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48 Motivational Words in Javanese Language with Meaning, Full of Meaning and Can Boost the Spirit of Life

48 Motivational Words in Javanese Language with Meaning, Full of Meaning and Can Boost the Spirit of Life Illustration (credit: freepik) - In living life, various problems often come one after another. As a result, life becomes more difficult. In order to survive and continue living, a person must have motivation. There are many ways to awaken motivation within oneself. One way is by reading and understanding motivational words in Javanese language.

Yes, motivational words never fail to ignite the spirit of life. The same goes for motivational words in Javanese language, which hold many advice and wise counsel for life. Javanese motivational sentences will lead you to a more passionate, strong, and independent life. So that, whatever challenges and problems in life come your way, they can be overcome.

Summarized from various sources, here are several motivational words in Javanese language that can be an inspiration in facing problems.


1. Javanese Motivational Words for Living

Motivation is one of the things needed in life. With motivation, life will feel more beautiful and easy to live. No matter how difficult the problems are, we will feel strong and confident to overcome them. Here are some Javanese motivational words to live by.

1. "Seng nandur bakale ngunduh." (Those who act will reap the rewards).

2. "Golek sempurnaning urip lahir batin lan kasempurananig pati." (Seeking perfection in life both in this world and the afterlife).

3. "Sabar iku lire momot kuwat nandhang sakehing coba lan pandhadharaning ngaurip." (Patience is the ability to resist all kinds of temptations in life).

4. "Alon-alon asal kelakon." (Slowly but surely, as long as the goal is achieved).

5. "Nanging ora teges gampang pepes kentekan pangarep arep." (It doesn't mean giving up when hope runs out because hope always exists).

6. "Aja dadi uwong sing rumangsa bisa lan rumangsa pinter. Nanging dadiya uwong sing bisa lan pinter rumangsa." (Don't be someone who thinks they can and thinks they are smart, but be someone who can and is smart enough to understand).

8. "Eling lan waspada, sadar lan sabar, setiti lan ngabekti, sumeleh tur sareh." (Remember and be alert, conscious and patient, frugal and devoted, sincere and calm).

9. "Mending kelangan timbang ati tansah kelaran." (It's better to lose than to constantly be hurt).

10. "Ben akhire ora kecewa, dewe kudu ngerti kapan wektune berharap lan kapan wektune kudu mandeg." (So that in the end we won't be disappointed, we must understand when to hope and when to stop).

11. "Urip iku terus mlaku, bebarengan karo wektu, sing bisa gawa lakumu, supaya apik nasibmu." (Life keeps moving, along with time, do what you can for your own good fortune).

12. "Yen urip mung isine isih nuruti nepsu, sing jenenge mulya mesti soyo angel ketemu." (If life is still filled with desires for pleasure, the name of a noble life will be harder to find).

13. "Aja dadi pengecut kaya upil sing umpetan ning ngisor meja." (Don't be a coward like a booger hiding under the table).

14. "Basa iku busananing bangsa." (A person's character can be seen from the words they speak).


2. Javanese Motivational Words to Boost Spirit

Having motivation within oneself serves to boost the spirit in whatever one does in life. Without enthusiasm, feelings of boredom and wanting to give up can arise at any time. Here are some Javanese motivational words that can boost motivation.

15. "Niat kerjo, ora golek perkoro. Niat golek rejeki, ora golek rai. Ora balapan, opo maneh ugal-ugalan." (The intention to work is not to find trouble. The intention to seek fortune is not just seeking attention. Not a race, let alone reckless).

16. "Ra ono wong mulyo tanpo urip rekoso." (No one lives a successful life without hard work).

17. "Wong menang iku wong sing bisa ngasorake priyanggane dhewe." (The winner is the one who can fight against his own desires).

18. "Sabar iku ingaran mustikaning laku." (Behaving with patience is like something very beautiful in life).

19. "Wong pinter kalah karo wong beja." (Smart people lose to lucky people).

