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50 Javanese Quotes and Their Meanings, Full of Wisdom for Wise Living

50 Javanese Quotes and Their Meanings, Full of Wisdom for Wise Living Illustration (credit: freepik) - Javanese language is known as one of the regional languages that highly upholds politeness and manners. This can be seen from Javanese sentences that are generally very refined and polite. It is no wonder that Javanese language is still quite popular among the general public. Lately, Javanese language has often appeared in books, songs, and even films. Besides in works, Javanese quotes are also greatly admired.

Javanese quotes are considered to be able to represent the deepest feelings. In addition, Javanese quotes often contain valuable life advice. So it's no wonder that many people still consider Javanese quotes as a guide to life. Even for those who are not native Javanese speakers.

Compiled from and, here are some inspirational and meaningful Javanese quotes.

1. Quotes Javanese about Life

There are many things taught in Javanese quotes. One of them is about how to be wise in life. Yes, like most quotes, Javanese quotes also often discuss about life. Here are some Javanese quotes about life.

1. "Urip iku terus mlaku, bebarengan karo wektu, sing bisa gawa lakumu, supaya apik nasibmu." (Life keeps moving, along with time, which can determine your actions, so that your fate is good)

2. "Manungsa mung ngunduh wohing pakarti." (Human life, good or bad, is the result of human actions themselves)

3. "Kudu semangat masio gak ono sing nyemangati." (Must keep the spirit even if there is no one to encourage)

4. "Urip iku koyo kopi, yen ndak iso nikmati rasane panggah pait." (Life is like a cup of coffee, if you can't enjoy it, all you feel is bitterness)

5. "Memayu hayuning bawana." (Beautifying the universe)

6. "Sabar iku ingaran mustikaning laku." (Behaving with patience is like a beautiful thing in life)

7. "Manungsa mung ngunduh wohing pakarti." (Human life, good or bad, is the result of human actions themselves)

8. "Yen urip mung isine isih nuruti napsu, sing jenenge mulya mesti soyo angel ketemu." (If life is still filled with the desire for pleasure, the name of a noble life will be increasingly difficult to find)

9. "Nek ngomong ojo dhuwur-dhuwur. Ngko lambemu kesampluk pesawat." (If you speak, don't speak too high, or else your mouth will be hit by an airplane)

10. "Nek ngomong ojo manis-manis, mundak cangkeme dirubung semut." (If you speak, don't speak too sweet, or else your mouth will be swarmed by ants)

11. "Nek wes niat kerjo iku, ojo golek perkoro, nek wes diniati golek rejeki iku ora usah golek rai." (If you already have a job, don't look for trouble, if you have intended to seek fortune, there is no need to seek popularity)


2. Quotes Javanese about Love

Besides life, there are also Javanese quotes that discuss love. Love quotes in Javanese can make a romantic relationship more harmonious and sweet. In addition, some of these quotes can also strengthen someone who is experiencing heartbreak. Here are some Javanese quotes about love.

1. "Witing tresno jalaran soko kulino. Witing mulyo jalaran wani rekoso." (That love grows because of habit, prosperity arises because of daring to suffer first)

2. "Gusti yen arek iku jodohku tulung cedakaken, yen mboten jodohku tulung jodohaken." (God, if that person is my soulmate, please bring them closer, and if not, please matchmake)

3. "Mbangun kromo ingkang satuhu, boten cekap bilih ngagem sepisan roso katresnan. Hananging butuh pirang pirang katresnan lumeber ning pasangan uripmu siji kui." (A successful marriage doesn't require falling in love once, but falling in love multiple times with the same person)

4. "Akeh manungsa ngrasakaken tresna, tapi lalai lan ora kenal opo kui hakekate atresna." (Many people feel love, but they forget to understand the true essence of love)

5. "Arek lanang iku kuoso milih, arek wadon kuoso nolak." (Boys can choose, girls can reject)

6. "Ben akhire ora kecewa, dewe kudu ngerti kapan wektune berharap lan kapan wektune kudu mandeg." (So that we won't be disappointed in the end, we must understand when to hope and when to stop)

7. "Uwong duwe pacar iku kudu sabar ambek pasangane. Opo meneh sing gak duwe." (People who have a partner must be patient with their partner. What else can they do?) Especially if you don't have one)

8. "If the name is love, it shouldn't demand that its partner be used by someone else just because of their shortcomings.

9. "Moving on is not about trying to forget, but about accepting and trying to find something better than before.

10. "She said she has moved on with someone else, but still says 'If God won't respond, karma will.' It's better to just stay silent.

