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50 Short Javanese Captions and Their Meanings, Full of Meaning - Funny and Hilarious

50 Short Javanese Captions and Their Meanings, Full of Meaning - Funny and Hilarious Illustration (credit: freepik) - As a regional language, Javanese is quite popular among the general public. Among young people, Javanese is still used in daily life. Moreover, the use of this regional language has become a trend after Javanese frequently appears in songs, books, and films. In addition, lately there are also many people who use Javanese captions in their photo posts.

The use of Javanese language has recently become a trend. Moreover, Javanese is not only used by speakers from Central Java and East Java. People whose mother tongue is not Javanese also often use this regional language. It is proven that on social media, we can easily find photo posts with Javanese captions.

Javanese captions can also give a unique impression to posts. Interested in using Javanese captions? Compiled from various sources, here are some choices of captions in Javanese that can complement your photo posts.


1. Short Javanese Caption

Short caption is one of the most commonly used types of captions to complement social media photo posts. Short captions are simple and straightforward. However, short captions often hold deep meanings, adding a cool impression to the posts. Here are some options for short Javanese captions that can enhance your posts.

1. "Abot entheng saka panggawene dhewe." (The weight and lightness of life depend on the individual).

2. "Ojo sampe kenangan ngrusak masa depan." (Don't let memories ruin the future).

3. "Elek yo ben, sing penting iso marai kangen." (Ugly is fine, as long as it can make you miss it).

4. "Alam iki sajatining guru." (Nature is the true teacher).

5. "Wong sabar rejekine jembar, ngalah urip luwih berkah." (Patient people have abundant blessings, surrendering makes life more blessed).

6. "Ngelmu iku kalakone kanthi laku." (If you want to be smart, you must learn to seek knowledge).

7. "Rela lan legawa lair trusing batin." (Sincere inside and out).

8. "Manungsa mung ngunduh wohing pakarti." (Human life, good or bad, is the result of human actions).

9. "Ora ono wong mulyo tanpo urip rekoso." (No one lives happily without hard work).

10. "Narimo ing pandum." (Accept everything with sincerity).

11. "Jenenge pasangan, yen ora pas yo mung dadi angan." (The name is a partner, if it's not right, it's just a dream).

12. "Aku tanpamu bagaikan es dawet ra diwei gulo." (I'm like an iced dawet without sugar without you).

13. "Natas, nitis, netes." (From God we come, with God we live, and united with God we return).

2. Wise Javanese Caption

In addition to short captions, wise captions are also currently popular. Wise captions are popular because they can make someone appear more mature and wise. Moreover, wise captions are also very suitable for all types of photo posts. Here are some Javanese captions that contain wise messages in them.

14. "Wit, yen diuncali watu tetep dibales kanggo woh." (Live like a tree, when thrown with stones, still respond with fruit).

15. "Sepi ing pamrih, rame ing gawe, banter tan mblancangi, dhuwur tan nungkuli."
(Work hard and enthusiastically without expecting rewards, be quick without rushing, be high without exceeding).

16. "Wayah wulangen marang kautaman, predinen susileng tata supata gawe pepadhaning kaluwarga." (Educate your children and grandchildren towards goodness, educate them on moral values ​​so that they can become a source of light for the family).

17. "Ngeluruk tanpa bala, menang tanpa ngasorake, sekti tanpa aji-aji, sugih tanpa bhanda." (Strive without bringing masses, win without belittling, have authority without relying on power, be rich without being based on wealth).

18. "Kawula mung saderma, mobah-mosik kersaning Hyang sukmo." (Do what we can, then leave it to God).

19. "Memayu hayuning pribadi, memayu hayuning kulawarga, memayu hayuning sesama, memayu hayuning bawana." (Do good for yourself, family, fellow humans, living beings, and the entire world).

20. "Urip iku terus mlaku, bebarengan karo wektu, sing bisa gawa lakumu, supaya apik nasibmu." (Life keeps moving, along with time, do what you can to make your fate good).

21. "Tenangno pikirmu.Ayemno atimu.Gusti Allah mboten sare." (Calm your mind. Calm your soul. God will not abandon you). Allah does not sleep).

22. "Ala lan becik iku gegandhengan, Kabeh kuwi saka kersaning Pangeran." (Good and evil coexist, it is all the will of God).

23.Tetese grimis karo tetese tangisanmu, iseh jeru tetesen banyu motone wong tuoku." (Drops of drizzle and drops of your tears, deeper than the drops of my parents' tears).

24. "Akeh manungsa ngrasakake tresna, tapi lali lan ora kenal opo iku hakikate tresno." (Many people feel love, but forget and do not know the true nature of love).

