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77 Words That Make You Cry and Sad About Life, So Valuable Lessons

77 Words That Make You Cry and Sad About Life, So Valuable Lessons Words that make you cry (credit: - Living life doesn't always go smoothly without obstacles. Because there are various problems about life that everyone experiences. Life problems sometimes make you cry and sad but provide valuable life lessons. Some words that make you cry and sad about life can represent your feelings when you are in that position.

Sad words often trigger yourself to cry as a response to expressing all feelings. Because everyone cannot escape from a number of problems that eventually create sadness and make you cry.

This is why they are given a strong heart and mind to be resilient in facing various arising problems. These problems can be about your love life, work, education, or family problems.

When you're sad, sometimes you find it difficult to express it in words and eventually can only cry. This condition is normal, but it is good not to feel too sad until it becomes prolonged. However, you can reduce the feeling of tightness in your chest by expressing your feelings through words.

In addition, words that make you cry and sad words about life can also represent your feelings. The words that make you cry and sad words about life have been summarized by from various sources as follows.



1. Words That Make You Cry About Life

Crying is a natural condition experienced by everyone related to their emotions. Related to emotions, crying can occur because of feelings of sadness, happiness, or anger towards something. In this case, a number of references of words that make you cry can represent your feelings. The following are words that make you cry and sad about life.

1. No matter what our condition is, whether sad, happy, time never stops waiting. Time keeps moving. - Tere Liye

2. Isn't life itself happy and sad? Happy because breath flows and heart beats, sad because thoughts are overshadowed. - W.S Remdra

3. I thought I couldn't cry anymore because of sadness. Only anger makes me shed tears. - Soe Hok Gie

4. Cry without pretending. Feel every drop of tears. Don't fight sadness, pain is meant to be felt. - Wira Negara

5. When you feel deeply hurt by someone's behavior, pray to Allah so that you don't do what they have done.

6. It hurts so much when you have done your best, but it's still not enough.

7. Every time people ask me if I'm okay, it reminds me that I'm not okay.

8. I don't know if this is really where I belong. I have no one to talk to.

9. For me, sleep is not just about relieving fatigue, but an escape.

10. If I could meet God, I would tell Him that this life is a cup of coffee that I never asked for. - RM, Always

11. When arriving at a crossroads and having to choose the path to take. Sometimes, it feels like walking on a treadmill, running in the same place.

12. Everything has changed and friends have gone. But life doesn't stop for anyone.

13. The process of maturing in this life is through the tests that happen in your life.

14. The beautiful moments now are sad thoughts tomorrow. - Bob Marley



2. Words That Make You Cry About Love

Life is also about love or romantic stories that you go through. You may also experience complicated love problems that sometimes make your heart sad and cry. That's why a number of words that make you cry about love might help you express your feelings. Here are words that make you cry and sad about love.

15. Don't be sad if you are still looked down upon, prove that you deserve both of their eyes. - Mario Teguh

16. You are like rain, falling and stopping irregularly, while I am a faithful plant waiting for you to fall.

17. Maybe, I just want to look in the mirror and see someone valuable. But I was wrong because I couldn't see anything. - Mulan

18. Maybe happiness with you is just like a dream, but let that dream continue to accompany me in every sleep.

19. You are the reason why I can smile, and sometimes you are also the reason why I can cry right now.

20. Look at me here, you make me cry. I want to give up, but I don't give up. Trying to forget, but I endure. You are the owner of my heart. - Armada

21. When your love becomes my wound, I don't want to care about the pain.

22. At least, when we are separated by distance, remember that there is someone waiting for you to come home soon.

23. I lost you at a time when I truly loved you and it hurts my heart so much.

24. I should be able to forget you, who have hurt me too many times. Maybe because I love you too much.

25. Don't put me with sad faces on your happy days.

26. I can't forget you but I can let you go.

27. My shoulder may not always be there when you're sad and crying, but my love will always be there for you.

28. I love you for the sake of Allah.

29. Laughed at by distance and time, accompanied by hopes that I feel are fake. But I entrust patience only to you.

30. I am just a meaningless flicker of light out there. But if the dark night embraces you, I will become your guiding light.

31. Remember us even though we are not perfect. Even though only sadness remains.



3. Wise Words That Make You Cry

A number of words that make you cry wisely below can provide valuable lessons for you. As for wise words that make you cry can represent your feelings.

