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51 Motivational Words of a Pious Woman, Wise in Interpreting Life

51 Motivational Words of a Pious Woman, Wise in Interpreting Life Words of a pious woman (credit: - Becoming a pious woman is the dream of many women in order to gain glory in the eyes of Allah SWT. One way to become a pious woman is to obey all the commands and prohibitions of Allah SWT, such as covering the aurat, controlling oneself and emotions, and maintaining prayers and worship. However, a number of words of pious women can motivate you to become a better person.

It is the obligation of every Muslim to obey all the commands and prohibitions of Allah SWT in order to obtain blessings and good grace in this world and the hereafter. In this case, one of the aspirations of most Muslim women is to become a pious person who has noble character. For example, a pious woman is good at guarding her gaze, speech, worship, covering her aurat, and controlling herself and her emotions.

This is what makes a pious woman not only obtain blessings and grace in this world but also in the hereafter. There are various ways to become a pious woman that can be learned and applied in life. Among them are constantly studying religion more deeply, improving oneself, or always behaving positively in goodness.

The following words of pious women can also motivate you to become a better person. So that not only noble in the eyes of Allah SWT but also can provide benefits and goodness to fellow human beings.

As for the words of a righteous woman as follows have been summarized from various sources. These words of a righteous woman can be related to life or good relationships among human beings and Allah SWT.

1. Motivational Words of a Pious Woman

The words of a righteous woman can motivate you to become a better person in the future. So that you can have a more meaningful and beneficial life for others. Here are some references to the words of a righteous woman that can motivate.

1. Allah made you a Muslimah because He wants to see you in heaven, all you have to do is deserve it.

2. A Muslim woman is the diamond of Islam. No one will reveal their diamonds to strangers.

3. A Muslim woman uses her mouth to speak the truth, her voice for kindness, her ears for compassion, and her heart to love those who do not like her.

4. A good-mannered and wise Muslim woman is like a pearl in the seventh heaven, not everyone can see and touch her.

5. Hijab is not just a protection for women but also represents their strength and beauty.

6. Be a Muslim woman who has two beauties, outer beauty protected by hijab and inner beauty adorned with noble character.

7. Why should Muslim women wear hijab? Because their beauty is for their husbands, not for everyone.

8. O my sister, one day your body will be covered from head to toe with cloth. Do not let your last day on earth be the first day you wear hijab.

9. Hijab is not just about what you wear, but also about your attitude and words.

10. It is better to lose something for the sake of God than to lose God for the sake of something. - Mufti Menk

11. Women should not be like the moon that everyone can see without any covering, but women should be like the sun that makes eyes bow down before seeing it.

12. This world only has three days: Yesterday, it has gone with everything that accompanied it. Tomorrow, you may never meet it. Today, that is what you have, so make the most of it. - Hasan al Bashri

13. The woman is easily moved to tears. If a woman does not understand religion, then her tears are for the world, and it is in vain. But if a woman understands religion, then her tears are for the hereafter, and it is noble.

14. A woman will be the first madrasah for her children. So a woman must be educated, especially in religious and moral education.

15. And know that victory goes hand in hand with patience. The way out goes hand in hand with difficulties. And after difficulty, surely there will come ease. - HR.Tirmidzi

16. The secret of happiness lies in 3 things: Patience, Gratitude, and Sincerity.

2. Words of a Pious Woman in Islam

The description of a pious woman in Islam can also be found in the Quran and Hadith. Therefore, every pious woman can learn various ways to maintain herself and keep her heart steadfast on the path of Allah SWT. Here are some words of a pious woman in Islam that can motivate you.

