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7 Most Beautiful and Melodious Nuri Birds that Are Protected

7 Most Beautiful and Melodious Nuri Birds that Are Protected (credit: flicker) - Most people choose birds as pets. There are various types of birds that you need to know, one of which is the parrot. This bird, known for its beautiful feathers and melodious chirping, is one of the protected species by the government. Parrots are also part of the same family as cockatoos and parrots. You could say that parrots are just a smaller version. Not only that, parrots also have the ability to speak like parrots. Their friendliness towards humans makes parrots highly idolized.

Parrots belong to the order Psittaciformes and consist of 393 species distributed in tropical and subtropical regions. As a protected species, parrots should not be hunted indiscriminately and kept as pets. Such actions can threaten the population and extinction of parrots. Among the many species of parrots, the following parrots are the most beautiful and intelligent. Curious? Check out the review below.

1. Ternate Parrot or Red-Headed Parrot

The first type of parrot you need to know is the Ternate parrot or red-headed parrot. This bird is included in the protected species because it is rare and endangered. This type of parrot has the ability to talk.

The characteristics of the Ternate parrot are having a medium-sized body, 30 cm. The body, neck, and head are dominated by red color. The wings are green with a mixture of yellow. The area around the eyes is gray.

2. Black-Headed Parrot

Next, the type of parrot you need to know is the black-headed parrot. This parrot is one of the protected species of curved-bill parrots due to its declining population. Generally, this parrot is commonly found in the Ternate, Ambon, and Papua regions.

The distinctive feature of the black-headed parrot is having a black crown on the top. In addition, it has a body, wings, and tail with various colors such as red, yellow, and dark blue. The advantage of this parrot is its high intelligence as it can talk.

3. Maluku Cockatoo

The Maluku Cockatoo is one of the beautiful types of cockatoo. This bird is often found in the Banda Islands, Haruku, Ambon, Seram Laut, Saparua, and Watubela, and it cannot be hunted indiscriminately as it is protected. The Maluku Cockatoo has the characteristic of having bright colors dominating its body, and a little combination of red, black, and blue on its wings.

4. Black-winged Cockatoo

The next beautiful and melodious-sounding cockatoo is the black-winged cockatoo. This cockatoo, which has a body length of about 30 cm, has red color dominating its body, black color on its wings and back, a curved beak with a reddish-yellow color, and a purple spot on its ears.

This cockatoo is commonly found around the coast of Biak Island and other islands in Cendrawasih Bay, Papua. Similar to other cockatoo species, the black-winged cockatoo is also a protected species.

5. Talaud Parrot

Next, the most beautiful type of parrot is the Talaud Parrot. This parrot is characterized by its striking blue and red colors. This parrot also has various types in several parts of its body, such as reddish purple in the tail, red with black tips in the wings, and bright orange in the beak. Generally, Talaud Parrots prefer to live in groups.

6. Rainbow Parrot

The rainbow parrot is one of the beautiful and protected types of parrots. At first glance, this parrot resembles the black-headed parrot. However, the rainbow parrot does not have black color on its body but has various colors from its head to its tail. Not much different from other types of parrots, the rainbow parrot also has the ability to mimic human sounds that it hears. You can find this type of parrot around Papua.

7. Tanimbar Parrot

Lastly, the type of parrot that you need to know is the Tanimbar parrot. It is known that the population of this protected bird is increasingly endangered. The characteristics of the Tanimbar parrot are having a red body color and blue lines along its eyes to its shoulder or arm. The advantage of this type of parrot is its ability to dance by flapping its wings when it hears a loud bird. 

Those are some of the most beautiful and melodious parrot species that you need to know. Hopefully, it will increase your knowledge.


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