32. The process of maturing in life is through the trials that happen in your life.

33. People cry not because they are weak. But, they cry because they have tried hard for a long time. - Johnny Depp

34. A good lover is someone who is willing to lend their shoulder to their lover when they cry.

35. Problems are the rain of maturity. There is no reason to blame others, fix yourself and be a mature person.

36. Happiness is not because there are no problems. It is the skill to manage them. - Steve Maraboli

37. Falling in love taught me how to be brave. Also how to be patient when you are left alone.

38. The standard of life set by the world is now getting higher like Mount Everest. The higher it gets closer to the peak, the more pressured I feel.

39. I try to vent my anger. But, if there is only me here, what's the point? When morning comes, I'm afraid to open my eyes. In fact, I'm so afraid just to breathe.

40. Twilight age is not something that makes me sad. It can be something to be grateful for if we finish all our work.

41. This sadness takes a long time to recover. Stay away so that I can live my life properly again. - Boy Candra

42. But like a faithful traffic sign, sadness and suffering always embrace faithfully - Pramoedya Ananta Toer



4. Words That Make You Cry and Feel Miserable

Feeling tightness in the chest certainly occurs when you feel sad and it makes you cry. Yes, when you are in that condition, you want to express it and cry as much as you can so that all the burdens can feel a little lighter. That's why these heartbreaking words can help you express your feelings.

43. Breathing is difficult. When you cry too much, it makes you realize that breathing is heavy. - David Levithan

44. I finally got a bouquet and it was a farewell gift. It's sad. - Spirited Away

45. You are afraid to tell others how hurt you are. So, you keep it to yourself.

46. Sometimes, the best thing you can do for someone you love is to let them go. Set them free. Pray for their happiness and set them free. Set yourself free. - Najwa Zebian

47. Don't make someone else the reason for your happiness or sadness. - Anggun Prameswari

48. That's enough. It's useless. I will leave soon, and I will never come back. Don't be sad. There's nothing to regret. Goodbye. - Seno Gumira Ajidarma

49. It's not easy to let go or hold on to something that was once good suddenly turning drastically bad.

50. You care about me, but love someone else. - La Belle Personne

51. No matter how broken my heart is right now, it never crosses my mind to leave your side.

52. There are three things that will never be too late for us to do: love, forgive, and improve ourselves.

53. Sometimes smiling, sometimes crying, and when I'm silent, that's when I remember you.

54. God should have created time to flow in two directions so that I could go back to the past and erase all my regrets.

55. When someone hurts you, don't be sad because God always sends a healer for you.

56. No one in this life is that strong. Everyone feels sadness, but sometimes we can pretend to smile.

57. Wherever I am, I always smile, but deep inside my heart, I cry endlessly.

58. Laughing when sad is one of the pleasant gestures in the world. - Sheva Thalia



5. Words That Make You Cry About Parents

Parental love has no limits, that love is pure and sincere. That's why a child may not be able to repay the love they have been given. Sometimes talking about parents makes the heart sad because they cannot make them happy. Some words that make you cry about parents below can be a reference for you.

59. Near or far, we are only separated by distance. As long as we exist, there is no distance that our family cannot overcome.

60. No matter how far we go, our parents are always within us.

61. Love your parents. We are busy growing up, we often forget that they are also getting older.

62. Love is a chain to bind a child to their parents. - Abraham Lincoln

63. Mother, I love you until the end of my life, even though I know I always disappoint you. Forgive me for not being able to make you happy.

64. Mother, forgive the words that have been spoken by my lips, your child has sometimes hurt your feelings, I really can't bear to see you sad because of my behavior.

65. A mother who loves you very much hears what you say and even understands what you haven't said yet.

66. I am grateful for everything you have taught me, and I feel blessed to call you 'Mother'. I love you, Mom.

67. I cry endlessly when my mother is gone, but I promise, I won't let tears ruin the smile that you gave me when you were still here.

68. Hard to say, suffocating when unsaid. It becomes sad if I don't say it, Mom, I miss you.

69. Mother, I am willing to do anything for you even if it means risking my life, but I realize that it is still not enough to repay all your kindness.

70. If we never pray for our parents, imagine when we ourselves become old.

71. This feeling, torturous, hard to get rid of and keeps growing, yes it is longing for you, Mother.

72. The love of parents for their children is a love that should be emulated. They give a lot without asking for anything in return.

73. No one loves us as much as our mother/father do until now.

74. When a mother cries, believe me, her heart is already deeply hurt. And believe me, she doesn't hate you even a bit.

75. Apologize to your parents before you apologize to their gravestones.

76. Someone learns about the true meaning of love from their mother, and learns knowledge from their father.

77. Without you, I am nothing, I am just a weak person who needs your love and affection.

Those are 77 words that make you cry and sad about life that become valuable lessons. Some of the words that make you cry above can help you express the deepest feelings from the heart.





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