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44 Naughty Quotes that are Wise, Life Lessons and Motivating for Change

44 Naughty Quotes that are Wise, Life Lessons and Motivating for Change Naughty quotes (credit: - A number of naughty quotes that are wise can be a lesson for everyone to become a better person. Because being naughty doesn't always determine the future as long as you have the motivation to improve yourself. However, as is known, there are various factors that cause someone to be called naughty, whether it's behavior, nature, or words.

The definition of naughty according to KBBI is liking to do something bad; not obedient, disturbing; bad behavior. Naughty is often used to refer to someone's behavior that is not good and is not in accordance with prevailing norms, morals, or ethics. The term naughty used for children usually refers to their stubborn, mischievous, or disobedient behavior.

Meanwhile, for adults, the word has various contexts depending on the situation and conditions faced. However, the word naughty is often connoted negatively, referring to certain characteristics, attitudes, and behaviors. These wise naughty quotes may be a lesson or wisdom for you.

As for the wise naughty quotes, they are found in the following reviews with various specific situations and conditions. Here are wise naughty quotes that have been compiled by from various sources.

1. Wise Naughty Quotes

Like the previous review, a number of wise naughty quotes can be a lesson and motivate for a better future. That's why these wise naughty quotes may be a reference when you use naughty words or terms. Here are the wise naughty quotes:

1. Be naughty first, then succeed. It is a sentence that is misused by people who don't want to make an effort when they are young.

2. It's normal for naughty boys to defy their parents, but it's disrespectful.

3. We are not naughty children. We are just a little difficult to control. So please help us to be better.

4. The meaning is; don't be a bad woman, because even naughty men still choose good women. Oraight? - Mario Teguh

5. Don't think that people who appear naughty have no goodness in them. They also don't want to be seen as naughty. - Hafiz Hamidun

6. The silence of the night doesn't mean an opportunity to do naughty things, but it's the right time to get closer to your God.

7. We are just a little difficult to arrange. So please help us to be better.

4. It means; don't be a bad woman, because even naughty men still choose good women. Alright? - Mario Teguh

5. Don't think that people who look naughty have no goodness. They also don't want to be seen as naughty. - Hafiz Hamidun

6. The silence of the night does not mean an opportunity to do naughty things, but the right time to get closer to your God.

7. Naughty is certain, mischievous is relative, stupid is tentative, smart is a must, and repentance is absolute. - Alit Kancan

8. Being naughty is outdated, the trend now is to make PARENTS happy, if you're still naughty, go back to kindergarten!

9. I'm not a good person, but I try to keep getting better.

10. Women dream of naughty men who are only good to them. Men dream of good women who are only naughty to them.

11. Those who are simple must be tolerant, and those who are naughty must suffer.





2. Naughty Quotes for Kids

There are various naughty quotes for kids that can provide lessons for them. Because there may be several factors unknown to parents when they find their children misbehaving. That's why some of these naughty quotes for kids can express your feelings when dealing with naughty children.

12. You don't go out of the house yet, dear. There's a big tiger that escaped from its cage.

13. Meanwhile, hang out with Dad at home. Helping to fix the roof is also rewarding.

14. Mom forbids you from playing now. If the situation is good, Mom will allow it, even increase your pocket money.

15. Mom is strict because Mom doesn't want you to get sick.

16. Mom has cooked vegetables, eat a lot so you won't get sick easily.

17. Naughty children become troubled when they are confused, their confusion is severe, but once they repent - nothing can stop their success. - Mario Teguh

18. Naughty children are not destined to be failures, but if they continue to be naughty - they will definitely fail. - Mario Teguh

19. It's much better to be called a reformed naughty child than to be called a good child who turns into a naughty child.





3. Touching Naughty Quotes

These naughty quotes that touch the heart can also give you a little lesson. Here are naughty quotes that touch the heart about life, education, relationships, or other issues that you need to know. You can also use these naughty quotes as posts on your personal social media account.

20. When students are busy, they are not naughty kids. I believe that education is an investment.

21. Just because I look sexy on the cover of Rolling Stone doesn't mean I'm naughty.

22. Only good girls keep a diary. Naughty girls don't have time.

23. Although sometimes we are called error or naughty, we still have love and care.

24. Naughty kids like me also have good intentions, which is to make our parents happy. The question is, are your parents happy with your mischief? Please explain!

25. It's okay to be a little naughty. We're young after all. - Cepi R. Dini

26. Women are like that. Good men are ignored, while naughty ones are chased after. Later, when they get hurt, they say all men are the same. - Mario Teguh

27. There's no point in punishing your future because of your past mistakes. Forgive yourself, grow from it, and let go.

28. It's normal for young men to be naughty, as long as they're not criminals. - Mario Teguh

29. God, I pray that you grow me into an adult who is no longer naughty. - Mario Teguh

30. Wealthy men become naughtier, while naughty women become wealthier.

31. Naughty but moral. Being naughty once is having good moral values. Naughty is the behavior of someone who lacks intelligence.

32. Even though naughty, still have morals. Even though naughty, still remember God!

33. Most successful people come from young people who were naughty but quickly repented. - Mario Teguh

34. Naughty children can succeed in their own way. And the question is, when will you stop your mischief to start your success? - Chachaoerco





4. Naughty Quotes to Be Better

Naughty quotes to be even better as found in the reviews below can be an inspiration to motivate yourself to rise and be a better person. The following are naughty quotes to be even better that you can refer to.

35. The key to success is focusing on goals, not obstacles.

36. The real difficulty is overcoming your way of thinking about yourself.

37. Loving yourself means understanding that you don't have to be perfect to be good.

38. Success cannot find you. You have to go out and find it.

39. If you are looking for someone who will change your life, look in the mirror.

40. Great people throughout history are those who work more than they talk. - Habiburrahman el Shirazy

41. Push yourself, because no one else will do it for you.

42. Do not let other people's opinions drown out the voice within yourself. - Steve Jobs

43. You don't have to be perfect to inspire others. Let others be inspired by how you handle your imperfections.

44. If you don't love yourself, no one else will love you. Not only that, you won't be able to love others. Love starts with yourself.

Well, those are 44 naughty wise quotes that become life lessons and motivate you to change. You can use various naughty quotes as a reference to be better in the future.



Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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