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69 Islamic Preaching Words, Soothing and Motivating to Become a Better Person

69 Islamic Preaching Words, Soothing and Motivating to Become a Better Person Preaching words (credit: - To carry out Islamic propagation, it can be done in various ways and media. For example, with Islamic propagation words uploaded through social media, it can inspire and motivate everyone to become a better person. In addition, words of propagation often soothe the heart to stay motivated and wise in facing life.

Islam is a religion that is a mercy to all the worlds. The spread of Islam since the time of the Prophet was carried out in a friendly and peaceful manner without violence. So that Islam can spread to all corners of the world and be easily accepted by society. As time goes by, propagation can now be carried out anywhere without having to go through a pulpit.

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For example, Islamic propagation with words uploaded through social media so that it can be easily accepted by everyone. Yes, there are various words of Islamic propagation that can be a reference for you to spread good things. So that social media can be used wisely for positive activities and even rewarded.

Here are some references to Islamic preaching words that can be a reference for you. The Islamic preaching words have been compiled by from various sources.




1. Words of Islamic Propagation by Prophet Muhammad SAW

Prophet Muhammad SAW became the role model for all Muslims. That is why the various characteristics and attitudes of Prophet Muhammad SAW need to be emulated and become wisdom for the lives of Muslims. Several preaching words of Prophet Muhammad SAW can help you face life wisely and meaningfully. Here are the preaching words of Prophet Muhammad SAW that can be a reference for you.

1. Stay away from envy, because envy consumes good deeds like fire consumes firewood.

2. Allah does not look at your appearance and wealth, but He looks at your heart and deeds.

3. The best among you is the one with the noblest character.

4. Whoever does not appreciate the little, will not be able to appreciate much.

5. Feed the hungry and visit the sick, and free the unjustly imprisoned. Help every oppressed person, whether Muslim or non-Muslim.

6. It is better to sit alone than to associate with the wicked; and it is better to stay in the company of goodness than to be alone. It is better to speak with a seeker of knowledge than to remain silent, but silence is better than empty words.

7. Fear Allah wherever you are, follow bad deeds with good deeds to erase them, and treat people with kindness.

8. God does not look at your appearance and possessions, but He looks at your heart and your actions.

9. By Allah, one does not truly believe until he loves his brother as he loves himself.

10. The greatest jihad (struggle) is against your own soul, to fight the evil within you.

11. Wealth does not come from worldly possessions, but from a contented mind.

12. Do you know what is better than charity, fasting, and prayer? It is maintaining peace and good relations among people, for disputes and ill feelings destroy humanity.

13. There are no two things that are better combined than knowledge and patience.

14. Always strive to excel in goodness and truth.

15. The best home is a home where an orphan receives love and kindness.

16. Look at those below you in worldly possessions, and never look at those above you, so that you do not underestimate the blessings of Allah that have been bestowed upon you.



2. Words of Islamic Propagation by Ali bin Abi Thalib

Ali bin Abi Thalib is the fourth caliph who is one of the righteous caliphs. Besides being a companion of Prophet Muhammad SAW, Ali bin Abi Thalib is also a son-in-law who serves as a role model for the Muslim community. Some wise words of Ali bin Abi Thalib can be a reference for you in carrying out friendly and easily accepted Islamic preaching. The words of Islamic preaching by Ali bin Abi Thalib are as follows.

17. Do not advise foolish people, for they will hate you. Advise those who have intellect, for they will love you.

18. When you are anxious and restless about something, face it head-on because the fear of facing it is more disturbing than the thing you fear itself.

19. Oppression will continue to exist, not because there are many evil people. But because of the silence of good people.

20. Never make decisions in anger and never make promises in happiness.

21. Recognize the truth, then you will know the righteous people. True is not measured by its people, but humans are measured by the truth.

22. Patience comes in two forms: patience for something you don't want and patience to refrain from something you desire.

23. Swallow your anger because you will never find a drink that leaves a sweeter and more delicious taste than that.

24. A desperate person sees difficulties in every opportunity, but an optimistic person sees opportunities in every difficulty.

25. Even the simplest handwork to maintain one's dignity is far more important than wealth accompanied by corruption.

26. The best revenge is to make yourself better.

27. A person who likes to speak honestly gains three things: trust, love, and respect.

28. Indeed, following desires can prevent one from the truth, and long dreams can make one forget the hereafter.

29. Improve your prayers, and Allah will improve your life.

30. Don't say to Allah, 'I have a big problem,' but say to the problem, 'I have Allah, the Almighty.'

31. Opportunities come and go like passing clouds. Use it when it appears before you.

32. People who think too much about the consequences of a decision or action will never become brave, no matter how long.

