Kapanlagi.com - Wise women quotes can be an inspiration that helps you stay strong, resilient, and patient in every situation. Because there are wise messages and advice for reflection and self-introspection. In addition, wise, strong, and amazing women quotes can help you become more confident.
Although they are easily touched, women can also be strong individuals. Whether consciously or not, women become someone with their own greatness. Where women are very good at hiding their feelings, their tough attitude, and their strength.
One characteristic of wise women is being able to control themselves to stay calm and think positively in facing life's problems. Wise women are also good at determining and carefully deciding their life path.
Not rushing in making decisions, actions, and controlling their emotions. This is what makes wise women appear stronger, amazing, and resilient. Therefore, below are some references of wise women quotes to help you become more confident. Let's directly check out the discussion about wise, strong, and amazing women quotes that have been compiled by kapanlagi.com from various sources.
1. Wise and Strong Women Quotes

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The wise women quotes below can inspire you to remain strong and resilient in facing life's challenges. Additionally, these quotes for wise and strong women can serve as a reflection and self-introspection to make you more patient. Let's take a look at the discussion about wise and strong women quotes below.
1. "Women are created special. Stay strong even when you're almost giving up, stay patient even when you want to complain, stay strong even when you're about to fall."
2. "Women cry not because they are weak, but because they are tired of pretending to smile even when their hearts are hurt."
3. "All your best successes come after the great disappointments you face with patience." - Mario Teguh
4. "Don't act weak, remember we are born from the great struggle of a strong woman."
5. "A beautiful woman is a woman with a resilient personality, who can face problems with a positive mindset."
6. "Be a strong woman, because women are destined to be helpers."
7. "A strong woman is a woman who can smile in the morning as if she didn't cry last night."
8. "The world needs strong women. Women who will lift and build others, who will love and be loved. Women who live boldly, both gentle and fierce. Women with strong determination."
9. "Women never become strong when they constantly confine themselves with anxiety about their weaknesses."
10. "With patience, we achieve more than our strength."
11. "Wise women are like geese on water. Anggun walau tetaplah bekerja serta tetaplah tegar walau terluka."
12. "Wanita terkenal dengan karakter lembutnya, namun itu bukan sebuah kelemahan wanita."
13. "Seorang wanita yang kuat tahu bagaimana menjaga hidupnya sejalan.Dengan berlinangan air mata, dia masih bisa berkata, 'Tidak, aku baik-baik saja'."
14. "Di bawah setiap wanita kuat dan mandiri terletak seorang gadis kecil yang hancur yang harus belajar bagaimana bangkit kembali dan tidak pernah bergantung pada siapa pun."
15. "Aku tipe orang yang akan duduk di kamar mandi dan menangis, tapi kemudian berjalan keluar seperti tidak pernah terjadi apa-apa."
16. "Beri wanita rasa sakit dan dia akan mengubahnya menjadi kekuatan.Beri wanita itu kekacauan dan dia akan menciptakan kedamaian."
2. Wise and Great Women Quotes