25. "Gusti paring dalan kanggo uwong sing gelam ndalan." (God provides a path for those who want to follow the path of truth).

3. Funny Javanese Caption

Funny Javanese captions would be perfect for those of you with a humorous personality. Because, these funny Javanese captions are very entertaining and relatable to daily life. Here are some choices of funny and entertaining Javanese captions.

26. "Time is money. If your friend asks you to hang out and you say you don't have time, it means your friend doesn't have money).

27.Aku wong ndeso ora ngerti Valentine Day, ngertiku Pak Day karo Bu Day." (I, a village person, don't understand Valentine's Day, I only know Pak Day and Bu Day (parody of Pakdhe and Budhe).

28. "Asline aku yo kudu nangis tapi wedi mengko umbelku metu." (Actually, I want to cry but I'm afraid my snot will come out).

29. "Malem minggu neng kamar dewean, koyo semongko glundang-glundung dewe." (Saturday night alone in the room, like a lonely rolling watermelon).

30. "Kowe lungo nggowo kenangan, kowe teko maneh nggowo undangan." (You leave with memories, you come back with an invitation).

31. "Urip iku koyo kopi, yen ndak iso nikmati rasane panggah pait." (Life is like a cup of coffee, if you can't enjoy the taste, it will only be bitter).

32. "Wong lemu kui, dudu kakean mangan, tapi program diete sing gagal." (Fat people, it's not about eating too much, but their failed diet program).

33. "Kowe butuh duit??Reneo… Ayo nangis bareng." (Do you need money? Let's cry together). Come here, let's cry together).

34. "Arek lanang iku kuoso milih, arek wadon kuoso nolak." (Boys are free to choose, girls are free to refuse).

35. "Iso nembang gak iso nyuling, iso nyawang gak iso nyanding." (Can sing but can't play the flute, can see but can't accompany).

36. "Nek ngomong ojo dhuwur-dhuwur.Ngko lambemu kesampluk pesawat." (If you speak, don't speak too high, your mouth might get hit by a plane).

37. "Uwong duwe pacar iku kudu sabar ambek pasangane.Opo meneh sing gak duwe." (People who have a partner must be patient with their partner. What about those who don't have one).

4. Sarcastic Javanese Caption

In addition to being a means of expression, many people use social media to convey satirical messages. Yes, because sometimes sarcasm is more effective than directly conveying a message. Here are some choices of Javanese captions that can be used to satirize.

38. "Untung atiku iki digawe karo Gusti Allah.Nek gawean menungso wes remuk ket wingi." (Fortunately, my heart is made by God. If it's made by humans, it would have been destroyed since yesterday).

39. "Ora usah mikir omongane wong liyo, wong liyo ae nek ngomong yo ora mikir." (Don't bother thinking about what other people say, they don't even think when they speak).

40. "Wong nek diapiki mesti bakal mbales ngapiki, nek wes diapiki tapi malah nglarani mungkin duduk wong." (If someone is treated well, they should respond with kindness too. But if they're treated well and still hurt others, maybe they're not human).

41. "Dadi wong lanang ojo koyo krupuk.Teles sitik lemes." (Being a man shouldn't be like a cracker. A little wet, and it becomes soft).

42. "Udane awet, koyo lambemu nek ngomel, nggak leren-leren." (The rain lasts long, just like your mouth when complaining, it never stops).

43. "Kacang iku gurih, tapi nek dikacangin iku perih." (Nuts are tasty, but if they're roasted it becomes painful).

44. "Jaremu lungo tuku sego, lha muleh malah gowo lanangane tonggo." (You said you're going to buy rice, but you come back with your neighbor's partner).

45. "Yen pancen tresno kudune dijogo ora malah ditinggal gendakan karo wong liyo." (If it's really love, it should be protected, not replaced by dating someone else).

46. "Gedhang yo gedhang, koplo yo koplo, ojo omong tok!" Ndang buktekno." (Banana is banana, koplo is koplo, don't just talk! Where's the proof).

47. "Ngaku konco kok gur pengen nunut mulyo. Pas konco ciloko malah lungo." (Claim to be a friend but only want to ride on fame. When a friend has a problem, they just leave).

48. "Ojo dadi kacang kang lali karo kulite." (Don't be a bean that forgets the sacrifices and help of others).

49. "Gak usah macak sok polos ndek ngarepku. Lek kenyataane sikapmu koyok asu." (No need to pretend to be innocent in front of me. If in reality your attitude is like a dog).

50. "Kadang lathi iso gawe loroning ati." (Sometimes words can hurt someone's feelings).

Those are among the 50 choices of funny and meaningful Javanese captions. Hopefully useful and inspiring!



Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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