11. "Sometimes eyes can be mistaken, ears can be mistaken, words can be mistaken, but the heart cannot be deceived or deceive.

12. "Forget those who have left, wait for those who haven't come, and be grateful for those who are already here.

13. "Can sing but can't play the flute, can see but can't accompany.

14. "Peanuts are tasty, but if you eat too many, they can be painful.


3. Quotes Javanese about Friendship

Not only about life and love, Javanese quotes also contain wise messages about friendship. Interpreting friendship quotes in Javanese can make friendships stronger. Here are some Javanese quotes about friendship.

1. "Ra sah ngaku konco kenthel nek pas awor aku atimu isih grundel." (No need to claim to be a friend if when we meet, your heart still feels uncomfortable)

2. "Ojo dadi kacang kang lali karo kulite." (Don't be a nut that forgets the sacrifices and help of others)

3. "Guyon ora popo, sing penting ojo jotos-jotosan, yo!" (It's okay to joke around, as long as we don't hit each other)

4. "Kadang lathi iso gawe loroning ati." (Sometimes words can hurt the heart)

5. "Gak usah macak sok polos ndek ngarepku.Lek kenyataane sikapmu koyok asu." (No need to pretend to be innocent in front of me. If in reality, your attitude is like a dog)

6. "Teman Jadi Cinta.Sampek kegowo turu, ngimpi ngusap pipimu.Tansah nyoto keroso konco dadi tresno." (Friend becomes love, even in sleep, dreaming of touching your cheek. Always keep the love of friendship.) Like a fact feels like a friend becomes love)

7. "Dudu sanak, dudu kadang, yen mati melu kalangan." (Not family, not relatives, if they die, we lose)

8. "Ampun mbedakakekn marang lintune." (Don't differentiate between each other, respect differences)

9. "Ngaku konco kok gur pengen nunut mulyo.Pas konco ciloko malah lungo." (Claiming to be a friend but only wants to ride on fame. When a friend has a problem, they leave)

10. "Waktu adalah uang.Yen kancamu mbok jak dolan raono wektu, brarti wonge lagi ra duwe duit." (Time is money. If your friend doesn't have time to hang out, it means they don't have money)

11. "Dosa sing paling menyedihkan iku dosambat ora duwe duit". (The saddest sin is to borrow but not have money)


4. Quotes Javanese Wise and Islamic

Just like quotes in Indonesian or other languages, Javanese quotes also convey wise messages. These quotes will guide someone to become wiser and more knowledgeable. In addition, some Javanese Islamic quotes will also guide someone to be closer to their God. Here are some wise and Islamic Javanese quotes.

1. "Aja dadi uwong sing rumangsa bisa lan rumangsa pinter.Nanging dadiya uwong sing bisa lan pinter rumangsa." (Don't be someone who feels capable and smart, but be someone who can and smartly feels)

2. "Natas, nitis, netes." (From God we come, with God we live, and united with God we return)

3. "Sak apik-apike wong yen awehi pitulung kanthi cara dedemitan." (The best person is the one who helps in a hidden way)

4. "Gusti paring dalan kanggo uwong sing gelam ndalan." (God provides a path for those who are willing to follow the path of truth)

5. "Golek sampurnaning urip lahir batin lan golek kusumpurnaning pati." (We are responsible for seeking welfare in both the world and the hereafter)

6. "Ambeg utomo, andhap asor." (Always be the first but always be humble)

7. "Ala lan becik iku gegandhengan, Kabeh kuwi saka kersaning Pangeran." (Good and evil go hand in hand, it is all God's will)

8. "Aja mbedakake marang sak sapadha-pada." (Respect differences, do not discriminate against fellow human beings)

9. "Ngapusi kui hakmu.Kewajibanku mung etok-etok ora ngerti yen mbok apusi." (Lying is your right. It is my duty to pretend not to know if you lie)

10. "Gusti Allah paring pitedah bisa lewat bungah, bisa lewat susah." (Allah gives guidance through happiness, through suffering)

11. "Tresna kanggo manungsa mung amerga katresnane marang Gusti Allah sing Nyipta'aken manungsa!" (Love for a person is only because of the love for Allah, the Lord of the Universe who created humans)

12. "Meneng widara uleran." (Looks good but actually bad)

13. "Kawula mung saderma, mobah-mosik kersaning hyang sukmo." (Do what we can, then leave it to God)

14. "Mohon, mangesthi, mangastuti, marem." (Always ask for God's guidance to align words and actions to be useful for others)

Those are some meaningful Javanese quotes and their meanings. Hope it is useful and can inspire!



Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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