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65 Touching Words Wanting to Go Far Away, For the Sake of Goodness Together

65 Touching Words Wanting to Go Far Away, For the Sake of Goodness Together Words wanting to go (credit: - When faced with an uncontrollable situation, there are times when you feel like going away. Whether it's going away from friends, best friends, or partners, that feeling occasionally arises when the relationship is less conducive. Some words want to go away are sometimes spoken when you want to leave someone, either verbally or just in your heart.

There are various factors or causes why you want to go away from someone who is so close. The reason is that sometimes you are faced with a condition that requires you to go away. Whatever the cause, for the good of each other, that decision must be accepted willingly.

When you want to go away, of course, you need to say farewell words to your loved ones. This is done as a form of goodbye so that there is no misunderstanding when you really decide to go away. However, some people find it difficult to put words together and are confused about saying words want to go away.

That's why some words want to go away below can be a reference for you. As for words of wanting to go away as follows have been summarized by from various sources. Words of wanting to go away can be a form of apology from you, farewell words, or explaining the reasons why you want to go away from someone.



1. Words Want to Go Away

Everyone certainly does not want a separation to happen. However, if the separation is for the common good, then it is only right for you to accept it sincerely. When you want to go away from someone, you certainly say farewell words. Those words can be related to the reasons for wanting to go away, apologies, or others. Here are some examples of words of wanting to go away:

1. Some pretend to go away, but deep down they want to be close again.

2. I'm distancing myself because I don't want this heart to be hurt further.

3. Not to distance, but just want you to know. Not to change, but just want you to be aware if I am tired.

4. Sometimes, even though you keep trying to distance yourself from someone, you always find yourself wanting to know everything about them.

5. Fight before leaving.

6. Spread love wherever you go. Let no one come to you without leaving happier. - Mother Teresa

7. A true friend is when you ask them to follow you, they don't ask where or when but get up and go. - Abu Hamid Al-Ghazali

8. Some go without knowing how to return. Some wrongs without knowing forgiveness. Some not yet without knowing already. Some pains without knowing surrender. - Fiersa Besari

9. Not greeting you doesn't mean I don't care about you. I'm just keeping my distance, giving you space, for whatever you want to celebrate alone.

10. You don't need to distance yourself. Stay like that, I know how to walk backwards.

11. Everyone has time to be alone, not because they want to go away, but to reflect on everything that has happened.

12. I distance myself not because I'm leaving, I just want to observe, what is unseen when I'm not by your side.

13. Life is funny, yes. What is sought, is lost. What is chased, runs away. What is waited for, goes away.

14. If you don't know where you're going, any road will take you there. - George Harrison



2. Words Want to Go About Love

Building a relationship with someone often experiences ups and downs. Where there are times when your relationship is hit by a problem. In certain conditions, when neither of you can solve the problem, the last resort is to decide to go away from each other. Some words about love below may represent your feelings.

15. Not holding you back from leaving doesn't mean I don't love you anymore. It's just that, sometimes it's better to let go than to force staying together. - Boy Candra

16. When the sand where you stand is swallowed by the waves, I am the ocean that tightly embraces your shore. - Dewi Lestari

17. How could I leave if your shadow still haunts my dreams? - Wira Nagara

18. I don't want to be away from you, I want to laugh with you and feel the warmth of your attitude.

19. Someone who loves you with their heart will never leave! Because the heart never teaches about relative better or worse sizes. - Tere Liye

20. Don't leave my heart, even though without you I will still try not to die. - Boy Candra

21. What does it mean to leave, if you don't become my place to return to? - Fiersa Besari

22. If indeed I am the one who should stay away. Is there a sense of loss present in you?

23. I understand, you always want to stay away so that I feel bored, but you forget one thing, feelings are not born to be killed.

24. Being away from you doesn't mean I don't love you anymore, but this is my way of loving you right now.

25. There are types of people who don't care when you want to be close, after you give up and distance yourself, then they search, fight for that not-so-joking feeling.

26. If there is no feeling and no intention to hurt, why should you leave? - Boy Candra

27. True love, love that when we think it's gone, it's actually just hiding, waiting to come back again. - Moammar Emka



3. Words Want to Go Make Baper

There are a number of words that want to go that make you feel emotional and maybe make you feel the meaning contained in those words. Here are some references to words that want to go that leave a deep impression on partners, friends, or someone. For more details, you can read some points below.

