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55 Bitter, Touching, and Full of Learning Life Journey Quotes

55 Bitter, Touching, and Full of Learning Life Journey Quotes Words of life journey (credit: - Going through a bitter life journey often provides valuable lessons for someone. Because the ups and downs of life have surely been felt by everyone with various problems. Some bitter words of life journey can be touching lessons.

Like an unpredictable highway, life also experiences unexpected twists and turns. Although it is sometimes quite difficult to overcome various emerging problems, this often provides valuable lessons for you. Not giving up and staying strong in facing problems is necessary for you to be able to overcome the arising problems.

Support from loved ones is needed so that you can face it with strength. But besides the support of loved ones, you can also get inspiration from bitter words of life journey.

Some bitter words of journey below can be your reference to stay motivated and not give up on life's problems. The bitter words of life journey have been summarized by from various sources. This not only can represent your feelings, but also can provide valuable lessons for others.



1. Bitter Words of Life Journey

Like the previous review, bitter life journey words indeed feel difficult and not everyone wants to face it. But once again, life doesn't always go according to your wishes and often there are the ups and downs of life. Some bitter life journey words below can represent your feelings.

1. Happiness must be felt continuously in the journey of life, not just a life goal.

2. Someone may experience the bitterness of the journey of life. But they must not stop and must not lose their dreams.

3. Life is a journey, with problems to be solved, lessons to be understood, and experiences to be enjoyed.

4. You must be grateful for the journey of life. You only make this journey once in your lifetime.

5. Life will feel easier if you see it as a journey to be enjoyed, not a demand to be lived.

6. I have experienced all the bitterness in life and the most bitter is expecting from humans. - Ali bin Abi Thalib

7. A little pain on the journey to success is normal, when you succeed, your life will be happy forever.

8. This life is full of struggle. In the journey of struggle, dreams are the fuel that ignites our passion towards dreams and aspirations.

9. Life's journey is a never-ending struggle, sprinkled with dreams, filled with determination.

10. Keep believing, when you feel that life is very difficult, remember that this journey does not end here until you give up.

11. Do not compare your life journey with others because it is your own path, not a competition.

12. Life's journey is a never-ending struggle, sprinkled with dreams, filled with determination, expressed by daring to act!

13. An affair is like chewing gum. It has beautiful colors. At first, it tastes sweet, but eventually turns bitter. It's sticky and troublesome when you want to throw it away! - Basuki Tjahaja Purnama

14. Advice is easy, the hard part is accepting it, because it tastes bitter. - Abu Hamid Al-Ghazali

15. People can be more forgiving than you imagine. But you have to forgive yourself. Leave behind the bitterness and keep moving forward.

2. Wise Words of Life Journey

There are a number of bitter yet wise words of life that can keep you motivated. Because the only way to face a bitter life comes from within yourself to rise and be strong. Here are some bitter yet wise words of life.

16. Do not wake up a woman who is in love. Let her drown in sweet dreams, so she won't cry when facing the bitter truth. - Mark Twain

17. Every second in life is a journey, every journey is a lesson.

18. Success is a process of self-improvement towards our choice to achieve a better life goal.

19. Education has bitter roots, but sweet fruits. - Aristotle

20. You are the bitter and dark peak of my night, my beloved, without me sipping. - Sujiwo Tejo

21. Wisdom is a collection of life journeys. Wisdom cannot be sought, given, or shared.

22. Life is a journey, look around us, there are many things besides fulfilling ambitions.

23. Because coffee reminds me of unrequited love. Bitter, but we can't stop enjoying it. - Fiersa Besari

24. Do not waste all the gifts of God, we are blessed with reason and mind. Do not mix what is right and wrong, speak the truth even if you feel bitter. - Rhoma Irama

25. No matter how perfect the coffee you make, coffee is still coffee, with a bitter side that you cannot hide. - Dewi Lestari

26. Walk, don't run, because life is a journey, not an escape.

27. In your journey of life, the quality of your learning will be the main differentiator from your competitors.

28. Life is a journey. The choice of vehicle and the path to be taken are already available. The helm of life is in your hands.

29. What makes life meaningful is your own life journey, not what you get at that time.



3. Meaningful Words of Life Journey

A number of bitter and meaningful words of life journey can represent your feelings. Especially if this bitter life journey is so memorable for you to experience how to struggle out of the problems faced. The following are bitter and meaningful words of life journey.

30. Life is not a race but a journey to be enjoyed. Enjoy every journey of yours.

31. Forgetting bitter memories must be done wholeheartedly. - Boy Candra

32. Because life is like chocolate. The combination of bitter and sweet is what makes it harmonious and memorable. - Yoana Dianika

33. It feels bitter when being bullied. But sometimes, what is bitter can heal the wounds. - Merry Riana

34. Lack of loyalty in anything is often one of the main causes of failure in our journey of life. - Napoleon Hill

35. This life is a journey from one process to another, and a process comes from action, not thought.

36. In my journey of life, I have never seen a positive thinker being beneath a negative thinker. - Tungdw

37. If life is a journey, then gather as much provision as possible for your journey and make sure it is useful.

38. Oh, how bitter it is to see happiness through someone else's eyes. - William Shakespeare

39. How difficult it is to be honest and reveal the truth. Because they are bitter things. And not everyone likes bitterness. - Bernard Batubara

40. Better the bitter truth than the comfortable delusion.



4. Impressive Words of Life Journey

Every life lesson is certainly memorable for someone. It usually leaves memories, deep impressions, or unforgettable memories. The following bitter yet memorable life journey words can represent your feelings. Here are bitter and memorable life journey words.

41. Don't dwell on sadness for too long. Do what is clearly good for you, even if it's bitter at first. - Mario Teguh

42. We might be friends in the future, when all those bitter memories have become nostalgia.

43. Life is a journey. Enjoying the process is the pleasure.

44. Life is a journey, and a journey is an experience, and experience is a learning process.

45. It's not love that makes the world keep spinning, it's love that makes the journey of life valuable.

46. This life is a long journey. And there is only one destination, to go home. Are we ready to go home? Afraid? Or miss? - Andre Raditya

47. Besides family, you will greatly need a Friend in your journey of life, even if only 1 Friend, cherish your Friend.

48. Everything will begin and pass. Life happens between those two things. Make sure it is a meaningful and beautiful journey.

49. This life is a long journey in a short time, fill it with proud struggles, and appreciate it with sincere love.

50. A bitter certainty is much better than sweet uncertainties. - Fiersa Besari

51. Growing up is indeed a process of (sometimes bitter) meeting with oneself. - Goenawan Mohamad

52. Bitter reality always accompanies our lives, no matter how. It's up to humans, whether to face it or avoid it? - Orizuka

53. Lucky to still be able to taste bitterness. At least we can measure how sweet it tastes. - Moamar Emka

54. The journey of life will always pass through a dark tunnel, so we need to make sure that the light of the heart never goes out.

55. One key to happiness is to have bitter memories. - Rita Mae Brown

That's 55 bitter, touching, and valuable life journey words. Some of the bitter life journey words above can be a reference for you to stay strong in facing existing problems.





Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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