Kapanlagi.com - Recently, the MBTI (Myers-Briggs Type Indicator) personality test has become a trend. The MBTI test divides human personality types into 16 categories, based on character tendencies and decision-making styles. Therefore, within the MBTI test, personality types are very diverse. One of the personality types that often attracts attention is the philosopher MBTI.
As the name suggests, the philosopher MBTI is a personality type that is commonly possessed by thoughtful individuals. Like philosophers, this personality type tends to think philosophically and deeply about various aspects of life. However, out of the 16 personality types, not all of them fall under the philosopher MBTI category.
So, which personality types are included in the philosopher MBTI? To find out, just take a look at the explanation below.

Philosopher MBTI INTP (credit: unsplash)
One of the personality types in the MBTI philosopher is INTP. Generally, in MBTI, the INTP personality type is known as "The Logician." As individuals with a thinking personality type, INTPs possess strong analytical abilities.
In addition, INTPs also tend to see the world as a logical system that can be understood through rational thought. Furthermore, INTPs often spend time contemplating abstract concepts and complex theories.
One example of a philosopher often cited as having an INTP personality type is Gilles Deleuze. This French philosopher is known for his deep thoughts on philosophy, art, and politics. As an INTP, Deleuze tends to develop unique and innovative systems of thought, often challenging existing paradigms with radical new ideas.

Philosopher MBTI INFP (credit: unsplash)
The philosopher MBTI personality type is INFP, commonly referred to as "The Mediator." This MBTI type is known for its remarkable idealism and creativity.
INFPs have a rich imagination and tend to think about ideal possibilities for the future of humanity and society. INFPs often explore humanitarian values and ethics in their thoughts.
Jean-Jacques Rousseau, an 18th-century French philosopher, is an example of a philosopher with the INFP personality type. His thoughts on freedom, equality, and education reflect the typical idealism of INFPs. With this personality type, Rousseau tends to have deep views on the human condition and often seeks ways to improve society through their philosophical ideas.

Philosopher MBTI INFJ (credit: unsplash)
INFJ, nicknamed "The Advocate," is also one of the MBTI philosopher types. The INFJ personality type is known for individuals who can combine deep intuition with strong judgment.
INFJs tend to have a clear vision of how the world should be and often strive to realize that vision. INFJs have a deep understanding of human motivation and often use this insight in their philosophical thinking.
Plato is cited as an example of a philosopher with the INFJ personality type. His theory of the world of ideas reflects the INFJ tendency to see a higher reality behind the physical world. INFJs like Plato often create complex systems of thought and strive to understand the universal truths underlying human reality.

Philosopher MBTI ISTP (credit: unsplash)
ISTP or "The Virtuoso" is also included in the list of MBTI philosophers. This personality type has a unique philosophical approach that focuses on direct experience and pragmatism. ISTPs tend to challenge social conventions and seek truth through observation and practical experimentation.
One example of a philosopher with the ISTP personality type is Diogenes. This ancient Greek philosopher is famous for his unconventional lifestyle. Diogenes had a provocative and pragmatic philosophical approach.
Furthermore, this reflects the ISTP's tendency to challenge existing norms. As an MBTI philosopher, ISTPs often use humor and irony in their philosophy to express truths they consider important.

Philosopher MBTI ENTP (credit: unsplash)
The last MBTI personality type of the philosopher is ENTP, commonly known as "The Debater." ENTPs are known for their ability to see various perspectives and create strong arguments. ENTPs tend to enjoy intellectual debates and often use logic to challenge existing ideas.
Niccolo Machiavelli is an example of an ENTP in the history of philosophy. His controversial thoughts on politics and power reflect the ENTP's tendency to challenge conventional thinking. ENTPs in philosophy often produce provocative and innovative ideas, pushing the boundaries of traditional thinking.
These are among the 5 MBTI personality types categorized as thinking individuals or MBTI philosophers. So, how about it? Does your MBTI type fall into this group?
Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.