28. Maybe one of my desires is to have it. I don't want to go away from it, that's for sure.

29. Sometimes I want to go away even though it's difficult. I want to let go even though it's very possible.

30. If someone keeps waiting when we leave without any news. Then they deserve to be waited for, even if it's uncertain if they will return. - Tere Liye

31. If you love someone, let them go, if they come back, then they will always be yours. If not, they will never be yours. - Khalil Gibran

32. I don't want to restrain you, it's up to you! Free to go wherever you want, the important thing is I'll go with you. - Pidi Baiq

33. Nothing leaves more than the heart. Nothing is lost from a memory. - Tere Liye

34.Why do you want to go back to someone who wants to leave? Why do you want to get closer to someone who wants to distance themselves?

35.I am distancing myself not because of anything, but because I want to stop hurting myself.

36.This is my way. My way of distancing. Slowly. Lost from your world.

37.You know, a Father might leave. But, every Mother will always be there. - Asma Nadia

38.If you come back to see someone who has already left, is it still enjoyable? - Dwitasari

39.I said, goodbye, you said, see you later. You haven't really gone, but I miss you already. - Alvi Syahrin

40.I am immersed in that dream itself, and never go away.

41. Wherever you go, go with all your heart. - Konfisisu



4. Words Want to Go for Common Good

Deciding to leave can be a reason for the greater good. It could be that when you decide to stay and settle, it causes pain, suffocation that makes each other uncomfortable. So the desire to go away becomes a solution that you have to accept. Here are words about wanting to go away for the greater good.

42.You can run away from reality, as long as you know the way back. Leave with immaturity, return with maturity. - Fiersa Besari

43.If he decides to go away, it means it's time for you to start a new opportunity. - Tere Liye

44. You always want to stay away, even though I hold you back. I used to be afraid of losing you, now those memories no longer make me miss you.

45. Sometimes someone distances themselves not because they don't want to fight, but because they are afraid their love will go unrequited.

46. When the Moon wants to show its charm, the Sun moves away and the Stars dim to give it a chance.

47. I want to be like the sun that illuminates the earth. Stay away, because it understands that approaching will only destroy it.

48. To distance oneself does not mean hating or disliking someone. But rather, it is about valuing oneself by not allowing others to trample on this self.

49. Honestly, sometimes I hide because I want you to find me. I distance myself because I want you to follow. I cry because I want you to calm me. I throw myself down because I want you to catch me.

50. If you really don't want to get closer, at least don't try to distance yourself.

51. It's not hypocrisy, but sometimes distancing oneself is better.

52. Why should we stay if someone can leave and exchange sadness for happiness? - Asma Nadia

53.Sometimes we just want to run away for a while, go away for a while, without the presence of others and the noise of the crowd. - Ainun Chomsum



5. Touching Words Want to Go

Not only makes us emotional, a number of words wanting to go sometimes have deep meaning that touches the heart. The following are some words wanting to go far that touch the heart. Some words wanting to go far can be a reference for you.

54.Life's problems are like waves on the beach, they will come but they will go in due time.

55.When someone leaves, there is actually longing left behind, longing that we will feel.

56.When I lose motivation and the feeling to prove something as a basketball player, that's when it's time for me to leave the game. - Michael Jordan

57.Some people create happiness wherever they go; others every time they go. - Oscar Wilde

58. Moving away is the right choice when we are no longer needed.

59. Because there are times to take a step back, and there are times to completely disappear.

60. The longer it takes, the more distant it becomes, and finally we understand that all this time we have been moving away, not coming together.

61. Maybe some of us need to stop trying to 'be ourselves', because the dreams we chase repeatedly vanish, and the hopes we want to achieve only get further away.

62. I have to leave home first if I want to come back home. - Pidi Baiq

63. I know where I'm going and I know what's right, and I don't have to be what you want. I'm free to be what I want. - Muhammad Ali

64. Uninvited guests are often welcomed warmly when they leave. - William Shakespeare

65. Success is the ability to go from one failure to another without losing enthusiasm. - Winston Churchill

Those are 65 heartfelt words about wanting to go far away. Some of those words can be a reference and represent your feelings.





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