Kapanlagi.com - One of the most annoying things in life is dealing with someone who is unaware that their behavior has hurt others. Especially if this has happened repeatedly and has harmed many people. If they have been reminded but there is no change, people like that deserve to receive Sundanese sarcastic words.
Perhaps, the local language used in daily life has its own power. Moreover, Sundanese sarcastic words not only contain striking sentences, but also wise messages that are worth living by. With that, someone can understand that their bad behavior doesn't need to be continued.
However, composing Sundanese sarcastic words is not an easy task. As a solution to overcome your difficulties, here are some wise quotes containing good advice that you can use as sarcasm. Deliver these words periodically, especially when they have just caused a problem.
1. Subtle Sundanese Satire Words

Illustration (Credit: Freepik)
To satirize someone, you don't have to use offensive words. Instead, with subtle Sundanese satire words like the following, the person will feel disturbed. Because they are uncomfortable with the politeness of the way you choose, they will gradually realize.
1. "Don't talk too much if you can't make something better."
2. "Don't live with too much style but little money."
3. "Hopefully you'll break up soon with your partner who looks like a crumpled plastic bag filled with torn things."
4. "It must be painful to be dumped, even more so if it's because your friend stole them."
5. "Your love is fake, the best thing about it is the super fake KW."
6. "Are you a person or a calculator? Don't make any mistakes."
7. "Don't prolong the problem, it's not an STNK (vehicle registration document)."
8. "Hey, remember that life can't be instant. If it's instant, go eat instant noodles." If you want everything instant, just make instant noodles.)
9. "Having desires without effort is the same as joking around."
10. "A true man never talks about other people's weaknesses or sows discord."
11. "Being able is because of familiarity, we won't be able to solve problems if we're not familiar with them."
12. "Remember, life can't be all instant. If you want everything instant, just make instant noodles."
13. "Having desires without effort is the same as joking around."
14. "Don't play with my heart, my heart is not a toy."
15. "One day you will realize that I am the gem you threw away."
16. "If we're going to have a good conversation, I'll wash your face with oil later."
17. "All unexpected journeys will be beautiful in time. That is if you're lucky."
18. "Don't talk about others if you can't do something better."
19. "Why did you upload so many photos if your face looks the same in all of them. What's the point?"
20. "Don't live life too straight like a ruler."
2. Wise Sundanese Satire Words

Illustration (Credit: Freepik)
When faced with annoying people, it's normal to feel angry. However, you need to remember that anger will not make things any more complicated. In that situation, you need wise Sundanese words of sarcasm to make them realize.
21. "I have to do this, I have to do that. Just keep going, as if I'm a parking attendant."
22. "It's difficult to like someone who doesn't like us. It's like buying a cigarette from Indomaret, it's ignored."
23. "Don't be arrogant if you can't ride a motorcycle while the handlebars are locked."
24. "Nowadays, don't believe everything in social media profile pictures, there are many lies. The most honest photo is the ID card photo."
25. "Bro, if you speak the truth, your face will be washed with coca-cola by me."
26. "Good people are rare nowadays, like a 3 Kg gas canister."
27. "Promises used to be sweet, but the reality is bitter like bratawali."
28. "Young people should not give up before fighting."
29. "My heart is not a leftover rice that you can underestimate."
30. "I am patient because I have a heart. If I had a stone, I would throw it at your face."
31. "A friend is someone who often borrows money but never wants to pay it back."
32. "Being in a relationship with you ruins my wallet."
33. "In front, they say yes, but behind, they talk bad about others."
34. "When in need, they are close, but once achieved, they forget."
35. "Birds fly with their wings, humans live with their minds."
36. "Don't play with me. I am a person, not a child." I am a human, not a children's toy.)
37. "Ari gaya jiga nu sumuhun, tapi kana hutang melid."
(If you act like you're rich, but when it comes to paying debts, you're lazy.)
38. "Kenapa mantan-mantan aing teh masih aja pada hidup, ya?Padahal dulu bilangnya nggak bisa hidup tanpa urang."
(Why are my exes still alive, huh? Even though they used to say they couldn't live without me.)
39. "Aya kahayang bari jeung teu dibarengan ku usaha mah sarua jeung ngabodor."
(Having desires without being accompanied by effort is the same as joking around)
40. "Teu aya istilah cinta buta, aya ge jalma eta sorangan nu ngabutakeun diri."
(There is no such thing as blind love, it is the person themselves who blinds themselves)
3. Sundanese Satire Words to Awaken