20. "Ra usah kakean cangkem, sing penting kui buktine." (Don't talk too much, what matters is the evidence).

21. "Tresno iku ora patokan karo ganteng, ayune rupamu, akehe bondomu, lan opo penggaweanmu." (Love is not based on handsomeness, the beauty of your face, the amount of your wealth, or your occupation).

22. "Kudu semangat masio gak ono sing nyemangati." (You must have spirit even if there is no one to encourage you).

23. "Urip iku koyo kopi, yen ndak iso nikmati rasane panggah pait." (Life is like a cup of coffee, if you can't enjoy it, all you feel is bitterness).

24. "Yen kabih wis ginaris nyata, aja nganti ana ati sing rumangsa sengsara narima pacoba." (If everything has become God's decree, there should be no more hearts feeling sad when accepting trials).


3. Meaningful Javanese Motivational Words

Motivational words in Javanese language not only can ignite the spirit within. More than that, these words also hold deep meanings. These meanings are useful as valuable life lessons. Here are some meaningful motivational words in Javanese language.

25. "The most powerful heritage is not a spear, sword or dagger, but it lies within oneself."

26. "Nature is the true teacher."

27. "Be the first but always be humble."

28. "Rice comes from paddy, heartbreak comes from a lie."

29. "Let go of what has gone, wait for what has not come, be grateful for what already exists."

30. "Many people feel love, but they forget and do not know the true essence of love."

31. "In life, humans will only reap the results of their own actions."

32. "The best person is the one who helps secretly."

33. "Sometimes eyes can see wrong, ears can hear wrong, mouth can speak wrong, but the heart cannot be deceived or deceive."

34. "There are many ways to be happy, one of them is letting go of people who mistreat you."

35. "If you already have it, be grateful. If it hasn't come yet, wait for it. If it has left, forget it. If it's lost, let it go."

4. Islamic Javanese Motivational Words

Javanese language proverbs prioritize spirituality. Therefore, some Javanese motivational words also have elements of divinity in them. Like the following Islamic Javanese motivational words.

36. "Gusti Allah mboten sare." (God does not sleep).

37. "Tresna kanggo manungsa mung amerga katresnane marang Gusti Allah sing nyipta'aken manungsa!" (Love for a person is only because of the love for Allah, the Almighty Creator of mankind).

38. "Gusti Allah paring pitedah iso lewat bungah, iso lewat susah." (God gives guidance through happiness and also through difficulties).

39. "Gusti paring mergi kangge tyang ingkang purun teng merginipun." (God will provide a way for those who follow the path of truth).

40. "Gusti paring dalan kanggo uwong sing gelam ndalan." (God provides a path for those who are willing to follow the path of truth).

41. "Gusti iku cedhak tanpa senggolan, adoh tanpa wangenan." (God is close even though our bodies cannot touch Him, far without limits).

42. "Ala lan becik iku gegandhengan, Kabeh kuwi saka kersaning Pangeran." (Good and evil exist together, it is all the will of God).

43. "Yen kabih wis ginaris nyata, aja nganti ana ati sing rumangsa sengsara narima pacoba." (If everything is already determined by God, there should be no more hearts feeling sad when facing trials).

44. "Mohon, mangesthi, mangastuti, marem." (Always ask for God's guidance to align words and actions to be useful for others).

45. "Kawula mung saderma, mobah-mosik kersaning Hyang sukmo." (Start acting as best as you can, and finally surrender everything to the Almighty God).

46. "Urip kang utama, mateni kang sempurna." (As long as we do good deeds in our lives, we will find happiness in the afterlife).

47. "Ojo mabuk bondo, opo meneh mabuk dunyo, uripmu rekoso." (Do not be obsessed with wealth, let alone drunk with worldly power, your life will be miserable).

48. "Natas, nitis, netes." (From God we come, with God we live, and with God we return).

Those are among the 48 meaningful Javanese motivational words. Hopefully, they are beneficial and inspiring.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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