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45 Touching Rain Longing Words, Full of Meaning - Deep Longing Expressions

45 Touching Rain Longing Words, Full of Meaning - Deep Longing Expressions Illustration (credit: freepik) - Rain that falls often brings a calm atmosphere with cool air. In addition to the pleasant atmosphere, rain often comes with many memories and longing for someone. It's no wonder that when it rains, feelings can become uncertain due to longing. Rain longing words can be an expression of deep longing for someone.

Rain is indeed synonymous with sadness. The sound of raindrops falling to the ground is often equated with tears. The cold air during rain often makes someone feel lonely. It makes every person who is alone suddenly long for a warm atmosphere with loved ones.

Longing can only be cured by meeting. Nevertheless, rain longing words can be one way to express longing. Compiled from various sources, here are rain longing words that are touching and full of meaning.

1. Short Rain Longing Words

Rain and longing are two things that are almost inseparable. When it rains, automatically we can remember someone. Here are some short rain longing words that might represent your feelings.

1. "I am coffee, while you are the rain that always moistens my longing."

2. "Having you is like expecting dry land in the rainy season."

3. "If rain brings longing, it's better for me to lie down until I fall asleep."

4. "Does longing still mean anything when spoken under the pouring rain?"

5. "Maybe the rain has stopped, but not my longing."

6. "Why does rain remind me of my ex, better remember spicy instant noodles."

7. "Rain, still with water. You, still with him."

8. "I entrust this longing to the sky to be conveyed to you through the rain."

9. "Learn from the rain. It falls, but still returns."

10. "What is this rain actually? Longing feeling. So heavy."

11. "Tonight, only the rain exposes my longing, for you."

12. "Cloudy doesn't necessarily mean rain. Dating doesn't necessarily mean being together."

13. "Rain makes me long for riding a motorcycle aimlessly with you."

2. Deep Longing Rain Words

Longing is usually only felt for special people whom we truly love. It's no wonder that longing for someone becomes a sincere and deep feeling. Here are some deep longing rain words.

14. "Be prepared for the rain to pour down with memories, the coldness of longing, the wetness of tears, and the need for warmth from someone."

15. "Today's rain is still watering the earth, hopefully it also waters the hearts and souls that are currently engulfed in distress."

16. "Count how many raindrops fall, that's how much my longing reaches you."

17. "Rain and you are longing. We will enjoy it in the twilight as we head home. In the love that will never fade. Even when the rain has stopped."

18. "I hope this rain subsides soon, so that this longing doesn't dig too deep into the wound."

19. "The rain falls again, with us no longer being in harmony. And longing returns, with us already being separated."

20. "To the rain that touches the earth, your coldness never ends, even though you have passed. Like my longing, for someone, who only remains silent. From me, who is not yet tired of longing."

21. "The rain falls as a sign that someone secretly remembers you and longs for you."

22. "Do you still hate the rain? Know that the rainbow comes after the rain."

3. Touching Longing Rain Words

As mentioned earlier, longing is a feeling that is only felt by the heart. Therefore, words about longing are always written with beautiful and touching sentences. Because only in this way can the existing longing be perfectly depicted. Here are longing rain words that can touch.

23. "For me, rain is not a barrier that causes longing. But it is the rain that will convey my longing to you."

24. "Like rain, you. Longing is a drizzle that thickens. Enveloping you in my thoughts. Always, and suddenly."

25. "I always entrust my longing to the rain that always passes in front of my window glass."

26. "When it rains, it not only brings a million beautiful memories with you, but also brings a million blessings to this earth."

27. "I miss you like the earth gazes at the clouds, with its most secret words praying for you to become rain."

28. "Because His sky is addictive. Light brings joy, and rain brings endless longing."

29. "When it rains, I want to walk among its drops. So that no one knows that I am crying."

30. "For you, know that I am always faithful waiting for you, with a glimmer of hope in my waiting. But don't expect that this feeling has changed, it is still the same and I admit that waiting for you is difficult. However, I enjoy it in the melody of longing, because my little desire whispers that this waiting will never be in vain, my message is only one, don't forget, I am waiting for you."

31. "When the rain goes away, all that remains is a puddle of water, but when love goes away, all that remains is a memory."

32. "Forgetting you is as difficult as forgetting the rain. When feeling happy and sad at the same time, feeling certain and doubtful in one breath, feeling happy and anxious at the same time. Is this what they call falling in love?"

33. "Tonight the rain is falling again, along with sweet memories that have passed, and maybe causing heartache."

4. Meaningful Longing Rain Words

Words of longing and rain not only become expressions of deep longing. More than that, these words also contain such valuable meanings. So, from these words we can learn many things. Here are meaningful words of longing for rain.

34. "Rain and you are longing. We will enjoy it in the evening as we go home. In the love that will never disappear. Even when the rain has stopped." - Boy Candra

35. "Each melodious drop whispers softly, expressing the song of nature that makes me long to smell the scent of wet soil."

36. "Nothing is more patient than the rain in June, in keeping its longing drops to the flowering trees. (Sapardi Djoko Damono)"

37. "And the second reason why rain falls to the earth is to blow longing in the hearts of humans." - Alit Susanto

38. "If likened, rain is like a curtain that separates you and longing. And if I have to choose, I choose to open the curtain, to meet you."

39. "When the rain comes to visit, there are only two choices for you. Immersed in longing or melancholy remembrance."

40. "I cut the rain recklessly, then I give it to you to eradicate loneliness. While you are arrogant; wanting to spit on my face that is drenched in longing."

41. "Rain and your love are a perfect blend of longing. We will enjoy it together as the most delicious dish in the world."

42. "I want to transform into an umbrella. It doesn't mean I am strong enough to endure the cold rain, I just want you to always take shelter in my heart."

43. "There are words that the clouds didn't have a chance to convey, before the heavy rain finally falls. And you run to find a place to take cover, even though through the rain, I entrusted my longing to you, which I can no longer bury."

44. "Every melodious raindrop whispers gently. Rain always sings its natural melody that makes me long to smell the scent of wet soil."

45. "The rain that falls now explodes loudly above my head. Refreshing my memory of the wounds you inflicted. Someone you call a man."

Those are some meaningful and touching words of longing rain. How about you, is there anything that can represent your feelings when it rains?


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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