Kapanlagi.com - Reading funny and meaningful Sundanese wise words can be a simple entertainment when you are tired and weary. Although simple, these words have proven to make you happy when you feel sad. Not only for Sundanese people, the humor in these words can also be enjoyed by the wider community. This is because in the current era of social media, Sundanese language is exposed and becomes more popular.
As the name suggests, funny and meaningful Sundanese wise words not only contain entertaining humor. More than that, these words also contain wise messages that are useful for life. So, besides being entertained and making the heart happy, a person will also become wiser.
Collected from various sources, here are some funny and meaningful Sundanese wise words that can be entertaining and suitable for social media statuses.
1. Funny Sundanese Wise Words to Entertain

(credit: freepik)
As mentioned earlier, funny Sundanese wise words can be a simple entertainment for you when you're tired and sad. Because in these words, there is humor that can make you laugh out loud. Here are funny Sundanese wise words that are entertaining.
1. "Women prefer a man who fries well rather than a man who owns a frying pan."
(Women prefer a man with an ugly face rather than a man with bad fortune.)
2. "I am a silent person, rarely talking even when alone."
3. "Are you a person or a calculator? Don't make mistakes."
4. "Can I borrow your partner for a day, want to have a weekend date."
5. "Don't take a shower, to look naturally beautiful."
6. "Umi should be patient, don't do too many somersaults."
7. "Be patient bro, fortune always follows, sometimes it's difficult to overtake from the left."
8. "No matter how heavy the work is, it will feel lighter if it is not done."
9. "Drink coffee first, so the eyes stay awake."
10. "Don't disturb, I'm not feeling well. Please pray for a quick recovery and hope to be seen soon with a healthy body."
(Don't disturb, I'm sick.) Just ask for prayers so that I can recover quickly and want to be visited while being given money.
11. "Sorry, your credit is not enough to see my photo."
2. Funny Sundanese Wise Words about Life

(credit: freepik)
Not only containing humor, Sundanese funny words also contain implied messages about life. These implied messages can make someone wiser in living their life. Here are some wise and funny Sundanese words about life.
12. "All unexpected journeys will surely be beautiful in due time. That is, if you're lucky."
13. "Having a desire without effort is the same as joking."
14. "Still smiling even when the heart is sad is a characteristic of a great person, strong and has a lot of pimples."
15. "So, young people should not give up before fighting."
16. "Don't talk too much if you can't make something better."
17. "Life is full of trials. If there are a lot of handouts, it's called dangdutan."
18. "Being able is because it's usual. We can't solve a problem if we're not used to it."
19. "Life is not about showing off but having a lot of money."
20. "Life should be filled with laughter, so it looks happy. Even though the heart is filled with worries and anxiety."
Although the heart is in a troubled state.)
21. "Ek sakumaha wae beuratna pagawean, bakalan hampang lamun henteu dipigawean"
(No matter how heavy the work, it will feel light if not done.)
22. "Hirup ieu kedah dimimitian ku kalawan du'a serta ditutup ku rasa sukur."
(Life must begin with prayer and end with gratitude.)
23. "Terus aing kudu kitu, terus aing kudu kieu.Hayoh we terus-terus, emang aing tukang parkir."
(I have to keep doing this, I have to keep doing that. Just keep going, I'm a parking attendant.)
24. "Lamun hirup ulah lempeng-lempeng teuing meni jiga jidar."
(If life is not straight like a ruler.)
25. "Ulah patah semangat usaha teh, inget cicileun masih panyang"
(Don't lose motivation to keep trying, remember the installments are still long.)
26. "Lur inget hirup mah teu bisa sagala instant.Mun haying instant ninyuh sarimi weh."
(Remember, life cannot be instant. If you want everything instant, just cook instant noodles.)
3. Funny Sundanese Wise Words about Love

(credit: freepik)
Love all this time may be synonymous with romantic and sweet things. But love can also be conveyed in a funny and inviting language. Here are some funny Sundanese words about love.
27. "Sure it hurts when love is broken up, especially when it's broken up because it's taken by a friend."
28. "One day you will realize that I am a gem that you threw away."
29. "I'm single not because I'm not popular, but because I'm abstaining. Because there is no suitable choice."
30. "Better to be single than to marry the wrong person." 31. "Don't play with my heart, my heart is not a toy."
32. "My heart is not leftover rice that you can underestimate."
33. "I am patient because I have a heart. If I had a stone, I would throw it at your face."
34. "Pure love is like a new silk cloth soaked for 7 days and 7 nights. Even though friends say it's dirty, but according to love, what's important is cleanliness and pleasant to look at."
35. "Sometimes when love is attached, even cat poop feels delicious like chocolate."
36. "It's difficult to like someone who doesn't like us." Like buying a cigarette at Indomaret, it's ignored.)
37. "Beautiful memories of being together with you will be remembered until forgotten)
38. "Hopefully you break up soon with your boyfriend whose face is messy like a torn plastic bag for tofu contents."
4. Funny Sundanese Wise Words Suitable for Social Media Status

(credit: freepik)
Not just for entertainment, funny Sundanese words are also suitable for status on social media. By sharing them on social media, we can make others who read them laugh happily. Here are some funny Sundanese wise words that are suitable for social media status.
39. "Don't be arrogant if you can't ride a motorcycle while the handlebars are locked."
40. "If you're always late for school and the teacher asks, 'why are you always late?'
Answer: 'the protagonist always arrives late everywhere.'"
41. "Those who haven't updated their status about heavy rain, hurry up before it stops raining."
42. "Nowadays, don't believe in profile pictures on social media, there are many lies. Only the ID card photo is the most honest so far."
43. "From now on, I want to eat cement to become strong."
44. "A friend is someone who likes to lend money but never wants to be paid back."
45. "If something happens in Bandung, just say that you are Kang Bahar's future son-in-law."
46. "I was going to take a shower, but when I looked in the mirror, I still looked cute, so I just washed my face."
47. "If someone is looking for me, tell them to search for me on Google."
48. "Ah, today I won't update my status on Facebook because there will be a lot of comments."
Those are 48 funny and meaningful Sundanese wise words. Hopefully, they are useful and entertaining!
Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.