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Kegel Exercises for Men and Women, Know Their Benefits!

Kegel Exercises for Men and Women, Know Their Benefits! (credit: freepik) - For some people, kegel exercises are not unfamiliar. Kegel exercises themselves are a type of exercise to train the pelvic floor muscles. It's no wonder that this exercise is quite popular among women. However, it is possible for men to do this exercise as well.

Kegel exercises themselves are focused on tightening the lower pelvic muscles. So even though it's called an exercise, this kegel exercise doesn't require moving body parts. The pelvic muscles are often used to control urine. In fact, this type of exercise has been proven effective in dealing with various problems related to the pelvis and intimate organs if done regularly. The way to do kegel exercises is quite easy. Curious? Let's just take a look at the following explanation.




1. How to Do Kegel Exercises for Women

Initially, Kegel exercises were known as exercises for new mothers. However, it turns out that there are various other benefits of Kegel exercises for women that you shouldn't miss. It's no wonder that many suggest doing these exercises because they involve the health of a person's intimate organs. Let's take a look at the correct way to do Kegel exercises.

-First, tighten your pelvic muscles for three seconds.

-When tightening the muscles, make sure not to hold your breath or tighten your stomach, thighs, and buttocks.

-After that, relax the lower pelvic muscles for three seconds.
-You can repeat this muscle exercise up to 10 times.

-It's advisable to do this activity three times a day for optimal results.




2. The Benefits of Doing Kegel Exercises for Women

As explained above, the benefits of kegel exercises for women are not only good for pregnant women. However, there are other good benefits that you need to know. What are they? Let's directly see the benefits of doing kegel exercises for women.

-Accelerating vaginal recovery after childbirth. This is because kegel exercises can improve blood circulation to the vagina. Blood containing oxygen and various nutrients are needed to regenerate various cells and vaginal tissues that have been damaged due to episiotomy.

-Tightening the vagina, if you regularly do kegel exercises, then you will get the benefit of having a tight vagina. Especially for those of you who have just had a normal delivery, it is good to do this exercise.

-Helping to overcome symptoms of pelvic organ prolapse. This condition occurs when the muscles and ligaments that support the organs in the pelvic area weaken.

-Treating hemorrhoids, hemorrhoids are one of the health problems that cannot be underestimated. As an effort to overcome it, you can do kegel exercises. This is because kegel exercises can improve blood circulation to the anus and vagina.




3. How to Do Kegel Exercises for Men

Kegel exercises are not only popular among women. Men are also encouraged to do these exercises. That's why this exercise is highly recommended for anyone to train their pelvic muscles. Let's take a look at the correct way to do kegel exercises for men.

-You can do kegel exercises while lying down to help you relax.

-Make sure you locate your pelvic floor muscles. Try to tighten the muscles as if you are holding back urine. Those contracting muscles are your pelvic floor muscles.

-Tighten those pelvic floor muscles for 3 seconds.

-While tightening the lower pelvic muscles, breathe normally and do not hold your stomach, thighs, or buttocks.

-Relax the lower pelvic muscles and take a break for about 3 seconds.
-Repeat the muscle exercise 10 times.

-Try to do kegel exercises three times a day.




4. Benefits of Doing Kegel Exercises for Men

There are several benefits that you can get if you regularly do Kegel exercises. What are the benefits for men? Let's find out.

-Improves blood circulation, allowing the penis to have stronger erections during sexual intercourse.

-Prevents and helps overcome premature ejaculation. According to a study, doing Kegel exercises for at least twelve weeks can help with premature ejaculation problems and delay orgasms, resulting in more satisfying sex.

-Prevents incomplete urination or dribbling after urinating.

-Maintains prostate health in men. As you know, this exercise is very good for the muscles around the prostate, supporting various male reproductive functions effectively.

-Helps relieve urinary incontinence. This condition refers to the difficulty of holding urine or always feeling the urge to urinate.

Those are the ways to do Kegel exercises for both men and women along with their benefits that you need to know. Give it a try and hopefully it will be beneficial.





Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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