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43 Ancient Javanese Wise Words about Life, Full of Meaning - Ignite Life Motivation

43 Ancient Javanese Wise Words about Life, Full of Meaning - Ignite Life Motivation Illustration (credit: freepik) - As we know, Javanese is one of the popular regional languages until now. Not only used in daily life, Javanese language often appears in books, movies, and even songs. In addition, ancient Javanese wisdom is still used as a guide for many people's lives until now. Because, the wisdom in ancient Javanese words is considered still relevant to today's life.

As the name implies, ancient Javanese wisdom contains wise messages about how to behave wisely. Not much different from Indonesian or other wise words, these words also contain valuable life lessons. Javanese wise words are very suitable to be used as a life guide in facing problems or to boost spirits.

Summarized from various sources, here are some meaningful and wisdom teachings from ancient Javanese words.



1. Ancient Javanese Wise Words about Life

Wise words are very useful as a guide in facing life's problems. From the ancient Javanese wise words, we can learn how to respond to life's problems wisely. Here are some ancient Javanese wise words in facing life's problems.

1. "Urip iku terus mlaku, bebarengan karo wektu, sing bisa gawa lakumu, supaya apik nasibmu." (Life keeps moving forward, along with time, which can determine your actions, so that your fate is good).

2. "Memayu hayuning pribadi: memayu hayuning kulawarga, memayu hayuning sesama, memayu hayuning bawana." (Do good for yourself, family, fellow humans, living beings, and the whole world).

3. "Urip iku koyo kopi, yen ndak iso nikmati rasane panggah pait." (Life is like a cup of coffee, if you can't enjoy it, all you will taste is bitterness).

4. "Lamun sira durung wikan alamira pribadi, mara takona marang wong kang wus wikan." (If you haven't understood your own nature, you should ask someone who has understood theirs).

5. "Yen urip mung isine isih nuruti nepsu, sing jenenge mulya mesti soyo angel ketemu." (If life is only filled with the desire for pleasure, the essence of a meaningful life will become harder to find).

6. "Guyon ora popo, sing penting ojo jotos-jotosan, yo!" (It's okay to joke around, as long as there's no physical harm, okay!).

7. "Kadang mripat iso salah ndelok, kuping iso salah krungu, lambe iso salah ngomong, tapi ati ora bakal iso diapusi." (Sometimes eyes can see wrongly, ears can hear wrongly, mouths can speak wrongly, but the heart cannot be deceived or deceive).

8. "Iro yudho wicaksono." (A brave warrior who fights for truth, upholds justice based on wisdom).

9. "Nek ngomong ojo dhuwur-dhuwur. Ngko lambemu kesampluk pesawat." (When speaking, don't speak arrogantly. Otherwise, your mouth will be struck by an airplane).

10. "Akeh manungsa ngrasakaken tresna, tapi lalai lan ora kenal opo kui hakekate atresna." (Many people feel love, but they forget to understand the true essence of love).

11. "Ampun mbedakakekn marang lintune." (Don't differentiate between others, respect differences).



2. Meaningful Ancient Javanese Wise Words

Ancient Javanese wise words are not just ordinary motivational sentences. Behind their beautiful sentences, there are deep meanings. Here are some meaningful ancient Javanese wise words.

12. "Becik ketitik, ala ketara." (Good deeds will always be recognized, and bad deeds will also be revealed).

13. "Kadang lathi iso gawe loroning ati." (Sometimes words can hurt feelings).

14. "Memayu hayuning bawana." (Decorating the universe).

15. "Manungsa mung ngunduh wohing pakarti." (Human life, good or bad, is the result of human actions).

16. "Jaman iku owah gingsir." (Space, time, and era will always be dynamic and change).

17. "Rukun agawe santosa, crah agawe bubrah." (Living in harmony will surely bring happiness, while constant conflict will lead to separation).

18. "Dudu sanak, dudu kadang, yen mati melu kalangan." (Not family, not relatives, but if they pass away, we will feel the loss).

19. "Meneng widara uleran." (Appears good but actually bad).

20. "Cuplak andheng-andheng, yen ora pernah panggonane bakal disingkirake." (Those who cause harm will have all their goodness erased).

21. "Mikul dhuwur mendhem jero." (A child who respects their parents).

22. "Ambeg utomo, andhap asor." (Always be the first but remain humble).

23. "Anak polah bapa kepradah." (A child's behavior has an impact on their parents, if the child behaves badly, the parents will be affected negatively, and vice versa, if the child behaves well, the parents will be affected positively).



3. Islamic Ancient Javanese Wise Words

Javanese culture highly emphasizes spirituality. Therefore, some ancient Javanese wise words also carry religious messages. Here are some Islamic and God-centric ancient Javanese wise words.

24. "Please, ask for guidance, express gratitude, be humble." (Always ask for God's guidance to align words and actions for the benefit of others).

25. "Manungsa iku kanggonan sipating Pangeran." (Humans possess godly qualities).

26. "Gusti paring dalan kanggo uwong sing gelam ndalan." (God provides a path for those who are willing to follow the path of truth).

27. "Kawula mung saderma, mobah-mosik kersaning hyang sukmo." (Do what we can, then surrender to God).

28. "Gusti Allah paring pitedah bisa lewat bungah, bisa lewat susah." (Allah provides guidance through happiness and suffering).

29. "Ala lan becik iku gegandhengan, Kabeh kuwi saka kersaning Pangeran." (Good and evil coexist, all of which are God's will).

30. "Gusti Allah paring pitedah bisa lewat bungah, bisa lewat susah." (Allah provides guidance through happiness and suffering).

31. "Urip kang utama, mateni kang sempurna." (As long as we do good deeds in life, we will find happiness in the afterlife).

32. "Gusti yen arek iku jodohku tulung cedakaken, yen mboten jodohku tulung jodohaken." (God, if that person is my soulmate, please bring us closer, and if not, please matchmake us).

33. "Natas, nitis, netes." (From God we come, with God we live, and to God we return).



4. Revive Motivation with Ancient Javanese Wise Words

Wise words are not only useful for guiding someone to behave wisely. More than that, wise words can also ignite motivation within oneself. As we know, motivation is an important aspect in living life. Here are some ancient Javanese wise words that can ignite motivation.

34. "If you already have a job, don't look for trouble, if you have already intended to find fortune, don't bother looking for a face."

35. "Finally, don't be disappointed, we must understand when it's time to hope and when it's time to stop."

36. "Forget about those who have left, wait for those who have not yet arrived, and be grateful for what you already have."

37. "The best person is the one who secretly helps others."

38. "Love grows from habits, prosperity arises from daring to endure hardships first."

39. "You must stay motivated even if there is no one to motivate you."

40. "Lying is your right, pretending not to know if you lie is my obligation."

41. "Patience is the name of the game in life."

42. "Seeking the completeness of life in body and soul, and seeking the perfection of death."

43. "Don't be a person who feels capable and smart." But be a person who can think and feel smart." (Don't be someone who feels capable and smart, but be someone who can and feels smart).

Those are among the 43 ancient Javanese wise words that are full of meaning. Hopefully, they are beneficial and can inspire.




Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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