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6 Recommendations for Anime with Main Characters that Glow Up, From Nerdy to Cool

6 Recommendations for Anime with Main Characters that Glow Up, From Nerdy to Cool Anime MC Glow Up Recommendations (credit: imdb) - Since then until now, anime is still a favorite pastime for many people. Generally, anime is loved because of its exciting story. One of the exciting aspects of anime lies in the development of its characters. It is not uncommon for anime to have characters with significant development, also known as glow up. Recommendations for anime with main character glow up can be an exciting watch.

Yes, it turns out there are many anime that have main characters or MCs who undergo extraordinary development. Main characters or main characters who were initially portrayed as unattractive and weak, but later become cool as the story progresses. Curious about anime recommendations with main characters that glow up?

To find out, let's take a look at the list and brief review of anime recommendations with glow up MCs below.



BLACK CLOVER has become one of the most popular anime in recent years. As known, this anime tells the story of Asta and Yuno, two children who were found abandoned in a cathedral and raised as siblings in an orphanage.

In their world, magic is everything. Unfortunately, Asta was born without any magical powers. On the other hand, Yuno has incredible magical abilities. At the age of 15, Asta receives a five-leaf Grimoire that suddenly gives him extraordinary powers.

Since gaining that power, Asta undergoes a transformation in appearance. Asta, who initially appeared weak, is depicted with more defined muscles, making him look more strong and cool.



MASAMUNE-KUN NO REVENGE is also an anime that features a main character glow up. As the title suggests, this anime revolves around Masamune Makabe's revenge on Aki Adagaki, who humiliated him publicly when he confessed his love.

Since then, Masamune vows to change his appearance in order to get revenge. He works hard to lose weight and dress stylishly. Eventually, Masamune successfully transforms his entire appearance, hoping to make Aki fall in love with him so he can reject her in return.

Masamune's efforts pay off, and he completely changes his appearance. Although the plot may sound cliché, this anime is still very entertaining to watch. It offers a lot of comedic elements that will keep you entertained.



Who doesn't know NARUTO? This anime is very popular among anime lovers. In this anime, the story begins when Naruto is 12 years old. At that time, Naruto, who aspires to become Hokage, is viewed cynically by the villagers. Despite being underestimated and looked down upon, Naruto continues to work hard to achieve his dreams.

Initially, Naruto, who is careless, is considered unable to be serious. But once again, Naruto continues to strive until people's judgments change. After three years of serious training under Jiraiya, Naruto begins to show significant progress.

Naruto glows up in appearance, becoming more handsome and gallant. In terms of character, Naruto also becomes more mature and wise. In terms of strength, Naruto clearly becomes stronger, which makes him more confident.



A recommendation for an anime with a main character glow up would not be complete without ATTACK ON TITAN. This popular anime has the main character Eren Yeager who glows up.

This anime tells the story of the human race's condition due to the emergence of Titans. Titans, or giants, devour human flesh in front of them. In that dire situation, Eren Yeager witnessed his mother's horrifying death at the hands of the Titans.

Since then, he has vowed to eradicate all Titans one day. To do so, he enlists in the Survey Corps, an elite military unit tasked with fighting Titans outside the protective walls.

As the story progresses, Eren undergoes changes in personality and appearance. Eren, who was initially depicted as very childish, now appears to have gloomy eyes, long hair, and a slight mustache. Now, Eren has become a rather fierce and convincing figure to fight against the Titans.



One recommendation for an anime with a main character glow up is HORIMIYA. One character in this anime also undergoes a glow up in terms of appearance and personality. As known, this anime tells the story of Kyouko Hori and Izumi Miyamura who develop a friendship that starts with keeping each other's secrets.

Hori and Miyamura have contrasting personalities. Hori is seen as a typical popular, beautiful, and smart student in class. On the other hand, Miyamura is seen as a gentle and quiet classmate.

Despite having contrasting personalities, they quickly become friends. Miyamura and Kyouko are open with each other. This turns out to bring about a change in Miyamura. Miyamura, who was initially a bookworm, becomes a confident and radiant young adult.



If you are looking for a recommendation for a comedy genre anime with a main character glow up, KISS HIM NOT ME could be the answer. This anime tells the story of Kae Serinuma, who is a fujoshi. Secretly, she fantasizes wildly when she sees boys socializing. After witnessing the death of her favorite anime character, she loses a lot of weight and transforms into a beautiful girl.

Kae Serinuma, who was originally overweight, small-eyed, with dull hair, glasses, and poorly dressed. After her transformation for a week, she becomes thin, dresses differently, and her eyes appear radiant and beautiful.

As a result, four popular boys from her school ask her out. However, for Kae, it becomes a very uncomfortable situation. Eventually, Kae tries various ways to make her life go back to normal despite her new appearance.

Those are some recommendations for anime with main character glow up. Enjoy watching!



Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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