Illustration (Credit: Freepik)
It is indeed necessary to make someone who has done wrong too often aware. To do so, the right and wise way is needed. To carry out this action, you can use the following Sundanese sarcastic words.
41. "Napsu nyaeta hiji perkawis anu mipiboga sipat samentara nu lewih langkung direseupan, tibatan perkawis-perkawis anu langgeng."
(Desire is a temporary thing that is preferred over everlasting things)
42. "Kalakuan ngukur baju sasereg awak."
(Don't just judge someone by their appearance)
43. "Paradaban sareng elmu sami pentingna pikeun ngudag kahirupan dunya."
(Manners and knowledge are equally important in pursuing worldly life)
44. "Asih henteu dumasar kana penampilan alus, kaéndahan raray anjeun, kabeungharan anjeun sareng karya anjeun."
(Love is not based on handsomeness, your beauty, your wealth, and your work)
45. "Aya kahayang bari jeung teu dibarengan ku usaha mah sarua jeung ngabodor."
(Having desires without effort is the same as joking)
46. "Bobot pangayun timbang taraju."
(What we are going to do must be considered first)
47. "Tong eureun-eureun usaha sabab usaha tara ngabohongan hasil."
(Don't stop trying because effort will not deceive the results)
48. "Jadikeun kahirupan di dalam dunia kaya-kaya keur ngumbara atawa ngaliwat dina hiji jalan."
(Make life in this world like an adventure or passing through a road)
49. "Nu ngarana hirup mah loba cobaan.Mun loba saweran eta ngarana dangdutan."
(Life is full of trials. If there are a lot of tips, it's called dangdut)
50. "Hirup itu harus loba seuri, iar keliatannya teh bagja alias senang.Gitu, meskipun mah hate keur notog titajong boleksek."
(Life should be filled with laughter to appear happy and joyful, even though the heart is feeling down)
51. "Saban masalah anu dongkap ayeuna, sanes kanggo ngalabuhkeun, nanging kanggo nguji sabaraha kuat salira tiasa nahana."
(Every problem that comes now is not to bring us down, but to test how strong we can endure)
52. "Ulah ngarasa nalangsa kusabab ngarasa sorangan.Tingali bulan, anjeunna oge sorangan nanging anggeur katembong masihan cahyana."
(Don't feel sad because you feel alone. Look at the moon, it is also alone but still shines its light) See the moon, it is also alone but still gives its light)
53. "Hirupmah heuheuy jeung deudeuh, lamun teu heuheuy nya deudeuh."
(Life is between happiness and sadness, if not happy then sad)
54. "Hirup ieu kedah dimimitian ku kalawan du'a sarta ditutup ku rasa sukur."
(Life must be started with prayer and ended with gratitude)
55. "Kudu silih asih, silih asah jeung silih asuh."
(We must love each other, give advice, and nurture.)
56. 25. "Mun geus johnamah moal kamana ieuh."
(When it's destiny, it won't run away)
57. "Ulah nepika ngajadikeun cinta matak poho kana sagalana, komo nepika poho ka nu maha kawasa, asa ku kabina-bina."
(Don't let love make you forget everything, especially forget the Almighty)
58. "Jalmi tiasa sukses, margi gaduh seueur cara.Sedengkeun jalmi anu gagal, margi anjeunna gaduh seueur teuing alesan."
(People can succeed because they have many ways. While people fail because they have many excuses.)
59. "Sateuacan masihan nasehat dina cariosan salira, pasihan maranehanana nasehat ku sikep salira."
(Before giving advice with your words, give them advice through your actions)
60. "Urang miskin lain sabot teu ngagaduhan harta, nanging sabot urang atos kaleungitan mikacinta tina keluargi."
(Poor people are not when they don't have wealth, but when they have lost love from their family)
61. "Kudu silih asih, silih asah, jeung silih asuh."
(We must love, advise, and care for each other)
62. "Jaga kalakuan anjeun, ulah sombong pikeun kakuatan, jabatan atanapi kasang tukang saha anjeun."
(Always maintain your behavior, don't be arrogant about strength, position, or background who you are)
63. "Kudu bageur pikeun diri anjeun, kulawarga, sareng sadaya mahluk sasama anjeun."
(Be good to yourself, family, and all living beings)
64. "Mun teu ngopek moal nyapek, mun teu ngakal moal ngakeul, mun teu ngarah moal ngarih."
(To become capable, we must continue to seek and learn about it)
65. "Se'acan urang ngeluh kana ka-emaman anu bade ku urang tuang, cobi pikirkeun ka marenehana, jalmi-jalmi anu henteu pernah boga kadaharan pikeun di tuang."
(Before we complain about what we eat, let's imagine for a moment people who have no food at all)
Well, those are Sundanese sarcastic words that you can choose to gently and wisely awaken someone.
Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.