17. The world is an adornment, and the best adornment of the world is a pious wife. - HR Muslim

18. Islam elevates the status of women from the ground to the point that paradise is placed beneath her feet. - Dr. Maulana Ansari

19. If a wife performs the five daily prayers, fasts in the month of Ramadan, guards her chastity, and obeys her husband, it will be said to her: Enter paradise. - HR. Ahmad

20. The best adornment of a woman is her sense of modesty. - Fatimah, the daughter of the Prophet Muhammad SAW

21. A good woman is for a good man, and a good man is for a good woman. - Surah An-Nur: 26

22. Do even the smallest acts of goodness, for you never know which act of goodness will lead you to paradise. - Imam Hasan Al-Basri

23. Women are like flowers. They should be treated with gentleness, kindness, and love. - Ali bin Abi Thalib

24. A righteous woman, even if she is not beautiful, her character and faith make her attractive. - Ibn Uthaymeen

25. Avoid envy, for envy consumes good deeds just as fire consumes firewood. - Prophet Muhammad SAW

3. Meaningful Words of Pious Women

As for the words of a righteous woman, they are full of meaning and contain deep meanings about life. So that you can obtain blessings in this world and the hereafter and be beneficial to others. Here are the words of a righteous woman that are full of meaning and wise in interpreting worldly or hereafter life.

26. Women are not clothes that you can wear and take off as you please. They are honorable and have their rights. - Umar bin Khattab

27. Women are the pillars of a nation, if its women are good, then the nation is also good, but if its women are bad, then the nation is also bad. - Prophet Muhammad

28. The heart of a human is like a cup. The more you fill it with love for Allah, the less space remains to be filled with love for the world.

29. Do not let your tongue mention the shortcomings of others, because you also have shortcomings and others also have tongues.

30. Every breath given by Allah to you is not only a blessing, but also a responsibility.

31. When you love someone for the sake of Allah, that love will never fade.

32. A woman is not a commodity or a toy for entertainment, but she is a true partner for a man who also has his own rights and deserves respect. - Mufti Ismail Menk

33. Everything valuable is always covered. A woman who dresses modestly is like a pearl inside its shell.

34. A beautiful woman without religion is like a flower without its fragrance.

35. Recognize the truth, then you will know the righteous people. Righteousness is not measured by its people, but humans are measured by the truth. - Ali bin Abi Thalib

36. Fear committing sins when you are alone, for in this moment, your witness is also your judge. - Ali bin Abi Thalib

4. Strong and Great Words of Pious Women

Words of a strong and amazing righteous woman can help you stay strong in facing life. As it is known that life is not always smooth, patience and strength are needed when trials and tests come. Here are the words of a strong and amazing righteous woman.

37. Islam treats women with respect and dignity. So do not accept anything less than that.

38. When your heart is broken, it's good. With a broken heart, the light of God will enter more easily. - Shaykh Hamza Yusuf

39. A strong person is not someone who never cries, but someone who remains steadfast in the midst of temptations.

40. Those who are deeply wounded are those who have strayed too far from love for Allah and His Messenger.

41. When you feel like you have no one, remind yourself that Allah has sent them away so that you can be alone with Him.

42. And know that victory goes hand in hand with patience. A way out goes hand in hand with difficulties. And after difficulties, ease will surely come. - HR.Tirmidzi

43. Patience is when the heart does not feel angry towards what has been decreed and the mouth does not complain. - Ibnu Qayyim

44. For all the pain you experience, be patient and persevere, because Allah knows your limits.

45. Allah's promise never disappoints, and if you still feel disappointed, maybe there is something wrong with your faith.

46. When making decisions involving Him, and letting go of something we love for religious reasons. Do not be afraid! Because Allah will replace it for you, even more, believe me.

47. To get what you like, first you have to be patient with what you hate. - Imam Al Ghazali

48. Live like a fruitful tree; live by the roadside and be pelted with stones by people, but respond with fruits. - Abu Bakar Sibli

49. There are two types of patience: being patient with something you don't want and being patient in refraining from something you desire. - Ali Bin Abi Thalib

50. Those who are deeply hurt are caused by being too far away from the love of Allah and His Messenger.

51. Allah never said that the path of life would be easy. But He said 'I will be with those who are patient.'

These are 51 words of righteous women that motivate, and help us to understand life more wisely. The above words of Muslim women can inspire you to become a better person.


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