struggle without needing to bring a crowd.) Winning without demeaning or embarrassing. Being authoritative without relying on power, strength, wealth or lineage. Being rich without being materialistic.)

10. Don't be someone who feels capable and smart, but be someone who can and is smart.

(Jangan jadi orang yang merasa bisa dan merasa pintar, tetapi jadilah orang yang bisa dan pintar merasa.)


2. Javanese Proverbs About Life and Their Meanings About Knowledge

Sometimes, there is a lazy feeling that strikes when you are pursuing knowledge. Therefore, you need to find a source of motivation through Javanese proverbs about life and their meanings. This way, your motivation will be maintained every day.

11. Failure is the key to success, because every mistake teaches us a lesson.

12. Knowledge without faith is blind. Useful knowledge must be mastered both externally and internally in order to be applied in daily life, benefiting oneself and others who need it.

13. Adab and knowledge are equally important in living life in this world.

(Adab is the root of knowledge. Without adab, the knowledge one possesses may not be beneficial for the good of others.)

14.The foundation of success is integrity, belief, trustworthiness, noble character, love, and loyalty.

(The foundation of success is integrity, belief, trustworthiness, character, love, and loyalty.)

15.Success and failure are part of life, do not give up and continue until you succeed.

(Success and failure are part of life. Do not give up and keep going until you succeed.)

16.It is not wrong for the older to seek guidance or be taught by the younger.

(There is nothing wrong if the older person asks for guidance or is taught by the younger person.)

17.If you have the intention to work, do not seek trouble. If you intend to seek sustenance, there is no need to seek approval.

(If you have the intention to work, do not look for trouble. If you intend to seek sustenance, there is no need to seek approval.)

18. Buffaloes need to be whipped, while humans need to be advised.

(When buffaloes or cows need to do something, they need to be whipped, unlike humans who only need to be talked to in order to act.)

19.Intelligence is not just about intelligence, but also about being able to position oneself and read the situation.

(Being smart is not just about intelligence, but also about being able to position oneself and read the situation.)

20.Success is the result of perfection, work, learning, loyalty, and perseverance.

(Success is the result of perfection, work, learning, loyalty, and perseverance.)


3. Javanese Proverbs About Life and Their Meanings About Love

Love is a gift that everyone surely possesses. However, the level of love may vary. Now, to increase the level of love within yourselves as humans, let's take a look at the Javanese proverb about life and its meaning below.

21. Witing tresno jalaran soko kulino. Witing mulyo jalaran wani rekoso.

(Love grows because of habit, prosperity arises from daring to endure hardships.)

22. Akeh manungsa ngrasakake tresna, tapi lali lan ora kenal opo iku hakikate tresno.

(Many people feel love, but forget and do not know the essence of love.)

23. Sing paling tak wedeni urip ning dunyo udu kelangan koe, tapi wedi nek koe kelangan kebahagiaanne sampean.

(What I fear the most in this world is not losing you, but I am afraid you will lose your happiness.)

24. Iso nembang gak iso nyuling, iso nyawang gak iso nyanding.

(Can sing but can't play the flute, can see but can't accompany.)

25. Kowe kuwi koyo bintang, sing indah didelok tapi susah untuk digapai.

(You are like a star, beautiful to look at but difficult to reach.)

26. Ben akhire ora kecewa, dewe kudu ngerti kapan wektune berharap lan kapan wektune kudu mandeg.

(So that in the end there is no disappointment, we must understand when to hope and when to stop.)

27. Arek lanang kuoso milih, arek wedok kuoso nolak.

(Boys are free to choose, girls are free to reject.)

28. Akeh cara dienggo bahagia, salah sijine ngeculke uwong sing nyia-nyiake kowe.

(There are many ways to be happy, one of them is to let go of the person who mistreats you.)

29. Mbangun kromo ingkang satuhu, boten cekap bilih ngagem sepisan roso katresnan. Hananging butuh pirang pirang katresnan lumeber ning pasangan uripmu siji kui.

(A successful marriage doesn't require falling in love once, but falling in love repeatedly with the same person.)

30. Pengenku, aku iso muter wektu.Supoyo aku iso nemokne kowe lewih gasik.Ben Lewih dowo wektuku kanggo urip bareng sliramu.

(Aku berharap, aku bisa memutar waktu kembali.Di mana aku bisa lebih awal menemukan dan mencintaimu lebih lama.)


4. Javanese Proverbs About Life and Their Meanings About God

Relationship between humans and God is indeed difficult to explain. Well, by listening to Javanese proverbs about life and their meanings below, maybe you can get material for reflection to get closer to God.

31.Natas, nitis, netes

(From God we come, with God we live, and with God we reunite.)

32.Pangeran iku siji, ana ing ngendi papan, langgeng, sing nganakake jagad saisine, dadi sesembahane wong saaalam kabeh nganggo carane dhewe-dhewe.

(God is one, exists everywhere, eternal, the creator of the entire universe, and becomes the worship of all human beings, using their own ways.)

33.Memayu hayuning pribadi; memayu hayuning kulawarga; memayu hayuning sesama; memayu hayuning bawana

(Doing good for oneself, family, fellow human beings, living creatures, and the whole world.)

34.Gusti iku cedhak tanpa senggolan, adoh tanpa wangenan.

(God is close even though our bodies cannot touch Him and our minds cannot comprehend Him.)

35.Mohon, mangesthi, mangastuti, marem.

(Always ask for God's guidance to align words and actions in order to be useful to others.)

36. Prince is present wherever there is a board, so are you a Prince, but you should not dare to claim yourself as a Prince.

(God is everywhere, also within you, but you should not dare to claim yourself as God.)

37.Good and evil are intertwined, all of them are the will of God.

(Goodness and evil are together, all of them are the will of God.)

38.I am only a servant, surrendering to the Divine power.

(It means do what we can, then leave it to God.)

39.Surrendering to the Prince does not mean not wanting to work, but believing that the Prince is Almighty. Whether the result of our efforts is successful or not, it is in the hands of the Prince.

(Surrendering to God does not mean not wanting to work, but believing that God is Almighty. Whether the result of our efforts is successful or not, it is in the hands of God.)

40.God provides a path for those who are willing to follow the path of truth.

(God provides a path for those who are willing to follow the path of truth.)

That is a Javanese proverb about life and its meaning that you can use as a source of inspiration. Good advice in it can be your guide to live life.



Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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