33. If there are words that hurt your heart, bow down and let them pass. (Do not take them to heart so that your heart does not get tired)

34. Gossip is the peak of the ability of weak people.



3. Words of Soothing Islamic Propagation

Often when you read or hear words of Islamic preaching, whether from the Quran or Hadith, the heart becomes calmer and more peaceful. Some Islamic preaching words that touch the heart below can also be a reference for you to motivate yourself to become a better person.

35. This world is like a shadow. If you try to catch it, it will run away. But if you turn your back on it, it has no choice but to follow you. - Ibn Qayyim Al-Jawziyya

36. Indeed, with hardship, there is ease. - Surah Al-Insyirah: 5

37. For all the pain you experience, be patient and endure, because Allah knows your limits.

38. Islam treats women with respect and dignity. So do not accept anything less than that.

39. Allah's promise never disappoints, and if you still feel disappointed, there may be something wrong with your faith.

40. Do you underestimate a prayer to Allah, do you know the miracles and wonders of prayer? Like an arrow in the night, it will not miss but it has limits and every limit has its time to finish.

41. Whoever walks earnestly on his path will surely reach his destination.

42. And whoever commits a mistake or sin, then accuses an innocent person, indeed he has borne a clear lie and sin. - Q.S An-Nisa': 112

43. Indeed, those who say, 'Our Lord is Allah' and then remain steadfast, the angels will descend upon them (saying), 'Do not be afraid and do not grieve, and rejoice in the paradise that has been promised to you by Allah. - QS Fushilat: 30

44. What kind of deeds does Allah like the most? The Prophet Muhammad answered, 'Deeds that are done consistently, even if they are small.' - HR.Muslim

45. Do not grieve, for indeed Allah is always with us. - QS At Taubah: 40

46. And this worldly life is nothing but play and amusement. And indeed, the home of the Hereafter is better for those who fear Allah. So don't you understand? - Q.S Al-An'am: 32

47. Does man think that he will be left (merely) saying, 'We have believed' and that he will not be tested? - Q.S Al-'Ankabut: 2



4. Words of Islamic Propagation About Love

The Islamic preaching about love below may represent your feelings when confused or uncertain about love issues. So that you can find the right way out and in accordance with religious guidance to accept and decide what is best for your relationship. Here are the Islamic preaching about love.

48. Remember, it is possible for a person to love something that is harmful to him or hate something that is beneficial to him. Seek His guidance. - Prophet Muhammad SAW

49. Love for Allah is the pinnacle of love. The valley of love is love for others. - Prophet Muhammad SAW

50. Extend your love for the sake of your Lord and withdraw your love for the sake of your Lord, surely you will not be disappointed. - Prophet Muhammad SAW

51. Love your beloved moderately, as your beloved may one day become your enemy, and hate your enemy moderately, as your enemy may one day become your beloved. - HR Tirmidzi

52. Love your beloved moderately, who knows they will become your enemy one day. And hate your enemy moderately, who knows they will become your beloved one day.

53. Love never asks to wait. It takes opportunities or allows it. The first is courage, the second is sacrifice. - Salim A. Fillah

54. Do not love someone who does not love Allah. If they can leave Allah, then they will also leave you. - Imam Asy Syafi'i

55. There is no better solution for two people who love each other than marriage. - HR. Ibn Majah

56. You may hate something even though it is good for you, and you may like something even though it is bad for you. Allah knows, while you do not know. - QS Al-Baqarah 216

57. Allah has written the name of your partner. What you need to do is improve your relationship with Him.

58. Allah tests us with something we love, so do not love it excessively, so that when we are sad, it is not excessive.

59. True love does not end with death. If Allah wills, that love will continue until paradise.

60. Whoever wants to experience faith, let them love someone, whom they do not love except for the sake of Allah - HR Ahmad



5. Wise Words of Islamic Propagation

There are various wise Islamic preachings that can be a reference for you. Here are some wise Islamic preachings that can motivate you to become a better person.

61. A knowledgeable person is like sugar that attracts many ants. He becomes a light for himself and his surroundings. - Abdullah Gymnastiar

62. Indeed, Allah will not change the fate of a people until they change what is within themselves. - Q.S Ar-Ra'd: 11

63. Knowledge without religion is a defect, and religion without knowledge is blindness.

64. Without action, knowledge is useless, and knowledge without action is in vain.

65. Do not walk on the earth with arrogance and pride because soon you will also enter the earth.

66. A strong person does not mean he never cries, but someone who remains steadfast in facing every test and temptation.

67. Do not look down on every Muslim, even the one with the weakest faith is great in the eyes of Allah.

68. Beware of arrogance, because in the end, you will return to the earth and your body will be eaten by worms.

69. The more knowledge you have, the greater your piety towards Allah.

Those are 69 soothing and motivating Islamic preachings to become a good person. Some of the above Islamic preachings can be a reference and inspiration for you.




Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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