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5 Types of Ecosystems in Indonesia that Must be Preserved

5 Types of Ecosystems in Indonesia that Must be Preserved (credit: flickr) - When you are asked to choose between enjoying the view from a height surrounded by lush trees that make your lungs feel fresh or enjoying the sound of crashing waves and swimming to enjoy the beauty of the underwater world, which one is your favorite place? In fact, people who like mountains are known as someone who has an introverted or closed personality, and likes to be alone in doing whatever they want.

Meanwhile, people who like the beach are known as someone who has a large group of friends, and do not hesitate to talk about simple general things. Many travelers are confused when they have to choose between mountains or beaches, because both have their own beauty and attractions. Whether it's mountains or the sea, they all offer extraordinary views of Indonesia's natural beauty and can calm the hearts and minds of anyone who sees them.

Indonesia is an archipelago country that holds many amazing natural treasures. Starting from the sea, beaches, forests, to mountains. It is not surprising that Indonesia is called the Equator Emerald. Because Indonesia has amazing and extraordinary emeralds of natural wealth. In addition, Indonesia is also known as an agrarian country where the majority of its population work as farmers and engage in agriculture. Therefore, Indonesia is rich in natural beauty and various types of native flora and fauna. For example, in terms of flora diversity, Indonesia has the rafflesia flower, arnoldi flower, orchid flower, and many more. As for fauna diversity, Indonesia has the Sumatran tiger, bird of paradise, Bali starling, one-horned rhinoceros, and many more. Indonesia has various ecosystems, which are a source of pride. An ecosystem is a place where biotic organisms interact with each other and with the abiotic environment. In ecological terms, an ecosystem is the science that studies the interaction of living organisms with their environment. When discussing ecosystems, there is a mutual relationship between organisms and the surrounding environment. Therefore, an ecosystem process involves both biotic and abiotic components. The Earth's ecosystems are divided into two categories: artificial ecosystems and natural ecosystems. Artificial ecosystems are ecosystems created by humans to preserve endangered species. Meanwhile, natural ecosystems are ecosystems created by nature and are responsible for controlling ecosystem balance. If natural ecosystems are damaged, then the ecosystem balance will be destroyed. In Indonesia itself, there are various types of ecosystems that exist and are still maintained until now, here are the various types of ecosystems that exist in Indonesia:



1. Mangrove Forest Ecosystem

The mangrove forest ecosystem is found in coastal areas and is dominated by mangrove plants that live in brackish water near the coast. The mangrove forest ecosystem serves as a habitat and shelter for fish, coastal animals, marine animals, and also birds. Mangrove forests are commonly found on the north coast of Java, the east coast of Sumatra, and the south coast of Papua.



2. Tropical Rainforest Ecosystem

The next type of ecosystem in Indonesia is the tropical rainforest ecosystem. Rainforests are dense and rich in biodiversity. Rainforests are found in Sumatra, Kalimantan, and Papua. The types of plants that can be found in this tropical rainforest ecosystem are heterogeneous or diverse. The types of trees in this forest are large and tall. The average height of trees in the tropical rainforest can reach 20 to 40 meters. And the animals that can be found in this rainforest are various types of monkeys, tigers, birds, rhinos, and pigs.



3. Savanna Grassland Ecosystem

Savanna grassland ecosystems are found in East Nusa Tenggara and Papua. Savanna grasslands are dominated by grasses and shrubs. Large mammals such as horses, deer, and wallabies live in the savanna. The rainfall in the savanna grassland is relatively low, ranging from 25 to 50 cm per year. Due to the low and irregular rainfall, only a few trees are able to survive in the grassland.

The average plants that live in the grassland are short trees. In addition, due to uneven rainfall, some grasses in the grassland are very fertile while others are not. Very fertile areas can grow grass up to a height of 3 cm. The types of animals that live in the grassland are kangaroos, lions, giraffes, jaguars, zebras, and various types of snakes.



4. Rice Field Ecosystem

The rice field ecosystem is one of the various ecosystems in Indonesia and is found in agricultural areas. The rice field ecosystem is a constructed ecosystem with the presence of similar plants. For example, only rice plants, only corn plants, or only soybean plants. Humans need to manage the rice fields by creating irrigation, providing fertilizer, and controlling pests.



5. City Ecosystem

The city ecosystem found in urban areas is the last discussion of the various ecosystems in Indonesia. This ecosystem is also a constructed ecosystem consisting of several biotic and abiotic components dominated by humans. The city is a manifestation of human civilization.




Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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