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45 Touching Friday Quotes, Can Be Wise Islamic Advice

45 Touching Friday Quotes, Can Be Wise Islamic Advice Illustration (credit: Freepik) - Friday is a special day for every Muslim. And Friday is the best day to get closer to the Almighty. In fact, there are many extraordinary rewards for worship on Friday. It's no wonder that there are many extraordinary advice or Friday quotes.

Friday is considered a special day because there are many extraordinary worship practices that can be done on Friday. These practices include Friday prayers for men, reading Surah Al-Kahf, and thoroughly cleaning the body, all of which receive extraordinary rewards on Friday.

Now, for KLovers who are looking for wise words suitable for Friday, the following quotes will be very suitable as advice. Therefore, compiled from various sources, here are 45 touching and wise Friday quotes. Let's check it out KLovers.

1. Beautiful Friday Words

The first Friday words are beautiful Friday words. Here are some of those beautiful Friday words:

  1. "Good morning, happy Friday. Don't forget to spread smiles and sincerity to the people around us. And don't forget to start this day with prayers."
  2. "Because intentions are not visible. So let's improve our behavior so that people understand that our intentions are truly good."
  3. "Happy Friday. May the prayers we raise today be accepted by Allah someday. Believe me, there will be no futile prayers as long as we believe that Allah is everything."
  4. "Blessed Friday. I am not afraid of my prayers being rejected. I am more afraid if I stop praying."
  5. "Friday is the best day to do good. However, never wait for a good day to be able to do good. Happy Friday."
  6. "No day is as beautiful as Friday. No word except remembrance. And no worship except prayer."
  7. "Forget your activities for a moment. Now is the time to face the qibla. A true man is enthusiastic about going to Friday prayer."
  8. "On this glorious day, teach us to always place You in the highest place, O Allah. Because we realize, often we prioritize the world over You."
  9. "A person who gives advice to others but does not improve himself is like a candle that illuminates but destroys."
  10. "Make calamities make us mature to elevate our status in the eyes of God."
  11. "Whoever is happy to ease the difficulties of others, God willing, with His grace will ease our affairs in this world and the hereafter."
  12. "To get what you like, you must first be patient with what you hate."
  13. "If your relatives behave badly towards you, always do good to them, then Allah will always help you."
  14. "Friday Longing. It's time to move on. Redirect longing to someone more deserving. To be longed for, not you or him, but Allah and His Messenger."
  15. "Happy Friday. Praying without working is a lie. Working without praying is arrogant.

2. Blessed Friday Words

Then the words of the second Friday, the words of the Friday that is full of blessings. Yup! Friday is indeed a special day for Islam, because Friday is a day full of blessings. And here are some words of Friday that are full of blessings:

  1. "Because intentions are not visible. So let's improve our behavior so that people understand that our intentions are truly good."
  2. "Friday is the best day to do good. However, never wait for a good day to be able to do good. Happy Friday."
  3. "No day is as beautiful as Friday. No words other than remembrance. And no worship other than prayer."
  4. "Forget your activities for a moment. Now it's time to face the qibla. A real man is enthusiastic about going to Friday prayer."
  5. "Whatever we see and what is unseen, we should be grateful to increase the blessings on this day. What we see, whether it is beauty, happiness, we should be grateful for it, and whatever is unseen, such as age, and blessings that we cannot know. Hopefully, there will be more blessings on this Friday."
  6. "The best day is when the sun rises on Friday. On that day, Adam was created, entered paradise, and was expelled from it. And the apocalypse will only happen on Friday."
  7. "Friday. Gratitude is not only because everything is fine. But, there is also a good side where everything happens."
  8. "Oh Allah, You have revived me this morning on Friday. Also revive my heart so that I am always grateful for all the blessings You have given. Revive my mind so that whatever I do, I always remember You."
  9. "Oh Allah, accompany every step of my feet. Keep my feet from stepping in places that You are not pleased with."
  10. "Oh Allah, on this blessed Friday, bless our beloved country. Keep us away from divisive issues that You dislike."
  11. "Knock, and He will open the door. Disappear, and He will make you shine like the sun. Prostrate, and He will raise you to heaven. Be a servant and He will give you everything."
  12. "The best of humans is the one who is most beneficial to others. The fruit of carelessness is regret. The fruit of diligence is safety. Blessed Friday."
  13. "On this glorious day, teach us to always place You in the highest position, O Allah. Because we realize, often we prioritize the world over You."
  14. "A person who gives advice to others but does not improve himself is like a candle that illuminates but is destroyed."
  15. "Good morning. Happy Friday. Don't forget to spread smiles and sincerity to the people around us. And don't forget to start this day with a prayer."

3. Wise Friday Words

And finally, there are wise words for Friday. The following words can be good advice for you on Friday. Here are some wise words for Friday:

  1. "O you who desire the intercession of Prophet Muhammad, increase your prayers on Friday."
  2. "If your relatives treat you badly, always treat them kindly, and Allah SWT will always help you."
  3. "Indeed, the best day is Friday. So, increase your prayers for me on that day. Because your prayers will surely be conveyed to me."
  4. "Remember, Friday prayer is for seeking good deeds, not just going to the mosque and exchanging sandals."
  5. "The best time for you is when you realize your shortcomings and acknowledge your humility."
  6. "The best day is when the sun rises on Friday. Adam was created on that day, entered paradise, and was expelled from it."
  7. "Life is learning. Willingly or unwillingly, we will always learn. Whether with a willing heart or with coercion from the environment. This process will lead to one goal, which is to make ourselves better."
  8. "The best time for you is when you realize your shortcomings and acknowledge your humility."
  9. "The best person is the one who is most beneficial to others. The fruit of carelessness is regret. On the other hand, the fruit of diligence is safety. Blessed Friday."
  10. "For all the charity you give on Friday, may you receive abundant blessings."
  11. "The best person is the one who is most beneficial to others. The fruit of carelessness is regret. The fruit of diligence is safety. Blessed Friday."
  12. "Remember something that eliminates all pleasures, which is death."
  13. "There is nothing more beautiful than getting closer to the Creator."
  14. "Because intentions cannot be seen. So let's improve our behavior, so that people understand that our intentions are truly good."
  15. "Deep regret can prevent anyone from immediately moving on to the next phase of life. Don't let guilt dictate you. The spirit of change towards a better future is the essence of progress."
Those are 45 good and touching Friday words. And hopefully, these Friday words can be wise Islamic advice for life.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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