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5 Most Popular Types of Domestic Cats in Indonesia, Which is the Cutest?

5 Most Popular Types of Domestic Cats in Indonesia, Which is the Cutest? (credit: flicker) - Who doesn't like cats? In fact, almost everyone likes this animal. Cats are one of the most favorite pets, because they have smooth fur, as well as cute and adorable behavior. Besides, there are many benefits of keeping cats for body health, as long as the cats are cared for and cleanliness is maintained. By keeping cats, you can reduce stress and even lower the risk of heart disease.

Cats have many unique characteristics to be known. There are 2 unique characteristics of cats that you must know, such as cats sleep an average of 16-18 hours per day, and cats actually have more than 100 different vocal sounds. Besides having many unique characteristics, cats also have various types. One of them is a village cat. Village cats are often described as cats that live on the streets. Village cats, especially village kittens, are no less cute than other cute cat breeds, such as Angora cats, Persian cats, and others. When you decide to raise a village cat, it is better to raise it since it is young so that it will be more obedient compared to raising it when it is already an adult.

According to its history, the cat started when the spice trade market in Indonesia began to open and experienced rapid progress. At that time, many traders brought cats to eradicate pests on their ships, and many cats were brought to Indonesia, which eventually developed until now. Village cats have a triangular-shaped face and a flat nose, their fur is only one layer and quite short, they have very strong bones so they can climb to heights or jump. With all its uniqueness, there are several types of village cats that are most popular in Indonesia.



1. Orange Cat

Who doesn't know about this cat? This orange cat has a dominant orange fur with white stripes. This cat has become viral in Indonesia recently, because of its naughty and mischievous behavior. In the past few years, many videos have circulated on social media showing the mischievous behavior of this domestic cat.

However, with its mischievous behavior, it becomes an adorable characteristic of domestic cats and sets it apart from other cat breeds. This cat is a popular breed and commonly found in Indonesia. Orange cats are territorial and often engage in fights with other cats. But despite that, this cat is cute, obedient, and cheerful to be kept as a pet.



2. Black and White Cat

All types of cats that are cared for properly will surely have an attractive and charming appearance, including domestic cats. As one of the most popular types of domestic cats, black and white cats are not any less cute. Although not as popular and widespread as orange cats, black and white cats are also widely kept as pets in Indonesia. Interestingly, these cats are widely known as lazy cats. However, that does not mean that they are lazy to hunt.



3. White Cat

Have you ever seen a cat waiting for its owner in front of the door or house when the owner has not returned yet? Well, this is one of the advantages of domestic cats that have a higher level of empathy. The next most popular type of domestic cat is the white cat. Cats with white fur are indeed beautiful and adorable.

Generally, this type of cat is mostly kept by women. Because this cat has white fur, it needs extra care to always look cute and adorable. White cats are intelligent, energetic, playful, and rarely sleep. However, white cats are very susceptible to diseases. Nevertheless, they are still the most favorite cats to be kept as pets.



4. Black Cat

The next type of domestic cat is the black cat. In Indonesia, this cat is very synonymous and often associated with mystical things. However, behind that, black cats are very obedient and love to play. Like other types of domestic cats, black cats have thin fur, only one layer.

Now, because they have thin fur, domestic cats often get cold when bathed. Tips for bathing domestic cats are to bathe them regularly from the age of 3 months or more. This makes the cat accustomed to water.



5. Telon Cat

Calico cats or three-color cats are one of the types of cats with female gender. Calico cats with male gender are very rare to find.

Those were the 5 most popular types of domestic cats in Indonesia. For those of you who want to have a cat, domestic cats can also be considered. Nowadays, domestic cats are not inferior to other purebred cats, there are even many cat contests that showcase the agility and neatness of domestic cats.




Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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