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Adanya emansipasi Wanita bisa memberikan ruang buat perempuan mengekspresikan diri.Tidak heran jika saat ini ada banyak sekali kehebatan Wanita yang sering kita temui dan bisa dijadikan inspirasi.Nah, kata-kata Wanita bijak dan hebat berikut ini mungkin saja dapat memotivasimu untuk berani mengekspresikan diri.
17. "Kamu bisa tahu siapa wanita kuat itu.Mereka adalah orang-orang yang kamu lihat membangun satu sama lain, bukannya saling menghancurkan."
18. "Tidak ada wanita di belakang pria hebat.Wanita itu ada di sampingnya, bersamanya, bukan di belakangnya."
19. "Aku cantik aku hebat aku kuat dan aku adalah wanita yang paling berharga di mata orang-orang yang mencintaiku."
20. "Perempuan hebat pasti bertindak dengan tepat, Perempuan hebat pasti selalu punya tempat" - R.A Kartini
21. "Wanita yang tangguh kuat menghadapi cobaan hebat dan menahan rasa amarah."
22. "Wanita, kadangkala diuji dengan sehebat-hebat ujian.Fisiknya lemah tapi batinnya sangat kuat.Itulah anugerah Tuhan bagi mereka."
23. "Teruntuk semua wanita hebat yang sudah berjuang sampai sejauh ini, kalian luar biasa!"
24. "Hari ini harus dijalani dengan sebaik-baiknya. Great women do everything wholeheartedly and enjoy it."
25. "Be a great woman, who is able to solve problems."
26. "Nothing can stop you from acting right so that you can get the best place, because you are a Great Woman."
27. "Great women are God's gift to men who sincerely make themselves great"
28. "A great woman is a woman who can turn problems into lessons in life"
29. "A great woman is able to heal a wounded heart with patience."
30. "A great and tough woman is a woman who dares to make the hardest decisions in her life"
31. "A great woman is someone who does not tell her problems to the world, she faces them with a smile and only shares with those who care." - ali_dj69
32. "Fight hard in silence, and let our success echo throughout the world."
3. Inspiring Wise Women Quotes

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A number of wise words from women contain inspirational messages that you can use as references. The wise words from women below also help you to appear more confident. Just take a look at the following review of inspirational wise words from women.
33. "O woman, pursue your dreams even if they are far away. But you must not forget the people you love."
34. "A strong woman defends herself. A stronger woman defends others."
35. "Do not seek for everything to happen as you wish, but hope that everything happens as it should, then your life will flow smoothly."
36. "You may not always get what you want, but if you try your best, you will definitely get what you need."
37. "The highest beauty of a woman is the quality that makes her desired as a wife and mother of her children."
38. "Be wise in your waiting period, later you will be amazed at how Allah will bring you to your soulmate."
39. "Wise women focus on improving their shortcomings rather than bragging about their strengths."
40. "A woman is said to be tough when she remains patient even though she feels burdened."
41. "A useful woman is a woman who is able to place herself in every situation."
42. "Be a valuable woman, desired by everyone but only one gets her."
4. Wise Women Quotes as Motivation

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We certainly need encouragement to help you survive various trials of life. Including for women, words of encouragement are very meaningful. Therefore, here are some references to wise women's words full of encouraging messages.
43. "You are capable of standing strong to achieve your own happiness and dreams. It is more rewarding for parents than repaying their favors."
44. "Sometimes, pain must be endured before happiness is achieved. Smile when you are sad, because there will be happiness after that."
45. "For all the great women in Indonesia. Keep shining even though your dreams are always shattered."
46. "Tough women should not complain."
47. "Be a strong girl that everyone knows will successfully overcome the worst."
48. "You must know that you can do this. You are strong. You can definitely do it. Just hold on and believe in yourself, always."
49. "Sometimes we are tested by God to see how patient we can be when given a trial called a test from God."
50. "Do not worry about the future, the most important thing is to do good today, then God will repay your kindness in the future."
51. "Never give up and try to run away, but face the challenges in front of us with patience."
52. "Love yourself. It is important to stay positive because beauty comes from within."
53. "Patience does not mean being still when faced with adversity. But patience is actively seeking goodness when adversity comes."
54. "Strong women love, forgive, leave, let go, try again, and endure, no matter what life they have."
55. "She is strong not because she is not afraid, but because she keeps moving forward with strength, even in the face of fear." - Atticus
56. "Be a first-class version of yourself, not a second-class version of someone else."
57. "Strong women will always rise, no matter how hard the storm has ever struck them."
58. "Some women get lost in the fire. Some women are built from it."
Those are 58 wise, strong, and amazing women's words that make you more confident. The words for women above can be used as inspiration and wise motivation in facing life's problems.
Source: juproni.com, brilio.net, bola.com
Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.