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6 Tips to Keep Children Healthy at the End of Ramadan Fasting

6 Tips to Keep Children Healthy at the End of Ramadan Fasting Illustration (credit: Freepik) - Fasting will end in a few days, and as the days go by, there are many challenges, especially for children. Even in the current weather and pandemic situation, it is important to maintain the health of children. There are many tips to keep children healthy at the end of fasting, KLovers. You can pay attention to the food they consume properly and appropriately.

Mothers should also pay attention to their children's food to prevent dehydration. According to Kids Health, dehydration occurs when more fluid leaves the body than enters. This can happen when a child does not drink enough fluids or when they lose more body fluids than usual.

Well, to keep children fit and healthy during the end of fasting, here are 6 ways to keep children healthy at the end of Ramadan fasting that have been compiled from various sources. Let's check it out, KLovers.


1. Drink Plenty of Water

Tips to keep your child healthy at the end of the first Ramadan fast is by consuming plenty of water. Water is one way to ensure that the body's fluid needs are met during fasting. To prevent dehydration, the simplest way is to drink plenty of water at the right time during fasting.

This is especially important for children who cannot control their thirst and hunger like adults. This is because a lack of fluids in the body can make it susceptible to illness. So, drink plenty of water to keep your child's body fit during fasting.


2. Avoid Excessive Salt Consumption

Tips to keep your child healthy in the next Ramadan fast is by reducing or even avoiding excessive salt consumption. Yes, it is no secret that consuming excessive salt can lead to inadequate fluid levels in the body. This is because salty foods can actually trigger faster dehydration.

Therefore, it is better to avoid consuming foods that use too much salt for both adults and children. Not only that, consuming excessive salt can lead to weight gain, which is not good for a child's health. You can reduce the amount of salt in sahur meals or evening meals after breaking the fast. This is to maintain a balanced fluid condition in your child's body during fasting.


3. Provide Fruits and Vegetables Intake

Besides drinking water, there is actually a way to keep children healthy at the end of Ramadan fasting with other things, one of which is by consuming fruits and vegetables. Apart from being healthy and maintaining good digestive conditions during fasting, it turns out that consuming fruits and vegetables can also prevent dehydration.

This is because fruits and vegetables contain a lot of water and fiber, making them suitable for consumption during fasting. These two foods also stay in the intestines for a long time and maintain the body's water level, so children will not quickly feel thirsty or hungry. And to maintain this health, you can consume a lot of fruits and vegetables.

This is because fruits and vegetables contain a lot of high vitamins. In fact, by consuming a lot of fruits and vegetables, children's digestive system will function properly during fasting. Because during fasting, many people find it difficult to have a bowel movement due to lack of fluids and fiber.


4. Limit Outdoor Activities during Daytime

Having too many outdoor activities during the daytime will make children tired and thirsty because they lose a lot of fluids. However, during fasting, children cannot replace these fluids with drinks. This will certainly increase the risk of dehydration in children.

Therefore, it is advisable to limit outdoor activities for children during fasting, especially during the daytime. You can engage children in indoor activities with positive things such as reading books, reciting the Quran, and learning about religion.


5. Reduce Excessive Sugar and Oil Consumption

It turns out that not only salt, KLovers, consuming excessive sugar and oil can also make children quickly thirsty when fasting. Just like salt, foods with excessive sugar and oil content should be avoided. Because both can make children more thirsty when fasting even though they have already drunk a lot of water during suhoor.

Even consuming juice and sweet drinks when breaking the fast will affect the condition of the child's body fluids the next day. Sweet drinks can also make children overweight, and this is certainly not good. So, it's better to replace children's drinks with plain water or natural ion drinks like coconut water.


6. Choose Broth-based Foods

And the way to keep children healthy at the end of Ramadan fasting is by choosing broth-based foods. Not only because of drinking plain water, any food with broth can also increase body fluids, KLovers. You can provide children with more consumption of broth-based vegetables during fasting in the month of Ramadan to be healthier. You can be creative by making foods such as chicken soup, soto, and similar ones that are very good to consume, especially during suhoor for children.

Those are 6 ways to keep children healthy at the end of Ramadan fasting. Hopefully, by maintaining this, we can still make children enthusiastic about fasting and stay healthy on the day of Eid.



Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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