Kapanlagi.com - Seriousness in facing something will arise when there is strong determination. Serious words often color critical situations to encourage finding quick solutions. In this way, people in those situations can also think and express their opinions.
Serious words are quite necessary in life so that someone doesn't always see life as a joke and meaningless. In addition, you also need to learn to place yourself when to be serious and relaxed. You can be seen as an unpleasant person if you are always serious even in a joking forum.
In addition, serious words also have the potential to ask about seriousness in a romantic relationship. If you feel bored with a relationship that is stagnant and unclear, it seems that you need to open a serious discussion soon. Well, how to start that discussion can be initiated with the following serious words.
1. Serious Words

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Getting used to saying serious words is not wrong. You can learn it through the following quotes.
1. Serious but relaxed, life should be like that. Don't be too relaxed to forget the initial goal.
2. Relaxed in demeanor, serious in thinking. - Pidi Baiq
3. Sometimes seriousness is considered a joke, and jokes are taken seriously.
4. If you want to be taken seriously, be consistent.
5. Seriousness is the only shallow shelter.
6. Life is not as serious as it is thought by the mind.
7. Laugh and the world will laugh with you, be serious and the world will be serious with you.
8. The time you spend doing something seriously will never be in vain.
9. Humor and seriousness are not mutually exclusive.
10. Life is too serious to be taken seriously.
11. Because he is too serious in composing stories, he forgets about his life.
12. This is a very serious time, and serious people need to do serious thinking.
13.Dare to go against the current, break the seriousness that has gone too far.
14.If your goal is to unite our last names, I will take it very seriously.
15.Too much thinking and consideration makes someone look not serious.
16.Just because I know how to enjoy life and you are too serious, doesn't mean I'm childish and you're mature.
17.A truly serious person will always have a reason to stay, not to let go.
18.When the situation is serious, don't joke around. And when the situation is joking, don't be serious!
19.Perhaps for some parts of life, it doesn't need to be taken too seriously.
20.You joke too often, so I don't know how serious you are.
2. Serious Words in Looking at Life

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Life will go according to how you perceive it. So, you need to perceive it in a balanced way. If you have been living it casually, maybe it will be balanced by reading the following serious words.
21.When you do something, do it seriously and wholeheartedly, or don't do it at all.
22.It is very important to learn to laugh at yourself, don't take this life too seriously.
23.If only you seriously learn from one small mistake, it will help you achieve one big success.
24.Sometimes, life should also be enjoyed with jokes. Because it's taken seriously, they say it can make you age quickly.
25. Those who play around don't need to be taken seriously. Those who have no heart don't need to be put in the heart. Those who have no feelings don't need to be carried in feelings.
26. I pretend that all of this is not a serious problem. Meanwhile, my days are truly shattered by it.
27. The more serious someone's love is, the more time they need to express it.
28. No matter how seriously you view life, you will still have one person whom you can joke with.
29. Sometimes trying to stay serious for the best.
30. Because some things are serious and need to be taken seriously.
31. Those who are serious about silly matters will be silly about serious matters.
32. Don't be too serious and don't always take everything seriously. Sometimes it's better to be relaxed and open-minded.
33. Indeed, life is a joke, but school has made it serious. - Pidi Baiq
34. You have to study seriously from now on. Mathematics requires practice. It's not something that can happen suddenly. It's not enough to just memorize formulas. You have to practice, practice, practice. - Triani Retno A.
35. I have a saying that everything should be taken seriously, but nothing is tragic. - Adolphe Thiers
36. Whoever can make others laugh should be taken seriously; all rulers know that. - Werner Finck
37. The right to be heard does not automatically mean the right to be taken seriously. - Hubert Humphrey
38. Everything changes. People take their comedians seriously and politicians as jokes. - Will Rogers
39. How can you take someone seriously who believes something just because they feel 'comfortable'? - Richard Dawkins
3. Serious Words in Responding to Relationships

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In romantic relationships, serious words are needed to start an unusual conversation. For example, a couple's plans for the seemingly forgotten future or problems that have been allowed to linger. You need to reopen it through the following words.
40. It's not my intention to be selfish, I choose to give up because you're not serious.
41. If you're serious, I'll be serious too.
42. When you're serious about someone, you have to make yourself worthy of them. Not demanding them to accept you as you are.
43. Love is a delightful madness; ambition is a serious foolishness. - Nicolas Chamfort
44. A well-bound bond is the first serious step in life. - Oscar Wilde
45. Look for something serious for the future, not just a status to show off.
46. If you're serious about building a great life, don't easily argue about small things.
47. Privacy is your mystery, the most beautiful for those who are serious about getting to know you.
48. If you're not serious from the beginning, say it! Don't prolong it, don't complicate it.
49. Those who are serious will find a way, those who are not serious will find an excuse.
50. I fell in love. Deeply, seriously, unconditionally. - Winna Efendi
KLovers, those are the serious words that you can use to balance your perspective on life that is too relaxed.
Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.