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56 Heartbreaking Left Behind Wedding Words, Willing to Let Go Even Though It Hurts

56 Heartbreaking Left Behind Wedding Words, Willing to Let Go Even Though It Hurts Illustration (credit: - Marriage is the dream of every couple when they are in the midst of getting closer. However, there are also people who are willing to let go when their loved one is getting married to someone else for their happiness. Even though the pain and disappointment are overwhelming, being sincere is the best way to handle it.

Being left behind by someone you love will surely bring sadness and heartache. Especially if they suddenly leave you without clear reasons but decide to get married to someone else, it will definitely make your heart feel troubled. It's no wonder that you need a process and time to truly accept the bitter reality.

In addition, moving on is one of the best ways you can choose to start a new relationship with someone else. But you also need motivation and encouragement to truly move on from someone who has left you to get married to someone else.

Well, through these left behind wedding words as described in the review below, it can be the best reference to help you move on and let go of them sincerely. The left behind wedding words can be found through the following discussion that has been summarized by from various sources.

1. Words Left Behind by Marriage that are Very Heartbreaking

The words left behind by marriage below can really make you feel very heartbroken. Especially if he suddenly decides to get married to someone else without any notice, it certainly causes deep disappointment. Let's take a look at the discussion about the words left behind by marriage as follows.

1. "Finally you are getting married to someone you love. Hopefully, in the future, a harmonious and blessed family will be realized. Amen."

2. "Sometimes God makes our life story go with someone just as a friend in a certain period. But not as a partner forever."

3. "You have found a partner who, in my opinion, is very compatible with you. That is the most beautiful gift from God for both of you."

4. "Enjoy your togetherness in joy and celebration. I will always pray for that happiness. May you and your partner get what you both hope for, amen."

5. "I used to love you simply, even though it couldn't always be perfect. But now my feelings feel much more perfect. When I see you happy with someone who can fill your flaws and strengths. Congratulations, my best prayers will always be sent to you."

6. "The most painful thing is to love someone who can't be with you."

7. "I love you. But, I stopped chasing you."

8. "Moving on is easy, what's difficult is leaving the past behind."

9. "There is time to hope, and there is time to stop. There is a time to fight, but there is also a time to let go."

10. "Your absence no longer catches my attention. Because I realize, it should be if you choose love, it is to come back, not disappear." - Boy Chandra

11. "To the past, stop patting my back. I don't want to look back."

12. "Maybe we are a piece of story that the author forgot to finish. Then, buried in time until the main character trapped in memories."

2. Words Left Behind by Marriage Full of Sadness

Sadness, disappointment, confusion, heartache surely cannot be stopped anymore when you find out that your loved one suddenly leaves you and marries someone else. Well, the following words about being left before marriage can describe someone's sadness due to being abandoned by their lover.

13. "If in the end I will only lose you, at least I feel proud to have been with you who can be patient and understand my shortcomings."

14. "If you understand, letting go of someone suddenly is not an easy thing. Separation sometimes hurts, right?"

15. "It's better to let them go if that's the best thing. Rather than forcing something that cannot last."

16. "No matter how hard I try not to be sad anymore, my tears cannot be held back, but still, I have accepted losing you."

17. "Only time can heal your broken heart. Just like time can heal your broken arm and leg." - Miss Piggy

18. "I wish I could be a little girl again because a wounded knee is easier to fix than a broken heart." - Julia Roberts

19. "Sometimes, when one person is gone, the whole world seems empty." - Alphonse De Lamartine

20. "So this is what happens to a broken heart. No matter how you try, the pieces never fit the same as before." - Ariana

21. "When your heart is broken, you plant seeds in the cracks and pray for rain." - Andrea Gibson

22. "Everything can end, people change. And do you know what? Life goes on."

23. "And whatever may hurt me will only make me stronger in the end." - Elizabeth Eulberg

24. "There comes a time in life when you have to choose to turn the page, write a new book, or just close it." - Shannon L Alder

3. Words Left Behind by Marriage Full of Meaning

A number of words left behind in marriage below contain deep meanings that you can take as valuable lessons. For example, lessons about loyalty, sincerity, letting go, and so on. Let's see the review of words left behind in marriage that are full of meaning.

25. "Behind a sincere love, there is also a great sacrifice, that's what happens when we let go of him sincerely."

26. "Every end of a story will always create a new beginning, just like separation."

27. "Your departure makes me learn, that I know who is truly worthy of me."

28. "Be grateful for today, let go of what has passed."

29. "If letting go is a choice, then love teaches us the meaning of perseverance and letting go."

30. "Keep praying, until the word 'letting go' is peacefully carried away with a smile." - Bonkymilitia

31. "In love, if the pain of staying is greater than the pain of letting go, then learn to let go."

32. "Love when your heart is ready, not because your heart is lonely until letting go becomes the main dish in your life."

33. "What do I need to fear if my destiny is not him, not you. I am just enjoying my solitude. And I will fall in love for the last time with Allah's chosen destiny."

34. "Make yourself a vast ocean, whatever happens must be accepted with surrender and with strong faith."

35. "A woman who truly loves you may get angry for various reasons, but she will never leave you for one or even a thousand reasons."

36. "When your heart is broken, your ashes are burned: there are no more problems. It is the end of happiness and the beginning of peace." - George Bernard Shaw

37. "Many things we don't want to leave in this life, but everything will have an end according to His provisions."

38. "Losing someone we love is indeed very painful, but it is not the end of everything, we can still be happy even without them."

39. "Forget the bitterness, don't forget the lessons."

40. "Keeping past mistakes will only hurt you more, let go, release for a better life."

4. Words Left Behind by Marriage that Make You Move On Quickly

The following words about being left after marriage can help you quickly move on. Because these words contain messages full of advice that can motivate you to rise above the sadness of being left by a loved one.

41. "Letting go doesn't mean giving up, but realizing that there are things that cannot be forced."

42. "Love is not about letting go, but about letting be. Not about forcing, but about fighting. Not about surrendering, but about letting go. Not about chaining, but about giving wings." - Fiersa Besari

43. "Sometimes you have to let go of someone you can't have. Although it's difficult, it's the best thing for you."

44. "Sincerity is not only about letting go. But sincerity is a condition where we release without any burden in our hearts."

45. "There comes a time when you have to let go of someone you love when you know they are happier with someone else."

46. "When we love someone sincerely, letting them go should also be done sincerely."

47. "In life, sometimes you have to accept that not all hopes become reality. And what you need is the courage to let go."

48. "You will find it hard to fall in love again if you are still tied to your past. Learn to let go and make peace with your heart."

49. "It hurts when we have to let go of someone we love, but be big-hearted enough not to limit their life choices."

50. "Love will never reach you if you don't allow it to make changes in your life."

51. "If there were no storms, rainbows would not appear. Learn from the storms that come your way."

52. "Heal your heart first before starting a new story."

53. "Cry. Forgive. Learn. Move on. Let your tears water the seeds of your future happiness." - Steve Maraboli

54. "If you dare to say goodbye, life will give you a gift in the form of a new chapter." - Paulo Coelho

55. "Reality doesn't always align with hope, but it doesn't mean we should be overwhelmed by despair."

56. "Everything ends because of something, and something else is ready to begin."

Those are 56 heartbreaking words for being left at the altar, willing to let go even though it hurts so much. The above words left behind when getting married can represent your feelings when relating to love issues today.



Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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